class QSGTextNode

The QSGTextNode class is a class for drawing text layouts and text documents in the Qt Quick scene graph. More

Inheritance diagram of PySide6.QtQuick.QSGTextNode

Added in version 6.7.



Virtual methods


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Detailed Description

QSGTextNode can be useful for creating custom Qt Quick items that require text. It is used in Qt Quick by the Text, TextEdit and TextInput elements.

You can create QSGTextNode objects using createTextNode() . The addTextLayout() and addTextDocument() functions provide ways to add text to the QSGTextNode . The text must already be laid out.


Properties must be set before addTextLayout() or addTextDocument() are called in order to have an effect.


The destruction of QSGTextNode has to be managed with care. In particular, since it references graphics resources, it must be deleted when the Qt Quick scene graph is invalidated. If the node is part of the graph and has the OwnedByParent flag set (which is the default), this will happen automatically. However, if the OwnedByParent flag is cleared and the node is disposed of manually, care must be taken to do this when the scene graph is invalidated. This can be done by connecting to the sceneGraphInvalidated() signal, or by implementing a slot in the QQuickItem subclass which is named invalidateSceneGraph(). See also the documentation of QQuickItem for more details.

class TextStyle

This enum type describes styles that can be applied to text rendering.




The text is drawn without any style applied.


The text is drawn with an outline.


The text is drawn raised.


The text is drawn sunken.

class RenderType

This enum type describes type of glyph node used for rendering the text.




Text is rendered using a scalable distance field for each glyph.


Text is rendered using a platform-specific technique.


Text is rendered using a curve rasterizer running directly on the graphics hardware.

Select NativeRendering if you prefer text to look native on the target platform and do not require advanced features such as transformation of the text. Using such features in combination with the NativeRendering render type will lend poor and sometimes pixelated results.

Both Text.QtRendering and Text.CurveRendering are hardware-accelerated techniques. QtRendering is the faster of the two, but uses more memory and will exhibit rendering artifacts at large sizes. CurveRendering should be considered as an alternative in cases where QtRendering does not give good visual results or where reducing graphics memory consumption is a priority.

addTextDocument(position, document[, selectionStart=-1[, selectionCount=-1]])

Adds the contents of document to the text node at position. If selectionStart is >= 0, then this marks the first character in a selected area of selectionCount number of characters. The selection is represented as a background fill with the selectionColor() and the selected text is rendered in the selectionTextColor() .

This function forwards its arguments to the virtual function doAddTextDocument().

See also

clear() doAddTextDocument()

addTextLayout(position, layout[, selectionStart=-1[, selectionCount=-1[, lineStart=0[, lineCount=-1]]]])
  • positionQPointF

  • layoutQTextLayout

  • selectionStart – int

  • selectionCount – int

  • lineStart – int

  • lineCount – int

Adds the contents of layout to the text node at position. If selectionStart is >= 0, then this marks the first character in a selected area of selectionCount number of characters. The selection is represented as a background fill with the selectionColor() and the selected text is rendered in the selectionTextColor() .

For convenience, lineStart and lineCount can be used to select the range of QTextLine objects to include from the layout. This can be useful, for instance, when creating elided layouts. If lineCount is < 0, then the the node will include the lines from lineStart to the end of the layout.

This function forwards its arguments to the virtual function doAddTextLayout().

See also

clear() doAddTextLayout()

abstract clear()

Clears the contents of the node, deleting nodes and other data that represents the layouts and documents that have been added to it.

abstract color()
Return type:


Returns the main color used when rendering the text.

See also


abstract filtering()
Return type:


Returns the sampling mode used when scaling images that are part of the displayed text.

See also


abstract linkColor()
Return type:


Returns the color of hyperlinks in the text.

See also


abstract renderType()
Return type:


Returns the type of glyph node used for rendering the text.

See also


abstract renderTypeQuality()
Return type:


Returns the render type quality of the node. See setRenderTypeQuality() for details.

abstract selectionColor()
Return type:


Returns the color of the selection background when any part of the text is marked as selected.

abstract selectionTextColor()
Return type:


Returns the color of the selection text when any part of the text is marked as selected.

abstract setColor(color)


Sets the main color to use when rendering the text to color.

The default is black: QColor(0, 0, 0).

See also


abstract setFiltering(arg__1)


Sets the sampling mode used when scaling images that are part of the displayed text to filtering. For smoothly scaled images, use Linear here.

The default is Nearest .

See also


abstract setLinkColor(linkColor)


Sets the color of or hyperlinks to linkColor in the text.

The default is blue: QColor(0, 0, 255).

See also


abstract setRenderType(renderType)


Sets the type of glyph node in use to renderType.

The default is QtRendering .

See also


abstract setRenderTypeQuality(renderTypeQuality)

renderTypeQuality – int

If the renderType() in use supports it, set the quality to use when rendering the text. When supported, this can be used to trade visual fidelity for execution speed or memory.

When the renderTypeQuality is < 0, the default quality is used.

The renderTypeQuality can be any integer, although limitations imposed by the underlying graphics hardware may be encountered if extreme values are set. The Qt Quick Text element operates with the following predefined values:

  • DefaultRenderTypeQuality

  • -1 (default)

This value is currently only respected by the QtRendering render type. Setting it changes the resolution of the distance fields used to represent the glyphs. Setting it above normal will cause memory consumption to increase, but reduces filtering artifacts on very large text.

The default is -1.

abstract setSelectionColor(selectionColor)


Sets the color of the selection background to color when any part of the text is marked as selected.

The default is dark blue: QColor(0, 0, 128).

See also


abstract setSelectionTextColor(selectionTextColor)


Sets the color of the selection text to selectionTextColor when any part of the text is marked as selected.

The default is white: QColor(255, 255, 255).

abstract setStyleColor(styleColor)


Sets the style color to use when rendering the text to styleColor.

The default is black: QColor(0, 0, 0).

abstract setTextStyle(textStyle)


Sets the style of the rendered text to textStyle. The default is Normal.

abstract setViewport(viewport)


Sets the bounding rect of the viewport where the text is displayed to viewport. Providing this information makes it possible for the QSGTextNode to optimize which parts of the text layout or document are included in the scene graph.

The default is a default-constructed QRectF. For this viewport, all contents will be included in the graph.

See also


abstract styleColor()
Return type:


Returns the style color used when rendering the text.

abstract textStyle()
Return type:


Returns the style of the rendered text.

abstract viewport()
Return type:


Returns the current viewport set for this QSGTextNode .

See also
