Qt Interface Framework Vehicle Functions C++ Classes

C++ classes for the Qt Interface Framework Vehicle Functions API. More...



Provides an interface to the climate control


Backend interface for QIfClimateControl


Provides an interface to the window control


Backend interface for QIfWindowControl


Holds all the enums defined in the QtIfVehicleFunctions module


Factory methods for all structs defined in the QtIfVehicleFunctions module

Detailed Description

Qt Interface Framework Vehicle Functions provides C++ API.

Getting Started

To link against the Qt Interface Framework Vehicle Feature module, use the following directive:

Using CMake:

find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS IfVehicleFunctions REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::IfVehicleFunctions)

Using qmake:

QT += ifvehiclefunctions

To use Qt Interface Framework Vehicle Functions C++ classes in your application, use the following include statement:

#include <QtIfVehicleFunctions>

Note: If you are only using a few classes from this module, it's recommended to include only those specific classes instead of the whole module.

To use feature elements, simply include the header file and instantiate the element:

#include <QtIfVehicleFunctions/QIfClimateControl>
QIfClimateControl* m_climateControl;
m_climateControl = new QIfClimateControl(this);

In order to trigger the auto discovery mechanism, call the startAutoDiscovery method. This will load the appropriate back end and set a service object for the feature element. Please notice that calling this method sets the autoDiscovery property to true. To use dynamic services, simply do not call this method.


After the startAutoDiscovery method has been called, the isValid property can be used to determine if a back end was found or not.

if (!m_climateControl->isValid())
   QMessageBox::critical( ... ); // Take action here

Climate general values can be get and set directly by the feature instance:

if (!m_climateControl->airConditioningEnabled());

Some features, like climate control, are divided into several climate zones. The names of the available zones can be checked using QIfAbstractZonedFeature::availableZones():

QStringList zones = m_climateControl->availableZones();

You can use QIfAbstractZonedFeature::zoneAt() to access zone functions:


Looping zones is done with QIfAbstractZonedFeature::zones():

const auto zones = m_climateControl->zones();
for (QClimateControl *z : zones)
    if (z->zone() == "FrontLeft")

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