QtMobility Reference Documentation

QML Filter Element

The Filter element is used as a property of ContactModel, to allow selection of contacts which have certain details or properties. More...

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.1.


  • type : enumeration

Detailed Description

This element is part of the QtMobility.contacts 1.1 module.

See also QContactFilter.

Property Documentation

This property holds the type value of this filter. It can be one of:

  • Filter.DefaultFilter - A filter which matches everything (default).
  • Filter.InvalidFilter - An invalid filter which matches nothing.
  • Filter.DetailFilter - A filter which matches contacts containing one or more details of a particular definition with a particular value.
  • Filter.DetailRangeFilter - A filter which matches contacts containing one or more details of a particular definition whose values are within a particular range.
  • Filter.ChangeLogFilter - A filter which matches contacts whose timestamps have been updated since some particular date and time.
  • Filter.ActionFilter - A filter which matches contacts for which a particular action is available, or which contain a detail with a particular value for which a particular action is available.
  • Filter.RelationshipFilter - A filter which matches contacts which participate in a particular type of relationship, or relationship with a specified contact.
  • Filter.IntersectionFilter - A filter which matches all contacts that are matched by all filters it includes.
  • Filter.UnionFilter - A filter which matches any contact that is matched by any of the filters it includes.
  • Filter.IdFilter - A filter which matches any contact whose local id is contained in a particular list of contact local ids.


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