class QQuick3DRenderExtension

Abstract class for implementing user side render extensions. More

Inheritance diagram of PySide6.QtQuick3D.QQuick3DRenderExtension

Added in version 6.7.




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Detailed Description

This is the front-end side of a render extension. The back-end side is implemented in QSSGRenderExtension . The QQuick3DRenderExtension class is used to create a custom render extension that can be used in the QtQuick3D scene graph by adding it to the list of extensions to be used with a View3D . The extension code will then be run as part of QtQuick3D ‘s rendering pipeline execution.

The QQuick3DRenderExtension class is an abstract class that should be subclassed and exposed to QML. The subclass should implement the updateSpatialNode() function and return a QSSGRenderExtension instance that contains the code that should be run.

See also


