Qt Interface Framework Vehicle Functions QML Types

The Qt Interface Framework Vehicle Functions QML API provides a simple way to use vehicle features in QML applications.

Getting Started

The QML application relies on the QML plugin loading capabilities of the Qt QML runtime. This means that an installed Qt Interface Framework module is found automatically.

To import the Qt Interface Framework Vehicle Functions QML types, add the following import statement to your .qml file:

import QtInterfaceFramework.VehicleFunctions

Then instantiate the feature element. For most elements, autoDiscovery is set to true when applicable, but in this example we set it explicitly.

 ClimateControl {
    id: climateControl
    autoDiscovery: true

When the top-level component has been completed, the isValid property of the feature elements can be used to determine if any of the back ends are missing. In some situations this is expected behavior; the isValid property can be used to enable or disable parts of the user interface.

 Component.onCompleted: {
    if (!climateControl.isValid)
        ; // Take action here

Some features, like climate control, are divided into zones. The names of the available zones can be fetched with AbstractZonedFeature::availableZones. Zones are available only when the feature is valid.

 ComboBox {
    model: climateControl.availableZones

With the AbstractZonedFeature::zoneAt property you can access the climate control zone-specific functions.

climateControl.zoneAt.FrontLeft.seatHeater = true

An example of how to use the AbstractZonedFeature::zones property:

 Repeater {
    model: climateControl.zones
    Text { text: modelData.zone + " seat heater level: " + modelData.seatHeater}

Interactions with the feature element are described in the feature documentation. It is possible to bind properties, call methods, and listen to signals.

QML Types


Provides an interface to the climate control


Singleton holds all the enums defined in the QtIfVehicleFunctions module and provides factory methods for all structs


Provides an interface to the window control

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