QSurface3DSeries Class

The QSurface3DSeries class represents a data series in a 3D surface graph. More...

Header: #include <QSurface3DSeries>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Graphs)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Graphs)
qmake: QT += graphs
In QML: Surface3DSeries
Inherits: QAbstract3DSeries

Public Types

enum DrawFlag { DrawWireframe, DrawSurface, DrawSurfaceAndWireframe, DrawFilledSurface }
flags DrawFlags


Public Functions

QSurface3DSeries(QObject *parent = nullptr)
QSurface3DSeries(QSurfaceDataProxy *dataProxy, QObject *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QSurface3DSeries() override
void clearArray()
void clearRow(qsizetype rowIndex)
QSurfaceDataArray dataArray() &&
const QSurfaceDataArray &dataArray() const &
QSurfaceDataProxy *dataProxy() const
QSurface3DSeries::DrawFlags drawMode() const
bool isFlatShadingSupported() const
QPoint selectedPoint() const
void setDataArray(const QSurfaceDataArray &newDataArray)
void setDataProxy(QSurfaceDataProxy *proxy)
void setDrawMode(QSurface3DSeries::DrawFlags mode)
void setSelectedPoint(QPoint position)
void setShading(const QSurface3DSeries::Shading shading)
void setTexture(const QImage &texture)
void setTextureFile(const QString &filename)
void setWireframeColor(QColor color)
QSurface3DSeries::Shading shading() const
QImage texture() const
QString textureFile() const
QColor wireframeColor() const


void dataArrayChanged(const QSurfaceDataArray &array)
void dataProxyChanged(QSurfaceDataProxy *proxy)
void drawModeChanged(QSurface3DSeries::DrawFlags mode)
void flatShadingSupportedChanged(bool enabled)
void selectedPointChanged(QPoint position)
void shadingChanged(const QSurface3DSeries::Shading shading)
void textureChanged(const QImage &image)
void textureFileChanged(const QString &filename)
void wireframeColorChanged(QColor color)

Static Public Members

Detailed Description

This class manages the series-specific visual elements, as well as the series data (via a data proxy).

Regarding the proxy-series relationship, it is crucial to highlight a couple of key points. In this context, data is stored in series and users can access the dataset through the series. This series is controlled or represented by a proxy object. Thus, the proxy can be used to manage various operations on the data and update the actual dataset. However, it is necessary to create a series associated with this proxy to edit the dataset.

If no data proxy is set explicitly for the series, the series creates a default proxy. Setting another proxy will destroy the existing proxy and all data added to the series.

The object mesh set via the QAbstract3DSeries::mesh property defines the selection pointer shape in a surface series.

QSurface3DSeries supports the following format tags for QAbstract3DSeries::setItemLabelFormat():

@xTitleTitle from x-axis
@yTitleTitle from y-axis
@zTitleTitle from z-axis
@xLabelItem value formatted using the format of the x-axis. For more information, see QValue3DAxis::labelFormat.
@yLabelItem value formatted using the format of the y-axis. For more information, see QValue3DAxis::labelFormat.
@zLabelItem value formatted using the format of the z-axis. For more information, see QValue3DAxis::labelFormat.
@seriesNameName of the series

For example:

proxy->setItemLabelFormat(QStringLiteral("@valueTitle for (@rowLabel, @colLabel): %.1f"));

See also Qt Graphs Data Handling with 3D.

Member Type Documentation

enum QSurface3DSeries::DrawFlag
flags QSurface3DSeries::DrawFlags

The drawing mode of the surface. Values of this enumeration can be combined with the OR operator.

QSurface3DSeries::DrawWireframe1Only the grid is drawn.
QSurface3DSeries::DrawSurface2Only the surface is drawn.
QSurface3DSeries::DrawSurfaceAndWireframeDrawWireframe | DrawSurfaceBoth the surface and grid are drawn.
QSurface3DSeries::DrawFilledSurface (since Qt 6.10)4Draws a fill for a surface. Setting this mode also sets DrawSurface if it is not already set.

The DrawFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<DrawFlag>. It stores an OR combination of DrawFlag values.

Property Documentation

dataArray : QSurfaceDataArray

Data array for the series.

Holds the reference of the data array.

dataArrayChanged signal is emitted when data array is set, unless newDataArray is identical to the previous one.

Note: Before doing anything regarding the dataArray, a series must be created for the relevant proxy.

Access functions:

const QSurfaceDataArray &dataArray() const &
QSurfaceDataArray dataArray() &&
void setDataArray(const QSurfaceDataArray &newDataArray)

Notifier signal:

void dataArrayChanged(const QSurfaceDataArray &array)

See also clearRow(qsizetype rowIndex) and clearArray().

dataProxy : QSurfaceDataProxy*

This property holds the active data proxy.

The series assumes ownership of any proxy set to it and deletes any previously set proxy when a new one is added. The proxy cannot be null or set to another series.

Access functions:

QSurfaceDataProxy *dataProxy() const
void setDataProxy(QSurfaceDataProxy *proxy)

Notifier signal:

void dataProxyChanged(QSurfaceDataProxy *proxy)

drawMode : QSurface3DSeries::DrawFlags

The drawing mode.

Possible values are the values of DrawFlag. Clearing all flags is not allowed.

Access functions:

QSurface3DSeries::DrawFlags drawMode() const
void setDrawMode(QSurface3DSeries::DrawFlags mode)

Notifier signal:

void drawModeChanged(QSurface3DSeries::DrawFlags mode)

[read-only] flatShadingSupported : const bool

This property holds whether surface flat shading is supported by the current system.

Flat shading for surfaces requires at least GLSL version 1.2 with GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 extension. If true, flat shading for surfaces is supported.

Note: This read-only property is set to its correct value after the first render pass. Until then it is always true.

Access functions:

bool isFlatShadingSupported() const

Notifier signal:

void flatShadingSupportedChanged(bool enabled)

selectedPoint : QPoint

This property holds the surface grid point that is selected in the series.

Selects a surface grid point at the position position in the data array of the series specified by a row and a column.

Only one point can be selected at a time.

To clear the selection from this series, invalidSelectionPosition() is set as position. If this series is added to a graph, the graph can adjust the selection according to user interaction or if it becomes invalid.

Removing rows from or inserting rows into the series before the row of the selected point will adjust the selection so that the same point will stay selected.

Access functions:

QPoint selectedPoint() const
void setSelectedPoint(QPoint position)

Notifier signal:

void selectedPointChanged(QPoint position)

See also Q3DGraphsWidgetItem::clearSelection().

shading : QSurface3DSeries::Shading

This property holds whether surface flat shading is enabled.

Preset to QSurface3DSeries::Shading::Flat by default.

When disabled, the normals on the surface are interpolated making the edges look round. When visible, the normals are kept the same on a triangle making the color of the triangle solid. This makes the data more readable from the model.

Note: Flat shaded surfaces require at least GLSL version 1.2 with GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 extension. The value of the flatShadingSupported property indicates whether flat shading is supported at runtime.

Access functions:

QSurface3DSeries::Shading shading() const
void setShading(const QSurface3DSeries::Shading shading)

Notifier signal:

void shadingChanged(const QSurface3DSeries::Shading shading)

texture : QImage

This property holds the texture for the surface as a QImage.

Setting an empty QImage clears the texture.

Access functions:

QImage texture() const
void setTexture(const QImage &texture)

Notifier signal:

void textureChanged(const QImage &image)

textureFile : QString

This property holds the texture for the surface as a file.

Setting an empty file name clears the texture.

Access functions:

QString textureFile() const
void setTextureFile(const QString &filename)

Notifier signal:

void textureFileChanged(const QString &filename)

wireframeColor : QColor

This property holds the color for the surface wireframe.

Access functions:

QColor wireframeColor() const
void setWireframeColor(QColor color)

Notifier signal:

void wireframeColorChanged(QColor color)

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] QSurface3DSeries::QSurface3DSeries(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a surface 3D series with the parent parent.

[explicit] QSurface3DSeries::QSurface3DSeries(QSurfaceDataProxy *dataProxy, QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a surface 3D series with the data proxy dataProxy and the parent parent.

[override virtual noexcept] QSurface3DSeries::~QSurface3DSeries()

Deletes the surface 3D series.

void QSurface3DSeries::clearArray()

Clears the existing array.

void QSurface3DSeries::clearRow(qsizetype rowIndex)

Clears the existing row in the array according to given rowIndex.

[static] QPoint QSurface3DSeries::invalidSelectionPosition()

Returns the QPoint signifying an invalid selection position. This is set to the selectedPoint property to clear the selection from this series.

See also Q3DGraphsWidgetItem::clearSelection().

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