QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow Class

The QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow class provides an implementation of the Device Authorization Grant flow. More...

Header: #include <QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS NetworkAuth)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::NetworkAuth)
qmake: QT += networkauth
Since: Qt 6.9
Inherits: QAbstractOAuth2


Public Functions

QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow(QObject *parent)
QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow(QNetworkAccessManager *manager, QObject *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow() override
QUrl completeVerificationUrl() const
bool isPolling() const
QString userCode() const
QDateTime userCodeExpirationAt() const
QUrl verificationUrl() const

Public Slots

virtual void grant() override
bool startTokenPolling()
void stopTokenPolling()


void authorizeWithUserCode(const QUrl &verificationUrl, const QString &userCode, const QUrl &completeVerificationUrl)
void completeVerificationUrlChanged(const QUrl &completeVerificationUrl)
void pollingChanged(bool polling)
void userCodeChanged(const QString &userCode)
void userCodeExpirationAtChanged(const QDateTime &expiration)
void verificationUrlChanged(const QUrl &verificationUrl)

Protected Slots

(since 6.9) void refreshTokensImplementation()

Detailed Description

This class implements the Device Authorization Grant flow, which is used to obtain and refresh access tokens and ID tokens, particularly on devices lacking a user-agent or with limited input capabilities. These devices include televisions, machine HMIs, appliances, and IoT devices.

Device flow can be used on any platform and operating system that is capable of SSL/TLS requests. Unlike QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow, this flow is not based on redirects, and therefore does not use a reply handler.

Device Flow Usage

The following snippets illustrate the typical usage. First, we set up the flow similarly to QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow:

// The need for a client secret depends on the authorization server

Then we connect to authorizeWithUserCode signal to handle the user authorization:

connect(&m_deviceFlow, &QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow::authorizeWithUserCode, this,
    [](const QUrl &verificationUrl, const QString &userCode, const QUrl &completeVerificationUrl) {
        if (completeVerificationUrl.isValid()) {
            // If the authorization server provided a complete URL
            // that already contains the necessary data as part of the URL parameters,
            // you can choose to use that
            qDebug() << "Complete verification uri:" << completeVerificationUrl;
        } else {
            // Authorization server provided only verification URL; use that
            qDebug() << "Verification uri and usercode:" << verificationUrl << userCode;

This part is crucial to the flow, and how you handle it depends on your specific use case. One way or another, the user needs to complete the authorization.

Device flow does not define how this authorization completion is done, making it versatile for different use cases. This can be achieved by displaying the verification URI and user code to the user, who can then navigate to it on another device. Alternatively, you could present a QR code for the user to scan with their mobile device, send to a companion application, email to the user, and so on.

While authorization is pending, QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow polls the server at specific intervals (typically 5 seconds) until the user accepts or rejects the authorization, upon which the server responds accordingly and the flow concludes.

Errors can be detected as follows:

connect(&m_deviceFlow, &QAbstractOAuth::requestFailed, this, [](QAbstractOAuth::Error error) {
    // Handle error

connect(&m_deviceFlow, &QAbstractOAuth2::serverReportedErrorOccurred, this,
    [](const QString &error, const QString &errorDescription, const QUrl &uri) {
        // Check server reported error details if needed

QAbstractOAuth2::serverReportedErrorOccurred() signal can be used to get information on specific RFC-defined errors. However, unlike QAbstractOAuth::requestFailed(), it doesn't cover errors such as network errors or client configuration errors.

Flow completion is detected similarly as with QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow, for example:

connect(&m_deviceFlow, &QAbstractOAuth::granted, this, [this](){
    // Here we use QNetworkRequestFactory to store the access token

Property Documentation

[read-only] completeVerificationUrl : const QUrl

This property holds an URL for user to complete the authorization. The URL itself contains the user_code and thus avoids the need for user to enter the code manually. Support for this complete URL varies between authorization servers.

Access functions:

QUrl completeVerificationUrl() const

Notifier signal:

void completeVerificationUrlChanged(const QUrl &completeVerificationUrl)

See also verificationUrl and Device Flow Usage.

[read-only] polling : const bool

This property holds whether or not the flow is actively polling for tokens.

Access functions:

bool isPolling() const

Notifier signal:

void pollingChanged(bool polling)

See also startTokenPolling() and stopTokenPolling().

[read-only] userCode : const QString

This property holds the user_code received in authorization response. This code is used by the user to complete the authorization.

Access functions:

QString userCode() const

Notifier signal:

void userCodeChanged(const QString &userCode)

See also verificationUrl, completeVerificationUrl, and Device Flow Usage.

[read-only] userCodeExpirationAt : const QDateTime

This property holds the local time the user code and underlying device codes expire. The codes are typically valid between 5 and 30 minutes.

Access functions:

QDateTime userCodeExpirationAt() const

Notifier signal:

void userCodeExpirationAtChanged(const QDateTime &expiration)

See also userCode.

[read-only] verificationUrl : const QUrl

This property holds the URL where user should enter the user code to complete authorization.

Access functions:

QUrl verificationUrl() const

Notifier signal:

void verificationUrlChanged(const QUrl &verificationUrl)

See also userCode, completeVerificationUrl, and Device Flow Usage.

Member Function Documentation


Constructs a QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow object.

[explicit] QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow::QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow(QObject *parent)

Constructs a QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow object with parent object parent.

[explicit] QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow::QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow(QNetworkAccessManager *manager, QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow object using parent as parent and sets manager as the network access manager.

[override virtual noexcept] QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow::~QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow()

Destroys the QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow instance.

[signal] void QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow::authorizeWithUserCode(const QUrl &verificationUrl, const QString &userCode, const QUrl &completeVerificationUrl)

This signal is emitted when user should complete the authorization.

If authorization server has provided completeVerificationUrl, user can navigate to that URL. The URL contains the needed userCode and any other needed parameters.

Alternatively, the user needs to navigate to verificationUrl and enter userCode manually.

See also Device Flow Usage.

[override virtual slot] void QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow::grant()

Reimplements: QAbstractOAuth::grant().

Starts the authorization flow as described in Device Grant RFC.

The flow consists of following steps:

  • Authorization request to the authorization server
  • User authorizing the access, see authorizeWithUserCode()
  • Polling the authorization server until user has accepted or rejected the authorization (or codes expire)
  • Indicating the result to the application (see granted() and QAbstractOAuth::requestFailed())

The flow progresses automatically from authorization to token polling.

Calling this function will reset any previous authorization data.

See also authorizeWithUserCode(), granted(), QAbstractOAuth::requestFailed(), polling, startTokenPolling(), stopTokenPolling(), and Device Flow Usage.

[protected slot, since 6.9] void QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow::refreshTokensImplementation()

This function sends a token refresh request.

If the refresh request was initiated successfully, the status is set to QAbstractOAuth::Status::RefreshingToken; otherwise the requestFailed() signal is emitted and the status is not changed. Tokens cannot be refreshed while isPolling is true.

This function has no effect if the token refresh process is already in progress.

If refreshing the token fails and an access token exists, the status is set to QAbstractOAuth::Status::Granted, and to QAbstractOAuth::Status::NotAuthenticated if an access token does not exist.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.9.

See also QAbstractOAuth::requestFailed() and QAbstractOAuth2::refreshTokens().

[slot] bool QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow::startTokenPolling()

Starts token polling. Returns true if the start was successful (or was already active), and false otherwise.

Calling this function is not necessary in a typical use case. Once the authorization request has completed, as a result of grant() call, the polling is started automatically.

This function can be useful in cases where resuming (retrying) the token polling a bit later is needed, without restarting the whole authorization flow. For example in case of a transient network connectivity loss.

Polling interval is defined by the authorization server, and is typically 5 seconds. First poll request is sent once the first interval has elapsed.

See also polling, stopTokenPolling(), and Device Flow Usage.

[slot] void QOAuth2DeviceAuthorizationFlow::stopTokenPolling()

Stops token polling. Any potential outstanding poll requests are silently discarded.

See also polling and startTokenPolling().

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