VehicleFunctions QML Type

The VehicleFunctions singleton holds all the enums defined in the QtIfVehicleFunctions module and provides factory methods for all structs. More...

Import Statement: import QtInterfaceFramework.VehicleFunctions 1.0
In C++: QtIfVehicleFunctionsFactory

Detailed Description

The following enums are exported from this object:


WindshieldDirect airflow along the windshield.
DashboardDirect airflow through the dashboard.
FloorDirect airflow to the floor.


RecirculationOffThe recirculation is turned off.
RecirculationOnThe recirculation is turned on.
AutoRecirculationThe recirculation is turning off and on automatically depending on the air quality.


ClimateOffThe climate system is turned off.
ClimateOnThe climate system is turned on.
AutoClimateThe climate system is in automatic mode and is adjusting some parts of the system automatically. E.g. lower the fan speed when the targetTemperature is reached.


HeaterOnThe window heater is turned on.
HeaterOffThe window heater is turned off.
AutoHeaterThe window heater is turning off and on automatically.


BlindOpenThe blind will be opened.
BlindClosedThe blind will be closed.
AutoBlindThe blind is opened or closed automatically.


FullyOpenThe object is fully open.
OpenThe object is open, but not fully open yet.
ClosedThe object is closed.

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