QGrpcStatus Class

The QGrpcStatus class contains information about last gRPC operation. More...

Header: #include <QGrpcStatus>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Grpc)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Grpc)
Since: Qt 6.5

Public Types

enum StatusCode { Ok, Cancelled, InvalidArgument, DeadlineExceeded, NotFound, …, Unauthenticated }


Public Functions

QGrpcStatus(QGrpcStatus::StatusCode code = StatusCode::Ok, const QString &message = QString())
QGrpcStatus(const QGrpcStatus &other)
QGrpcStatus(QGrpcStatus &&other)
QGrpcStatus::StatusCode code() const
QString message() const
QGrpcStatus &operator=(const QGrpcStatus &other)
QGrpcStatus &operator=(QGrpcStatus &&other)
bool operator!=(const QGrpcStatus &lhs, QGrpcStatus::StatusCode code)
bool operator!=(const QGrpcStatus &lhs, const QGrpcStatus &rhs)
bool operator==(const QGrpcStatus &lhs, QGrpcStatus::StatusCode code)
bool operator==(const QGrpcStatus &lhs, const QGrpcStatus &rhs)

Detailed Description

In case of error in call/stream processing QGrpcStatus will contain code any of non-Ok QGrpcStatus::StatusCode. This class combines QGrpcStatus::StatusCode and message returned from channel or QGrpc framework.

Member Type Documentation

enum QGrpcStatus::StatusCode

Channel's status codes.

QGrpcStatus::Ok0No error
QGrpcStatus::Cancelled1The operation was cancelled, typically by the caller.
QGrpcStatus::InvalidArgument3The client specified an invalid argument,
QGrpcStatus::DeadlineExceeded4The deadline expired before the operation could complete,
QGrpcStatus::NotFound5Some requested entity (e.g., file or directory) was not found.
QGrpcStatus::AlreadyExists6The entity that a client attempted to create (e.g., file or directory) already exists.
QGrpcStatus::PermissionDenied7The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation. PermissionDenied must not be used for rejections caused by exhausting some resource (use ResourceExhausted instead for those errors). PermissionDenied must not be used if the caller can not be identified (use Unauthenticated instead for those errors). This error code does not imply the request is valid or the requested entity exists or satisfies other pre-conditions.
QGrpcStatus::ResourceExhausted8Some resource has been exhausted, perhaps a per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space.
QGrpcStatus::FailedPrecondition9The operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required for the operation's execution.
QGrpcStatus::Aborted10The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrency issue such as a sequencer check failure or transaction abort.
QGrpcStatus::OutOfRange11The operation was attempted past the valid range.
QGrpcStatus::Unimplemented12The operation is not implemented or is not supported/enabled in this service.
QGrpcStatus::Internal13This means that some invariants expected by the underlying system have been broken.
QGrpcStatus::Unavailable14The service is currently unavailable. This is most likely a transient condition, which can be corrected by retrying with a backoff. Note that it is not always safe to retry non-idempotent operations.
QGrpcStatus::DataLoss15Unrecoverable data loss or corruption.
QGrpcStatus::Unauthenticated16The request does not have valid authentication credentials for the operation.

See also gRPC status codes.

Property Documentation

[read-only] code : const StatusCode

QGrpcStatus::StatusCode received for prior gRPC call.

Access functions:

QGrpcStatus::StatusCode code() const

[read-only] message : const QString

Status message received for prior gRPC call.

Access functions:

QString message() const

Member Function Documentation

QGrpcStatus::QGrpcStatus(QGrpcStatus::StatusCode code = StatusCode::Ok, const QString &message = QString())

Creates an instance of QGrpcStatus with a status code and a message.

QGrpcStatus::QGrpcStatus(const QGrpcStatus &other)

Copies the other QGrpcStatus to this QGrpcStatus.

QGrpcStatus::QGrpcStatus(QGrpcStatus &&other)

Moves other into new instance of QGrpcStatus.


Destroys the QGrpcStatus.

QGrpcStatus &QGrpcStatus::operator=(const QGrpcStatus &other)

Assigns the other QGrpcStatus into this QGrpcStatus.

QGrpcStatus &QGrpcStatus::operator=(QGrpcStatus &&other)

Move assigns other into new instance of QGrpcStatus.

Related Non-Members

bool operator!=(const QGrpcStatus &lhs, QGrpcStatus::StatusCode code)

Returns true if lhs status code and code are not equal.

bool operator!=(const QGrpcStatus &lhs, const QGrpcStatus &rhs)

Returns true if lhs status code and rhs status code are not equal.

bool operator==(const QGrpcStatus &lhs, QGrpcStatus::StatusCode code)

Returns true if lhs status code and code are equal.

bool operator==(const QGrpcStatus &lhs, const QGrpcStatus &rhs)

Returns true if lhs status code and rhs status code are equal.

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