QQmlSA::Binding Class

class QQmlSA::Binding

Represents a single QML property binding for a specific type. More...

Header: #include <Binding>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS QmlCompiler)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::QmlCompiler)
Status: Technical Preview

Public Types

class Bindings

Public Functions

Binding(const QQmlSA::Binding &other)
Binding(QQmlSA::Binding &&other)
QQmlSA::Element attachedType() const
QQmlSA::Element bindingScope() const
QQmlSA::BindingType bindingType() const
QQmlSA::Element groupType() const
bool hasObject() const
bool hasUndefinedScriptValue() const
bool isAttached() const
double numberValue() const
QQmlSA::Element objectType() const
QString propertyName() const
QQmlSA::ScriptBindingKind scriptKind() const
QQmlSA::SourceLocation sourceLocation() const
QString stringValue() const
QQmlSA::Binding &operator=(QQmlSA::Binding &&other)
QQmlSA::Binding &operator=(const QQmlSA::Binding &other)

Static Public Members

bool isLiteralBinding(QQmlSA::BindingType bindingType)
bool operator!=(const QQmlSA::Binding &lhs, const QQmlSA::Binding &rhs)
bool operator==(const QQmlSA::Binding &lhs, const QQmlSA::Binding &rhs)

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation


Constructs a new Binding object.

Binding::Binding(const QQmlSA::Binding &other)

Creates a copy of other.

[noexcept] Binding::Binding(QQmlSA::Binding &&other)

Move-constructs a Binding instance.

[noexcept] Binding::~Binding()

Destroys the binding.

QQmlSA::Element Binding::attachedType() const

Returns the attached type if the content type of this binding is AttachedProperty, otherwise returns an invalid Element.

QQmlSA::Element Binding::bindingScope() const

Returns the Element scope in which the binding is defined.

QQmlSA::BindingType Binding::bindingType() const

Returns the type of this binding.

QQmlSA::Element Binding::groupType() const

Returns the type of the property of this binding if it is a group property, otherwise returns an invalid Element.

bool Binding::hasObject() const

Returns true if this binding has an objects, otherwise returns false.

bool Binding::hasUndefinedScriptValue() const

Returns whether this binding has script value type undefined like when it is assigned undefined. If the content type of this binding is not QQmlSA::BindingType::Script, returns false.

bool Binding::isAttached() const

Returns true if this type is attached to another one, false otherwise.

[static] bool Binding::isLiteralBinding(QQmlSA::BindingType bindingType)

Returns true if bindingType is a literal type, and false otherwise.

double Binding::numberValue() const

Returns the associated number if the content type of this binding is NumberLiteral, otherwise returns 0.

QQmlSA::Element Binding::objectType() const

Returns the type of the associated object if the content type of this binding is Object, otherwise returns an invalid Element.

QString Binding::propertyName() const

Returns the name of the property bound with this binding.

QQmlSA::ScriptBindingKind Binding::scriptKind() const

Returns the kind of the associated script if the content type of this binding is Script, otherwise returns Invalid.

QQmlSA::SourceLocation Binding::sourceLocation() const

Returns the location in the QML code where this binding is defined.

QString Binding::stringValue() const

Returns the associated string literal if the content type of this binding is StringLiteral, otherwise returns an empty string.

[noexcept] QQmlSA::Binding &Binding::operator=(QQmlSA::Binding &&other)

Move-assigns other to this Binding instance.

QQmlSA::Binding &Binding::operator=(const QQmlSA::Binding &other)

Assigns other to this Binding instance.

Related Non-Members

bool operator!=(const QQmlSA::Binding &lhs, const QQmlSA::Binding &rhs)

Returns true if lhs and rhs are not equal, and false otherwise. Two Bindings are considered equal if their property name, content type, and source location match.

bool operator==(const QQmlSA::Binding &lhs, const QQmlSA::Binding &rhs)

Returns true if lhs and rhs are equal, and false otherwise. Two Bindings are considered equal if their property name, content type, and source location match.

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