QIfClimateControlBackendInterface Class

Backend interface for QIfClimateControl. More...

Header: #include <QIfClimateControlBackendInterface>
qmake: QT += ifvehiclefunctions
Inherits: QIfZonedFeatureInterface

Public Functions

virtual void setAirConditioningEnabled(bool airConditioningEnabled, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setAirflowDirections(QtIfVehicleFunctions::AirflowDirections airflowDirections, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setAutomaticClimateFanIntensityLevel(int automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setClimateMode(QtIfVehicleFunctions::ClimateMode climateMode, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setDefrostEnabled(bool defrostEnabled, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setFanSpeedLevel(int fanSpeedLevel, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setHeaterEnabled(bool heaterEnabled, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setOutsideTemperature(int outsideTemperature, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setOutsideTemperatureLabel(const QString &outsideTemperatureLabel, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setRecirculationEnabled(bool recirculationEnabled, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setRecirculationMode(QtIfVehicleFunctions::RecirculationMode recirculationMode, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setRecirculationSensitivityLevel(int recirculationSensitivityLevel, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setSeatCooler(int seatCooler, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setSeatHeater(int seatHeater, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setSteeringWheelHeater(int steeringWheelHeater, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setTargetTemperature(qreal targetTemperature, const QString &zone) = 0
virtual void setZoneSynchronizationEnabled(bool zoneSynchronizationEnabled, const QString &zone) = 0


void airConditioningEnabledChanged(bool airConditioningEnabled = bool(false), const QString &zone = QString())
void airflowDirectionsChanged(QtIfVehicleFunctions::AirflowDirections airflowDirections = QtIfVehicleFunctions::AirflowDirections(), const QString &zone = QString())
void automaticClimateFanIntensityLevelChanged(int automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())
void climateModeChanged(QtIfVehicleFunctions::ClimateMode climateMode = QtIfVehicleFunctions::ClimateOff, const QString &zone = QString())
void defrostEnabledChanged(bool defrostEnabled = bool(false), const QString &zone = QString())
void fanSpeedLevelChanged(int fanSpeedLevel = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())
void heaterEnabledChanged(bool heaterEnabled = bool(false), const QString &zone = QString())
void outsideTemperatureChanged(int outsideTemperature = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())
void outsideTemperatureLabelChanged(const QString &outsideTemperatureLabel = QString(), const QString &zone = QString())
void recirculationEnabledChanged(bool recirculationEnabled = bool(false), const QString &zone = QString())
void recirculationModeChanged(QtIfVehicleFunctions::RecirculationMode recirculationMode = QtIfVehicleFunctions::RecirculationOff, const QString &zone = QString())
void recirculationSensitivityLevelChanged(int recirculationSensitivityLevel = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())
void seatCoolerChanged(int seatCooler = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())
void seatHeaterChanged(int seatHeater = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())
void steeringWheelHeaterChanged(int steeringWheelHeater = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())
void targetTemperatureChanged(qreal targetTemperature = qreal(), const QString &zone = QString())
void zoneSynchronizationEnabledChanged(bool zoneSynchronizationEnabled = bool(false), const QString &zone = QString())

Detailed Description

The QIfClimateControlBackendInterface is the interface used by QIfClimateControl.

The interface is discovered by a QIfClimateControl object, which connects to it and sets up the connections to it.

See also QIfClimateControl.

Member Function Documentation

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::airConditioningEnabledChanged(bool airConditioningEnabled = bool(false), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the airConditioningEnabled property changed to airConditioningEnabled.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setAirConditioningEnabled and QIfClimateControl::airConditioningEnabled.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::airflowDirectionsChanged(QtIfVehicleFunctions::AirflowDirections airflowDirections = QtIfVehicleFunctions::AirflowDirections(), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the airflowDirections property changed to airflowDirections.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setAirflowDirections and QIfClimateControl::airflowDirections.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::automaticClimateFanIntensityLevelChanged(int automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel property changed to automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setAutomaticClimateFanIntensityLevel and QIfClimateControl::automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::climateModeChanged(QtIfVehicleFunctions::ClimateMode climateMode = QtIfVehicleFunctions::ClimateOff, const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the climateMode property changed to climateMode.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setClimateMode and QIfClimateControl::climateMode.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::defrostEnabledChanged(bool defrostEnabled = bool(false), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the defrostEnabled property changed to defrostEnabled.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setDefrostEnabled and QIfClimateControl::defrostEnabled.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::fanSpeedLevelChanged(int fanSpeedLevel = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the fanSpeedLevel property changed to fanSpeedLevel.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setFanSpeedLevel and QIfClimateControl::fanSpeedLevel.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::heaterEnabledChanged(bool heaterEnabled = bool(false), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the heaterEnabled property changed to heaterEnabled.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setHeaterEnabled and QIfClimateControl::heaterEnabled.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::outsideTemperatureChanged(int outsideTemperature = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the outsideTemperature property changed to outsideTemperature.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setOutsideTemperature and QIfClimateControl::outsideTemperature.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::outsideTemperatureLabelChanged(const QString &outsideTemperatureLabel = QString(), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the outsideTemperatureLabel property changed to outsideTemperatureLabel.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setOutsideTemperatureLabel and QIfClimateControl::outsideTemperatureLabel.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::recirculationEnabledChanged(bool recirculationEnabled = bool(false), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the recirculationEnabled property changed to recirculationEnabled.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setRecirculationEnabled and QIfClimateControl::recirculationEnabled.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::recirculationModeChanged(QtIfVehicleFunctions::RecirculationMode recirculationMode = QtIfVehicleFunctions::RecirculationOff, const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the recirculationMode property changed to recirculationMode.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setRecirculationMode and QIfClimateControl::recirculationMode.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::recirculationSensitivityLevelChanged(int recirculationSensitivityLevel = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the recirculationSensitivityLevel property changed to recirculationSensitivityLevel.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setRecirculationSensitivityLevel and QIfClimateControl::recirculationSensitivityLevel.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::seatCoolerChanged(int seatCooler = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the seatCooler property changed to seatCooler.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setSeatCooler and QIfClimateControl::seatCooler.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::seatHeaterChanged(int seatHeater = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the seatHeater property changed to seatHeater.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setSeatHeater and QIfClimateControl::seatHeater.

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setAirConditioningEnabled(bool airConditioningEnabled, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::airConditioningEnabled. Sets the property airConditioningEnabled to the new value passed by airConditioningEnabled.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a airConditioningEnabledChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given airConditioningEnabled is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also airConditioningEnabledChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setAirflowDirections(QtIfVehicleFunctions::AirflowDirections airflowDirections, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::airflowDirections. Sets the property airflowDirections to the new value passed by airflowDirections.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a airflowDirectionsChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given airflowDirections is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also airflowDirectionsChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setAutomaticClimateFanIntensityLevel(int automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel. Sets the property automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel to the new value passed by automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a automaticClimateFanIntensityLevelChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given automaticClimateFanIntensityLevel is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also automaticClimateFanIntensityLevelChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setClimateMode(QtIfVehicleFunctions::ClimateMode climateMode, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::climateMode. Sets the property climateMode to the new value passed by climateMode.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a climateModeChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given climateMode is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also climateModeChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setDefrostEnabled(bool defrostEnabled, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::defrostEnabled. Sets the property defrostEnabled to the new value passed by defrostEnabled.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a defrostEnabledChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given defrostEnabled is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also defrostEnabledChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setFanSpeedLevel(int fanSpeedLevel, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::fanSpeedLevel. Sets the property fanSpeedLevel to the new value passed by fanSpeedLevel.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a fanSpeedLevelChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given fanSpeedLevel is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also fanSpeedLevelChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setHeaterEnabled(bool heaterEnabled, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::heaterEnabled. Sets the property heaterEnabled to the new value passed by heaterEnabled.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a heaterEnabledChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given heaterEnabled is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also heaterEnabledChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setOutsideTemperature(int outsideTemperature, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::outsideTemperature. Sets the property outsideTemperature to the new value passed by outsideTemperature.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a outsideTemperatureChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given outsideTemperature is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also outsideTemperatureChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setOutsideTemperatureLabel(const QString &outsideTemperatureLabel, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::outsideTemperatureLabel. Sets the property outsideTemperatureLabel to the new value passed by outsideTemperatureLabel.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a outsideTemperatureLabelChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given outsideTemperatureLabel is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also outsideTemperatureLabelChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setRecirculationEnabled(bool recirculationEnabled, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::recirculationEnabled. Sets the property recirculationEnabled to the new value passed by recirculationEnabled.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a recirculationEnabledChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given recirculationEnabled is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also recirculationEnabledChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setRecirculationMode(QtIfVehicleFunctions::RecirculationMode recirculationMode, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::recirculationMode. Sets the property recirculationMode to the new value passed by recirculationMode.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a recirculationModeChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given recirculationMode is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also recirculationModeChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setRecirculationSensitivityLevel(int recirculationSensitivityLevel, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::recirculationSensitivityLevel. Sets the property recirculationSensitivityLevel to the new value passed by recirculationSensitivityLevel.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a recirculationSensitivityLevelChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given recirculationSensitivityLevel is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also recirculationSensitivityLevelChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setSeatCooler(int seatCooler, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::seatCooler. Sets the property seatCooler to the new value passed by seatCooler.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a seatCoolerChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given seatCooler is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also seatCoolerChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setSeatHeater(int seatHeater, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::seatHeater. Sets the property seatHeater to the new value passed by seatHeater.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a seatHeaterChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given seatHeater is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also seatHeaterChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setSteeringWheelHeater(int steeringWheelHeater, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::steeringWheelHeater. Sets the property steeringWheelHeater to the new value passed by steeringWheelHeater.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a steeringWheelHeaterChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given steeringWheelHeater is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also steeringWheelHeaterChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setTargetTemperature(qreal targetTemperature, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::targetTemperature. Sets the property targetTemperature to the new value passed by targetTemperature.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a targetTemperatureChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given targetTemperature is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also targetTemperatureChanged().

[pure virtual] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::setZoneSynchronizationEnabled(bool zoneSynchronizationEnabled, const QString &zone)

Setter for QIfClimateControl::zoneSynchronizationEnabled. Sets the property zoneSynchronizationEnabled to the new value passed by zoneSynchronizationEnabled.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

This method is expected to emit a zoneSynchronizationEnabledChanged() signal when the internal state changes due to this function call. The signal is even expected to be emitted if the given zoneSynchronizationEnabled is out of range and no actual change takes place.

See also zoneSynchronizationEnabledChanged().

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::steeringWheelHeaterChanged(int steeringWheelHeater = int(0), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the steeringWheelHeater property changed to steeringWheelHeater.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setSteeringWheelHeater and QIfClimateControl::steeringWheelHeater.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::targetTemperatureChanged(qreal targetTemperature = qreal(), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the targetTemperature property changed to targetTemperature.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setTargetTemperature and QIfClimateControl::targetTemperature.

[signal] void QIfClimateControlBackendInterface::zoneSynchronizationEnabledChanged(bool zoneSynchronizationEnabled = bool(false), const QString &zone = QString())

The signal is emitted when the zoneSynchronizationEnabled property changed to zoneSynchronizationEnabled.

The value of zone indicates the zone this property should be changed in.

See also setZoneSynchronizationEnabled and QIfClimateControl::zoneSynchronizationEnabled.

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