XrController QML Type

A tracked spatial node that tracks the position and orientation of an input controller. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Xr
Since: Qt 6.8


Status: Technical Preview


Detailed Description

The XrController is a tracked spatial node that tracks the position and orientation of an input controller.

Since this is a tracked node, its spatial properties should be considered read-only.

See also XrInputAction.

Property Documentation

controller : enumeration

Specifies the controller to track.

It can be one of:


isActive : bool [read-only]

Indicates whether the controller is providing input.

This property is true if the corresponding physical controller is present and tracking.

jointPositions : list<vector3d> [read-only]

When using hand tracking, this property holds the positions of all the bones in the hand.

See also jointRotations and XrHandModel.

jointRotations : list<quaternion> [read-only]

When using hand tracking, this property holds the orientation of all the bones in the hand.

See also jointPositions and XrHandModel.

pokePosition : vector3d [read-only]

This property holds the position to be used for touch interactions. Typically, it will be the tip of the index finger when tracking a hand.

See also XrView::processTouch and XrView::setTouchpoint.

poseSpace : enumeration [default: XrController.AimPose]

Specifies the pose of the controller to track, that is, the orientation and position relative to the physical controller.

It can be one of:

XrController.AimPoseUsed when aiming at something, such as with XrVirtualMouse.
XrController.GripPoseUsed when grabbing something, such as when holding an object in the hand.

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