Climate Control Widget Example

This example shows how to access the climate control from C++.

This example shows how to access the climate control from the C++.

The first thing to do is to create a QIfClimateControl instance in our MainWindow constructor. As we only have one Climate backend and don't want to choose which one to use, we call startAutoDiscovery to start searching for a suitable backend right away and pick the first one that matches.

Note: To simplify the deployment process, this example loads a simulation backend.

isValid() is used for verifying that the autoDiscovery found a backend:

    m_climateControl = new QIfClimateControl(QString(), this);

    if (!m_climateControl->isValid())
        QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Auto Discovery Failed !"), tr("No Climate Backend available"));

The constructor then continues to connect the climate control attribute change signals to the UI components:

    //Air Flow Direction
    connect(m_buttonGroup, static_cast<void (QButtonGroup::*)(QAbstractButton *, bool)>(&QButtonGroup::buttonToggled),
            this, &MainWindow::onFlowDirectionButtonToggled);

    connect(m_climateControl, &QIfClimateControl::airflowDirectionsChanged,
            this, &MainWindow::setupFlowDirectionRadioButtons);

    //Air Condition
    connect(m_climateControl, &QIfClimateControl::airConditioningEnabledChanged,
            ui->cb_airCondition, &QCheckBox::setChecked);
    connect(ui->cb_airCondition, &QCheckBox::clicked,
            m_climateControl, &QIfClimateControl::setAirConditioningEnabled);

    //Air Recirculation
    ui->cb_airRecirculation->setChecked(m_climateControl->recirculationMode() == QtIfVehicleFunctions::RecirculationOn);
    connect(m_climateControl, &QIfClimateControl::recirculationModeChanged,
            this, &MainWindow::onAirRecirculationModeChanged);
    connect(ui->cb_airRecirculation, &QCheckBox::clicked,
            this, &MainWindow::setAirRecirculationEnabled);

    connect(m_climateControl, &QIfClimateControl::heaterEnabledChanged,
            ui->cb_heater, &QCheckBox::setChecked);
    connect(ui->cb_heater, &QCheckBox::clicked,
            m_climateControl, &QIfClimateControl::setHeaterEnabled);

Airflow direction is controlled using these functions:

void MainWindow::setupFlowDirectionRadioButtons(QtIfVehicleFunctions::AirflowDirections direction)

void MainWindow::onFlowDirectionButtonToggled(QAbstractButton *button, bool checked)

    QtIfVehicleFunctions::AirflowDirections direction;

    if (ui->cb_windshield->isChecked())
        direction |= QtIfVehicleFunctions::Windshield;
    if (ui->cb_dashboard->isChecked())
        direction |= QtIfVehicleFunctions::Dashboard;
    if (ui->cb_floor->isChecked())
        direction |= QtIfVehicleFunctions::Floor;


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