Qt for Android Automotive Change Log

Qt for Android Automotive 6.7.2 Release

Go to Qt for Android Automotive Quick Starter Guide and check it out.

New Features

  • Based on Qt 6.7.2
  • Fixed an issue in the ActivityView rendering back end when it didn't show the Activity on hardware devices.
  • Fixed an issue with wrong scaling in the ActivityView when the HDPI scaling was enabled.
  • Fixed incorrect status change of ActivityView when the Activity added a new task.

Previous Releases

Qt for Android Automotive 6.7.1 Release

New Features

  • Based on Qt 6.7.1

Qt for Android Automotive 6.7.0 Release

New Features

  • Based on Qt 6.7.0
  • Added TexturedActivityView as the default backend of ActivityView module. With the new backend, QQuickActivityView supports resizing, z-order, and transformation as with any other QQuickItem.

Qt for Android Automotive 6.6

See the change log for more information.

Qt for Android Automotive 6.5

See the change log for more information.

Qt for Android Automotive 6.4

See the change log for more information.

Qt for Android Automotive 6.3

See the change log for more information.

Qt for Android Automotive 6.2

See the change log for more information.

Qt for Android Automotive Technology Preview Release

Based on Qt 5.15 and the Qt IVI module.

Please contact Qt Professional Services regarding the technology preview release.

Available under certain Qt licenses.
Find out more.