New Classes and Functions in Qt 6.9

This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions introduced in Qt 6.9.

New Classes

New Member Functions

Class QAbstractHttpServer:

(since 6.9) QHttpServerConfiguration configuration() const
(since 6.9) void setConfiguration(const QHttpServerConfiguration &config)

Class QAbstractOAuth2:

(since 6.9) void accessTokenAboutToExpire()
(since 6.9) void refreshTokens()
(since 6.9) void refreshTokensImplementation()
(since 6.9) void serverReportedErrorOccurred(const QString &error, const QString &errorDescription, const QUrl &uri)
(since 6.9) void setNetworkRequestModifier(const QAbstractOAuth2::ContextTypeForFunctor<Functor> *context, Functor &&callback)

Class QAnyStringView:

(since 6.9) QString arg(Args &&... args) const

Class QBrush:

(since 6.9) QBrush &operator=(QColor color)
(since 6.9) QBrush &operator=(Qt::BrushStyle style)
(since 6.9) QBrush &operator=(Qt::GlobalColor color)

Class QByteArray:

(since 6.9) QByteArray operator+(QByteArrayView lhs, const QByteArray &rhs)
(since 6.9) QByteArray operator+(const QByteArray &lhs, QByteArrayView rhs)

Class QColorSpace:

(since 6.9) QColorSpace::PrimaryPoints primaryPoints() const
(since 6.9) void setPrimaryPoints(const QColorSpace::PrimaryPoints &primaryPoints)

Class QCommandLineParser:

(since 6.9) void showMessageAndExit(QCommandLineParser::MessageType type, const QString &message, int exitCode)

Class QDebug:

(since 6.9) QDebug &operator<<(const std::tuple<Ts...> &tuple)
(since 6.9) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, T t)
(since 6.9) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const std::array<T, N> &array)
(since 6.9) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const std::multiset<Key, Compare, Alloc> &multiset)
(since 6.9) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const std::set<Key, Compare, Alloc> &set)
(since 6.9) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const std::unordered_map<Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc> &map)
(since 6.9) QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const std::unordered_set<Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Alloc> &unordered_set)
(since 6.9) QByteArray toBytes(const T &object)

Class QDockWidget:

(since 6.9) Qt::DockWidgetArea dockLocation() const
(since 6.9) void setDockLocation(Qt::DockWidgetArea area)

Class QDomNodeList:

(since 6.9) QDomNodeList::const_iterator begin() const
(since 6.9) QDomNodeList::const_iterator cbegin() const
(since 6.9) QDomNodeList::const_iterator cend() const
(since 6.9) QDomNodeList::const_iterator constBegin() const
(since 6.9) QDomNodeList::const_iterator constEnd() const
(since 6.9) QDomNodeList::const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
(since 6.9) QDomNodeList::const_reverse_iterator crend() const
(since 6.9) QDomNodeList::const_iterator end() const
(since 6.9) QDomNodeList::const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
(since 6.9) QDomNodeList::const_reverse_iterator rend() const

Class QFile:

(since 6.9) bool supportsMoveToTrash()

Class QFontDatabase:

(since 6.9) void addApplicationEmojiFontFamily(const QString &familyName)
(since 6.9) QStringList applicationEmojiFontFamilies()
(since 6.9) bool removeApplicationEmojiFontFamily(const QString &familyName)
(since 6.9) void setApplicationEmojiFontFamilies(const QStringList &familyNames)

Class QFontInfo:

(since 6.9) QList<QFontVariableAxis> variableAxes() const

Class QHash:

(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::TryEmplaceResult insertOrAssign(K &&key, Value &&value)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::TryEmplaceResult insertOrAssign(Key &&key, Value &&value)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::TryEmplaceResult insertOrAssign(const Key &key, Value &&value)
(since 6.9) std::pair<QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(K &&key, Value &&value)
(since 6.9) std::pair<QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(Key &&key, Value &&value)
(since 6.9) std::pair<QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator, bool> insert_or_assign(const Key &key, Value &&value)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator insert_or_assign(QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator hint, K &&key, Value &&value)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator insert_or_assign(QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator hint, Key &&key, Value &&value)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator insert_or_assign(QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator hint, const Key &key, Value &&value)
(since 6.9) size_t qHash(T key, size_t seed)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::TryEmplaceResult tryEmplace(K &&key, Args &&... args)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::TryEmplaceResult tryEmplace(Key &&key, Args &&... args)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::TryEmplaceResult tryEmplace(const Key &key, Args &&... args)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::TryEmplaceResult tryInsert(K &&key, const T &value)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::TryEmplaceResult tryInsert(const Key &key, const T &value)
(since 6.9) std::pair<QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator, bool> try_emplace(K &&key, Args &&... args)
(since 6.9) std::pair<QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator, bool> try_emplace(Key &&key, Args &&... args)
(since 6.9) std::pair<QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator, bool> try_emplace(const Key &key, Args &&... args)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator try_emplace(QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator hint, K &&key, Args &&... args)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator try_emplace(QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator hint, Key &&key, Args &&... args)
(since 6.9) QHash<Key, T>::key_value_iterator try_emplace(QHash<Key, T>::const_iterator hint, const Key &key, Args &&... args)

Class QHttp2Configuration:

(since 6.9) unsigned int maxConcurrentStreams() const
(since 6.9) void setMaxConcurrentStreams(unsigned int value)

Class QIODevice:

(since 6.9) QByteArrayView readLineInto(QSpan<char> buffer)
(since 6.9) QByteArrayView readLineInto(QSpan<std::byte> buffer)
(since 6.9) QByteArrayView readLineInto(QSpan<uchar> buffer)
(since 6.9) bool readLineInto(QByteArray *line, qint64 maxSize)

Class QImage:

(since 6.9) void flip(Qt::Orientations orient)
(since 6.9) QImage flipped(Qt::Orientations orient) &&
(since 6.9) QImage flipped(Qt::Orientations orient) const &

Class QJniArray:

(since 6.9) QJniArray<T>::reference operator[](QJniArrayBase::size_type i)

Class QJsonValue:

(since 6.9) QJsonValue fromJson(QByteArrayView json, QJsonParseError *error)
(since 6.9) QByteArray toJson(QJsonValue::JsonFormat format) const

Class QLatin1StringView:

(since 6.9) QByteArray toUtf8() const

Class QList:

(since 6.9) auto operator<=>(const QList<T> &lhs, const QList<T> &rhs)

Class QMediaMetaData:

(since 6.9) QtPrivate::QtPrivate::QKeyValueRange<const QHash<Key, QVariant> &> asKeyValueRange() const

Class QMetaEnum:

(since 6.9) bool is64Bit() const
(since 6.9) std::optional<quint64> keyToValue64(const char *key) const
(since 6.9) std::optional<quint64> value64(int index) const

Class QMetaMethod:

(since 6.9) QByteArrayView nameView() const

Class QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow:

(since 6.9) void refreshTokensImplementation()

Class QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow:

(since 6.9) void refreshTokensImplementation()

Class QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler:

(since 6.9) QString callbackHost() const
(since 6.9) void setCallbackHost(const QString &host)

Class QOAuthUriSchemeReplyHandler:

(since 6.9) bool handleAuthorizationRedirect(const QUrl &url)

Class QOpcUaAuthenticationInformation:

(since 6.9) void setCertificateAuthentication(const QString &certificatePath, const QString &privateKeyPath)

Class QPainter:

(since 6.9) void setBrush(QColor color)
(since 6.9) void setBrush(Qt::GlobalColor color)

Class QPdfWriter:

(since 6.9) QString author() const
(since 6.9) void setAuthor(const QString &author)

Class QPen:

(since 6.9) QPen &operator=(QColor color)
(since 6.9) QPen &operator=(Qt::PenStyle style)

Class QQuickWidget:

(since 6.9) void loadFromModule(QAnyStringView uri, QAnyStringView typeName)
(since 6.9) void setInitialProperties(const QVariantMap &initialProperties)

Class QRhi:

(since 6.9) QRhiShadingRateMap *newShadingRateMap()
(since 6.9) void setQueueSubmitParams(QRhiNativeHandles *params)
(since 6.9) QList<QSize> supportedShadingRates(int sampleCount) const

Class QRhiCommandBuffer:

(since 6.9) void setShadingRate(const QSize &coarsePixelSize)

Class QRhiSwapChain:

(since 6.9) void setShadingRateMap(QRhiShadingRateMap *map)
(since 6.9) QRhiShadingRateMap *shadingRateMap() const

Class QRhiTextureRenderTargetDescription:

(since 6.9) void setShadingRateMap(QRhiShadingRateMap *map)
(since 6.9) QRhiShadingRateMap *shadingRateMap() const

Class QSerialPort:

(since 6.9) void settingsRestoredOnCloseChanged(bool restore)

Class QShaderBaker:

(since 6.9) void setGlslOptions(QShaderBaker::GlslOptions options)

Class QSharedPointer:

(since 6.9) QSharedPointer<X> constCast() &&
(since 6.9) QSharedPointer<X> dynamicCast() &&
(since 6.9) QSharedPointer<X> objectCast() &&
(since 6.9) QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerCast(QSharedPointer<T> &&other)
(since 6.9) QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerConstCast(QSharedPointer<T> &&src)
(since 6.9) QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerDynamicCast(QSharedPointer<T> &&src)
(since 6.9) QSharedPointer<X> qSharedPointerObjectCast(QSharedPointer<T> &&src)
(since 6.9) QSharedPointer<X> staticCast() &&

Class QSortFilterProxyModel:

(since 6.9) void beginFilterChange()

Class QSpan:

(since 6.9) void chop(QSpan<T, E>::size_type n)
(since 6.9) QSpan<T> chopped(QSpan<T, E>::size_type n) const
(since 6.9) void slice(QSpan<T, E>::size_type pos)
(since 6.9) void slice(QSpan<T, E>::size_type pos, QSpan<T, E>::size_type n)

Class QSqlDriver:

(since 6.9) QString connectionName() const

Class QSqlQueryModel:

(since 6.9) void refresh()

Class QStackedLayout:

(since 6.9) void widgetAdded(int index)

Class QStackedWidget:

(since 6.9) void widgetAdded(int index)

Class QString:

(since 6.9) QString operator+(QStringView lhs, const QString &rhs)
(since 6.9) QString operator+(const QString &lhs, QStringView rhs)
(since 6.9) QString &setUnicode(const char16_t *unicode, qsizetype size)
(since 6.9) QString &setUtf16(const char16_t *unicode, qsizetype size)

Class QStringList:

(since 6.9) QStringList filter(const QLatin1StringMatcher &matcher) const

Class QThread:

(since 6.9) QThread::QualityOfService serviceLevel() const
(since 6.9) void setServiceLevel(QThread::QualityOfService serviceLevel)

Class QThreadPool:

(since 6.9) QThread::QualityOfService serviceLevel() const
(since 6.9) void setServiceLevel(QThread::QualityOfService serviceLevel)

Class QTimerEvent:

(since 6.9) bool matches(const QBasicTimer &timer) const

Class QUtf8StringView:

(since 6.9) QString arg(Args &&... args) const

Class QUuid:

(since 6.9) QUuid createUuidV7()

Class QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo:

(since 6.9) bool isDownload() const

Class QWindow:

(since 6.9) QMargins safeAreaMargins() const
(since 6.9) void safeAreaMarginsChanged(QMargins margins)

Class QXYSeries:

(since 6.9) void pointsAdded(qsizetype start, qsizetype end)

New Macros

(since 6.9) QCOMPARE_3WAY(lhs, rhs, order)
(since 6.9) Q_CONSTEXPR_DTOR
(since 6.9) Q_DECL_EQ_DELETE_X(reason)
(since 6.9) Q_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE_X(Class, reason)
(since 6.9) Q_DISABLE_COPY_X(Class, reason)
(since 6.9) Q_LIKELY_BRANCH
(since 6.9) Q_STATIC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(name, string, msgType)
(since 6.9) Q_STATIC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(name, string)

New Enum Types

(since 6.9) enum class NonceMode { Automatic, Enabled, Disabled }
(since 6.9) enum class LabelDrawingMode { UseStyle, UseDelegate }
(since 6.9) enum class MessageType { Information, Error }
(since 6.9) enum class AccessLevelExBit { None, CurrentRead, CurrentWrite, HistoryRead, HistoryWrite, …, Constant }
(since 6.9) enum class QualityOfService { Auto, High, Eco }
(since 6.9) enum class TransparencyTechnique { Default, Approximate, Accurate }

New Enum Values

New Type Aliases

(since 6.9) const_iterator
(since 6.9) const_pointer
(since 6.9) const_reference
(since 6.9) const_reverse_iterator
(since 6.9) difference_type
(since 6.9) pointer
(since 6.9) reference
(since 6.9) value_type
(since 6.9) JsonFormat

New Properties

New QML Types

New QML Properties

QML Type Abstract3DAxis:

(since 6.9) labelSize : real
(since 6.9) scaleLabelsByCount : bool

QML Type AbstractAxis:

(since 6.9) alignment : alignment

QML Type ApplicationWindow:

(since 6.9) bottomPadding : real
(since 6.9) leftPadding : real
(since 6.9) rightPadding : real
(since 6.9) topPadding : real

QML Type DebugSettings:

(since 6.9) drawPointLightShadowBoxes : bool

QML Type DirectionalLight:

(since 6.9) lockShadowmapTexels : bool

QML Type DynamicRigidBody:

(since 6.9) isSleeping : bool

QML Type Flickable:

(since 6.9) acceptedButtons : flags

QML Type FontMetrics:

(since 6.9) capitalHeight : real

QML Type GraphsItem3D:

(since 6.9) maxCameraXRotation : real
(since 6.9) maxCameraYRotation : real
(since 6.9) minCameraXRotation : real
(since 6.9) minCameraYRotation : real
(since 6.9) rootNode : Node
(since 6.9) transparencyTechnique : Graphs3D.TransparencyTechnique

QML Type GraphsView:

(since 6.9) plotArea : rect

QML Type Light:

(since 6.9) use32BitShadowmap : bool

QML Type OrbitCameraController:

(since 6.9) acceptedButtons : Qt::MouseButtons
(since 6.9) automaticClipping : bool

QML Type Path:

(since 6.9) asynchronous : bool

QML Type RandomInstancing:

(since 6.9) gridSpacing : vector3d

QML Type SceneEnvironment:

(since 6.9) oitMethod : enumeration

QML Type ValueAxis:

(since 6.9) pan : real
(since 6.9) zoom : real

QML Type Video:

(since 6.9) endOfStreamPolicy : enumeration
(since 6.9) orientation : int

QML Type VideoOutput:

(since 6.9) endOfStreamPolicy : enumeration
(since 6.9) mirrored : bool

QML Type XrInputAction:

(since 6.9) enabled : bool

New QML Signals

(since 6.9) pointsAdded(int start, int end)
(since 6.9) textEdited()

New QML Methods

QML Type Video:

(since 6.9) clearOutput()

QML Type VideoOutput:

(since 6.9) void clearOutput()

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