Qt Safe Renderer Change Log

Qt Safe Renderer 2.1.0 Release candidate 1

  • Released: June 2024
  • The release contains bug fixes and documentation improvements to new features listed in New Features.
  • The release has not yet been certified.

Qt Safe Renderer 2.1.0 Beta 3

  • Released: April 2024
  • The release contains bug fixes and documentation improvements to new features listed in New Features.
  • The release has not yet been certified.

Qt Safe Renderer 2.1.0 Beta 2

  • Released: November 2023
  • The release contains bug fixes and documentation improvements to new features listed in New Features.
  • The release has not yet been certified.

Qt Safe Renderer 2.1.0 Beta 1

  • Released: August 2023
  • The release contains new features as listed in New Features.
  • The release has not been certified and the new code is not yet MISRA-compliant.

Qt Safe Renderer 2.0.1

  • Released: May 2023
  • The patch release was done on top of Qt Safe Renderer 2.0 release. The release contains the following bug fixes and important changes:
    • QSR-2045 Indicators linking fails against prebuilt QNX build in Windows
    • QSR-2064 DRM adaptation initialization fails
    • QSR-2068 When building QSR from sources calccrc lib is missing
    • QSR-2084 Clarify certification requirements for adaptation modules
    • QSR-2086 Build issue in RCar-3 platform adaptation
    • Pre-built binaries are provided for Qt 5.15.13
    • See Impact Analysis
  • Safety Manual was updated as follows:
  • The release has not been separately certified as it does not modify the MISRA-compliant part of Qt Safe Renderer code.

Qt Safe Renderer 2.0

  • Released: February 2023
  • Qt Safe Renderer 2.0 Release Note
  • New Features and Runtime API Changes
  • The release was certified as follows:
    • ISO 26262:2018-6; ASIL D (see “ISO 26262:2018 part 6”)
    • ISO 26262:2018-8 section 11; ASIL D (see “ISO 26262:2018 part 8”)
    • IEC 61508:2010-3 – 7.4.4; SIL 3 and IEC 61508-3 (see “IEC 61508:2010 part 3”)
    • EN 50128:2011 6.7.4; SIL 4
    • IEC 62304:2015 C.7, fit- for-use
    • ISO 25119-3 AMD 1:2020 AgPL e
  • Qt Safe Renderer 2.0 Safety Manual

Qt Safe Renderer 1.2

  • Released: May 2021
  • New features and important fixes:
    • Animation on the safety-critical UI elements
    • Performance improvements
  • The certification received for QSR 1.1 is valid also for QSR 1.2.
  • Qt Safe Renderer 1.2 Safety Manual

Qt Safe Renderer 1.1.2

  • Released: May 2020
  • The release was a bug fix release that did not provide any new features.

Qt Safe Renderer 1.1.1

  • Released: September 2019
  • The release was a bug fix release that did not provide any new features.

Qt Safe Renderer 1.1

  • Released: May 2019
  • New features:
    • Support for dynamic text
    • Changing color in the safety-critical UI elements.
  • The release receiced a same level certificate than Qt Safe Renderer 1.0.
  • Qt Safe Renderer 1.1 Safety Manual

Qt Safe Renderer 1.0

  • Released: May 2018
  • New features:
    • Qt Safe Renderer QML types: SafeImage, SafePicture, SafeText
    • Qt Safe Renderer Safe Layout Tool for generating safe layout data
    • A plugin that enables Qt Quick Designer related Qt Safe Renderer functionality.
  • The release was certified as follows:
    • ISO 26262:2011-6; ASIL D (see “ISO 26262:2011 part 6”)
    • ISO 26262:2011-8 section 11; ASIL D (see “ISO 26262:2011 part 8”)
    • IEC 61508:2010-3 – 7.4.4; SIL 3 and IEC 61508-3 (see “IEC 61508:2010 part 3”)
    • EN 50128:2011 6.7.4; SIL 4
    • IEC 62304:2015 C.7, fit- for-use
  • Qt Safe Renderer 1.0 Safety Manual

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