QQmlSA::Element Class

class QQmlSA::Element

Represents a QML type. More...

Header: #include <Element>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS QmlCompiler)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::QmlCompiler)
Status: Technical Preview

Public Functions

Element(const QQmlSA::Element &other)
Element(QQmlSA::Element &&other)
QQmlSA::AccessSemantics accessSemantics() const
QQmlSA::Element baseType() const
QString baseTypeName() const
QString defaultPropertyName() const
QString filePath() const
bool hasMethod(const QString &methodName) const
bool hasOwnProperty(const QString &propertyName) const
bool hasOwnPropertyBindings(const QString &propertyName) const
bool hasProperty(const QString &propertyName) const
bool hasPropertyBindings(const QString &name) const
QQmlSA::SourceLocation idSourceLocation() const
bool inherits(const QQmlSA::Element &element) const
bool isComposite() const
bool isFileRootComponent() const
bool isNull() const
bool isPropertyRequired(const QString &propertyName) const
QString name() const
QQmlSA::Method::Methods ownMethods() const
QQmlSA::Binding::Bindings ownPropertyBindings() const
QQmlSA::Binding::Bindings ownPropertyBindings(const QString &propertyName) const
QQmlSA::Element parentScope() const
QQmlSA::Property property(const QString &propertyName) const
QList<QQmlSA::Binding> propertyBindings(const QString &propertyName) const
QQmlSA::ScopeType scopeType() const
QQmlSA::SourceLocation sourceLocation() const
bool operator bool() const
bool operator!() const
QQmlSA::Element &operator=(QQmlSA::Element &&other)
QQmlSA::Element &operator=(const QQmlSA::Element &other)
qsizetype qHash(const QQmlSA::Element &key, qsizetype seed = 0)
bool operator!=(const QQmlSA::Element &lhs, const QQmlSA::Element &rhs)
bool operator==(const QQmlSA::Element &lhs, const QQmlSA::Element &rhs)

Detailed Description

Member Function Documentation


Constructs a new Element object.

Element::Element(const QQmlSA::Element &other)

Creates a copy of other.

[noexcept] Element::Element(QQmlSA::Element &&other)

Move-constructs an Element instance.

[noexcept] Element::~Element()

Destroys the element.

QQmlSA::AccessSemantics Element::accessSemantics() const

Returns the access semantics of this Element. For example, Reference, Value or Sequence.

QQmlSA::Element Element::baseType() const

Returns the Element this Element derives from.

QString Element::baseTypeName() const

Returns the name of the Element this Element derives from.

QString Element::defaultPropertyName() const

Returns the name of the default property of this Element. If it doesn't have one, returns an empty string.

QString Element::filePath() const

Returns the file path of the QML code that defines this Element.

bool Element::hasMethod(const QString &methodName) const

Returns whether this Element has a method with the name methodName.

bool Element::hasOwnProperty(const QString &propertyName) const

Returns whether this Element defines a property with the name propertyName which is not defined on its base or extension objects.

bool Element::hasOwnPropertyBindings(const QString &propertyName) const

Returns whether this Element has property bindings which are not defined in its base or extension objects and that have name propertyName.

bool Element::hasProperty(const QString &propertyName) const

Returns whether this Element has a property with the name propertyName.

bool Element::hasPropertyBindings(const QString &name) const

Returns whether this Element has a property binding with the name name.

QQmlSA::SourceLocation Element::idSourceLocation() const

Returns the location in the QML code where this Element is assigned its id, if it has one.

bool Element::inherits(const QQmlSA::Element &element) const

Returns whether this Element inherits from element.

bool Element::isComposite() const

Returns true for objects defined from Qml, and false for objects declared from C++.

bool Element::isFileRootComponent() const

Returns whether this Element is the root component of its QML file.

bool Element::isNull() const

Returns true if this element is null, false otherwise.

bool Element::isPropertyRequired(const QString &propertyName) const

Returns whether the property with the name propertyName resolved on this Element is required. Returns false if the the property couldn't be found.

QString Element::name() const

Returns the name of this Element.

QQmlSA::Method::Methods Element::ownMethods() const

Returns this Elements's methods, which are not defined on its base or extension objects.

QQmlSA::Binding::Bindings Element::ownPropertyBindings() const

Returns this Element's property bindings which are not defined on its base or extension objects.

QQmlSA::Binding::Bindings Element::ownPropertyBindings(const QString &propertyName) const

Returns this Element's property bindings which are not defined on its base or extension objects and that have the name propertyName.

QQmlSA::Element Element::parentScope() const

Returns the Element that encloses this Element.

QQmlSA::Property Element::property(const QString &propertyName) const

Returns the property with the name propertyName if it is found in this Element or its base and extension objects, otherwise returns an invalid property.

QList<QQmlSA::Binding> Element::propertyBindings(const QString &propertyName) const

Returns this Element's property bindings that have the name propertyName.

QQmlSA::ScopeType Element::scopeType() const

Returns the type of Element's scope.

QQmlSA::SourceLocation Element::sourceLocation() const

Returns the location in the QML code where this Element is defined.

[explicit] bool Element::operator bool() const

Returns true if this element is not null, false otherwise.

bool Element::operator!() const

Returns true if this element is null, false otherwise.

[noexcept] QQmlSA::Element &Element::operator=(QQmlSA::Element &&other)

Move-assigns other to this Element instance.

QQmlSA::Element &Element::operator=(const QQmlSA::Element &other)

Assigns other to this element instance.

Related Non-Members

[noexcept] qsizetype qHash(const QQmlSA::Element &key, qsizetype seed = 0)

Returns the hash for key using seed to seed the calculation.

bool operator!=(const QQmlSA::Element &lhs, const QQmlSA::Element &rhs)

Returns true if lhs and rhs are not equal, and false otherwise.

bool operator==(const QQmlSA::Element &lhs, const QQmlSA::Element &rhs)

Returns true if lhs and rhs are equal, and false otherwise.

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