Qt Quick Ultralite Automotive Cluster Demo
/****************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the Qt Quick Ultralite module. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:COMM$ ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see http://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at http://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ******************************************************************************/import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuickUltralite.Extras 2.0 import Automotive 1.0 Rectangle { id: root width: 800; height: 480; color: "#00091a" Item { id: cluster anchors.fill: parent visible: MainModel.clusterVisible opacity: MainModel.clusterOpacity Image { id: bg anchors { bottom: parent.bottom; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; } source: "images/bg-mask.png" transform: Scale { origin.x: bg.implicitWidth / 2 origin.y: bg.implicitHeight xScale: normalMode.scale yScale: normalMode.scale } } Image { id: highlights anchors { bottom: parent.bottom; horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; } source: "images/car-highlights.png" transform: Scale { origin.x: highlights.implicitWidth / 2 origin.y: highlights.implicitHeight xScale: normalMode.scale yScale: normalMode.scale } } StaticText { id: odo anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; anchors.bottomMargin: 27; anchors.left: parent.left; anchors.leftMargin: 30; text: "ODO"; color: "#657080" font.pixelSize: 12; font.family: "Sarabun"; } Text { id: odoValue anchors.baseline: odo.baseline; anchors.left: odo.right; anchors.leftMargin: 4; text: Units.toInt(Units.kilometersToLongDistanceUnit(MainModel.odo)); color: Style.lightPeriwinkle; font.pixelSize: 20; font.family: "Sarabun"; } StaticText { id: odoUnit anchors.baseline: odo.baseline; anchors.left: odoValue.right; anchors.leftMargin: 4; text: Units.longDistanceUnit; color: "#657080" font.pixelSize: 12; font.family: "Sarabun"; } StaticText { id: range anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; anchors.bottomMargin: 27; x: 170 text: "RANGE"; color: "#657080" font.pixelSize: 12; font.family: "Sarabun"; } Text { id: rangeValue anchors.baseline: range.baseline; anchors.left: range.right; anchors.leftMargin: 4; text: Units.toInt(Units.kilometersToLongDistanceUnit(MainModel.range)); color: Style.lightPeriwinkle; font.pixelSize: 20; font.family: "Sarabun"; } StaticText { id: rangeUnit anchors.baseline: range.baseline; anchors.left: rangeValue.right; anchors.leftMargin: 4; text: Units.longDistanceUnit; color: "#657080" font.pixelSize: 12; font.family: "Sarabun"; } LinearGauge { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; anchors.bottomMargin: 27; x: 534; image: "images/fuel.png"; emptyText: "R"; value: MainModel.fuelLevel; } LinearGauge { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; anchors.bottomMargin: 27; x: 660; image: "images/battery.png"; emptyText: "E"; value: MainModel.batteryLevel; } NormalMode { id: normalMode; anchors.fill: parent; active: MainModel.clusterMode == MainModel.ModeNormal; } SportMode { anchors.fill: parent; active: MainModel.clusterMode == MainModel.ModeSport; } Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: MainModel.clusterOpacityChangeDuration; } } } TellTales { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; y:16; visible: MainModel.telltalesVisible } PerformanceMetrics { anchors.margins: 4 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom } SimulationController { id: simulationController } Timer { interval: 50 running: true repeat: true onTriggered: { ConnectivityService.sendHeartBeat() } } Timer { id: inactivityTimer interval: 10000 running: false repeat: false onTriggered: { simulationController.stopInteractiveMode() } } function enterInteractiveMode() { simulationController.startInteractiveMode(); inactivityTimer.restart() } function onHmiInputPressed(key : int) { if (!MainModel.introSequenceCompleted) { return } enterInteractiveMode() } function onHmiInputReleased(key : int) { if (!MainModel.introSequenceCompleted) { return } enterInteractiveMode(); if (MainModel.clusterMode == MainModel.ModeNormal) { if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_KNOB_TURN_LEFT) { NormalModeModel.previousMenu() } else if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_KNOB_TURN_RIGHT) { NormalModeModel.nextMenu() } else if (NormalModeModel.menu == NormalModeModel.MediaPlayerMenu) { if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_LEFT) { MediaPlayerModel.previousSong() } else if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_RIGHT) { MediaPlayerModel.nextSong() } else if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_KNOB_CENTER) { MediaPlayerModel.mediaPlayback = !MediaPlayerModel.mediaPlayback } } else if (NormalModeModel.menu == NormalModeModel.PhoneMenu) { if (!PhoneModel.inCall) { if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_LEFT) { PhoneModel.previousTab() } else if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_RIGHT) { PhoneModel.nextTab(); } else if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_UP) { PhoneModel.previousContact() } else if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_CENTER) { PhoneModel.nextContact() } } if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_KNOB_CENTER) { PhoneModel.inCall = !PhoneModel.inCall } } else if (NormalModeModel.menu == NormalModeModel.CarStatusMenu) { if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_LEFT) { SettingsMenuModel.previousTab() } else if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_RIGHT) { SettingsMenuModel.nextTab(); } } } if ((MainModel.clusterMode == MainModel.ModeNormal && NormalModeModel.menu == NormalModeModel.CarStatusMenu && SettingsMenuModel.currentTab == SettingsMenuModel.DriveModeTab) || (MainModel.clusterMode == MainModel.ModeSport && SportModeModel.menuActive)) { if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_KNOB_CENTER) { if (SettingsMenuModel.currentDriveModeSelected == SettingsMenuModel.NormalDrive) { simulationController.switchToNormalMode() } else { simulationController.switchToSportMode() } } else if (key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_UP || key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_CENTER) { SettingsMenuModel.switchOption() } } if (MainModel.clusterMode == MainModel.ModeSport && key == HMIInputEvent.HMI_KNOB_TURN_RIGHT) { SportModeModel.menuActive = !SportModeModel.menuActive } } function keyToHMI(key : int) : int { switch (key) { case Qt.Key_Up: return HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_UP case Qt.Key_Down: return HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_DOWN case Qt.Key_Left: return HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_LEFT case Qt.Key_Right: return HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_RIGHT case Qt.Key_Space: return HMIInputEvent.HMI_BTN_CENTER case Qt.Key_PageDown: return HMIInputEvent.HMI_KNOB_TURN_LEFT case Qt.Key_PageUp: return HMIInputEvent.HMI_KNOB_TURN_RIGHT case Qt.Key_Return: return HMIInputEvent.HMI_KNOB_CENTER default: return HMIInputEvent.HMI_UNKNOWN } } Keys.onPressed: { onHmiInputPressed(keyToHMI(event.key)) } Keys.onReleased: { onHmiInputReleased(keyToHMI(event.key)) } HMIInput.onPressed: { onHmiInputPressed(key) } HMIInput.onReleased: { onHmiInputReleased(key) } Component.onCompleted: { simulationController.start() } }