QtMobility Reference Documentation

QContactDetailRangeFilter Class Reference

The QContactDetailRangeFilter class provides a filter based around a detail value range criterion. More...

 #include <QContactDetailRangeFilter>

Inherits: QContactFilter.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

Public Types

enum RangeFlag { IncludeLower, IncludeUpper, ExcludeLower, ExcludeUpper }
flags RangeFlags

Public Functions

QContactDetailRangeFilter ()
QContactDetailRangeFilter ( const QContactFilter & other )
QString detailDefinitionName () const
QString detailFieldName () const
QContactFilter::MatchFlags matchFlags () const
QVariant maxValue () const
QVariant minValue () const
RangeFlags rangeFlags () const
void setDetailDefinitionName ( const QString & definitionName, const QString & fieldName = QString() )
void setMatchFlags ( QContactFilter::MatchFlags flags )
void setRange ( const QVariant & min, const QVariant & max, RangeFlags flags = 0 )

Detailed Description

The QContactDetailRangeFilter class provides a filter based around a detail value range criterion.

It may be used to select contacts which contain a detail of a particular definition with a particular value that lies in a range (either open or closed).

Member Type Documentation

enum QContactDetailRangeFilter::RangeFlag
flags QContactDetailRangeFilter::RangeFlags

Enumerates the semantics of the boundary conditions of the detail range filter

QContactDetailRangeFilter::IncludeLower0The filter will match if the field value is equal to or greater than the minimum value
QContactDetailRangeFilter::IncludeUpper1The filter will match if the field value is equal to or less than the maximum value
QContactDetailRangeFilter::ExcludeLower2The filter will match if the field value is greater than the minimum value (but not equal)
QContactDetailRangeFilter::ExcludeUpper0The filter will match if the field value is less than the maximum value (but not equal)

The RangeFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<RangeFlag>. It stores an OR combination of RangeFlag values.

Member Function Documentation

QContactDetailRangeFilter::QContactDetailRangeFilter ()

Constructs a new detail range filter

QContactDetailRangeFilter::QContactDetailRangeFilter ( const QContactFilter & other )

Constructs a copy of other if possible, otherwise constructs a new detail range filter

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

QString QContactDetailRangeFilter::detailDefinitionName () const

Returns the definition name of the details which will be inspected for matching values

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setDetailDefinitionName().

QString QContactDetailRangeFilter::detailFieldName () const

Returns the name of the field which contains the value which will be matched against the value criterion

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setDetailDefinitionName().

QContactFilter::MatchFlags QContactDetailRangeFilter::matchFlags () const

Returns the match flags of the criterion, which define semantics such as case sensitivity, and exact matching.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setMatchFlags().

QVariant QContactDetailRangeFilter::maxValue () const

Returns the upper bound of the value range criterion If this value is null, there is no upper bound. If it is valid, the rangeFlags() determines whether this value is included in the valid values.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setRange().

QVariant QContactDetailRangeFilter::minValue () const

Returns the lower bound of the value range criterion. If this value is null, there is no lower bound. If it is valid, the rangeFlags() determines whether this value is included in the valid values.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setRange().

RangeFlags QContactDetailRangeFilter::rangeFlags () const

Returns a set of flags which defines the boundary condition semantics of the value range criterion

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setRange().

void QContactDetailRangeFilter::setDetailDefinitionName ( const QString & definitionName, const QString & fieldName = QString() )

Sets the name of the detail definition of which type details will be inspected for matching values to definitionName, and the name of the field which will be inspected in details of that definition to fieldName.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also detailDefinitionName() and detailFieldName().

void QContactDetailRangeFilter::setMatchFlags ( QContactFilter::MatchFlags flags )

Sets the match flags of the filter criterion to flags

Not all flags are supported by a range filter. The supported flags include:

Unsupported flags will be ignored.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also matchFlags().

void QContactDetailRangeFilter::setRange ( const QVariant & min, const QVariant & max, RangeFlags flags = 0 )

Sets the value range criterion of the filter to within min and max, with boundary conditions specified in the given flags. If min or max is a null variant, that condition will not be checked. For example, to check for fields with a value greater than 7, you would specify:

 filter.setRange(7, QVariant(), QContactDetailRangeFilter::ExcludeLower);

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also minValue() and maxValue().


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