Qt Quick Studio Components QML Types

Preset components are available for creating differently shaped objects, such as arcs, pies, regular polygons, stars, texts, or triangles, as well as objects with particular abilities, such as being visibly flipped between their front and back sides, like a card. The components are built on top of Qt Quick Shapes QML Types, with some additional properties.

The QML types can be imported into your application using the following import statements in your .qml file:

import QtQuick.Studio.Components


An arc that ends at the specified position and uses the specified radius


A border drawn in four segments: left, top, right, and bottom


A filled ellipse with an optional border


Provides a surface that can be flipped


A group item that gets its size from its children


A pie


A filled rectangle with an optional border


A filled regular polygon with an optional border


A filled star-shaped polygon with an optional border


A path defined using an SVG path data string


A filled text with an optional border


A triangle

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