Launching Android Emulator

Android Emulator allows you to emulate Android devices on Windows, macOS or Linux machines. The Android Emulator runs the Android operating system in a virtual machine called an AVD. The AVD contains the full Android software stack and it runs as if it were on a physical device. Below is the diagram of the Android Emulator's high-level architecture.


  • Android Studio 4 or newer installed
  • Android SDK 29 and Android Tools installed
  • Find <ANDROID_SDK_ROOT>, usually it's in one of the following directories, depending on the machine's OS:
    • Windows: <User>/AppData/Local/Android/sdk.
    • Linux: ~/Android/Sdk.
    • macOS: ~/Library/Android/sdk.
  • Extract sdk-repo-linux-system-images-eng.zip archive from the version you choose to <ANDROID_SDK_ROOT>/system-images/android-29/android-automotive
  • You should have following folder structure: <ANDROID_SDK_ROOT>/system-images/android-29/android-automotive/x86
  • Remember to keep correct ABI names across apps, paths and configuration files like x86 or x86_64.

Step-by-step guide to start emulator with AVD Manager

For AVD management in Qt Creator see Create an Android Virtual Device (AVD).

  1. Start AVD Manager, select Create Virtual Device

  2. Choose a existing hardware profile, import or create new one

  3. Select a system image

  4. Verify a emulator configuration

  5. Start emulator

See also Android Emulator Requirements.

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