
pyside6-genpyi is a command line tool to generate Python stub files (.pyi) for PySide modules. Stub files define signatures of all classes, methods (including overloads), constants and enums of the PySide modules. Signatures also contain type hints. This helps PySide integrate with Python type checkers and IDEs. For example, if you use any function from the Qt API with PySide, your IDE’s function lookup feature will show you the function signature and its parameters and return value including types.

PySide6 already ships with stub files that were generated with pyside6-genpyi. However, if you want to generate new stub files for several (or all) modules, for example to toggle a few features, you can run pyside6-genpyi manually. If you want to generate stub files for your own custom module, refer to shiboken6-genpyi.


To generate stub files for a PySide module, run the following command:

pyside6-genpyi <module_names> [OPTIONS]

where <module_names> is a space-separated list of module names (the modules must be importable from the working directory) and where [OPTIONS] can be one of the following:

  • –quiet: Run the tool quietly without output to stdout.

  • –outpath <output_dir>: Specify the output directory for the generated stub files. If not specified, the stub files are generated in the location of the module binary.

  • –sys-path <paths>: Prepend the system path (sys.path) with a space-separated list of strings <paths>. This is useful if the module is not installed in a default lookup location.

  • –feature <features>: A space-separate list of optional PySide features to enable (see Considerations). This option has no effect when using PyPy. Currently, the following features are available:

    • snake_case: All methods in the module are switched from camelCase to snake_case. A single upper case letter is replaced by an underscore and the lower case letter.

    • true_property: All getter and setter functions in the module which are marked as a property in the Qt6 docs are replaced by Python property objects. Properties are also listed as such in the according QMetaObject of a class.