AmFmTuner QML Type
Provides a interface to control the AM/FM tuner. More...
Import Statement: | import QtInterfaceFramework.Media 1.0 |
In C++: | QIfAmFmTuner |
Inherits: |
- asynchronousBackendLoading : bool
(since 6.8)
- backendUpdatesEnabled : bool
(since 6.8)
- band : enumeration
- configurationId : string
(since 6.5)
- discoveryMode : enumeration
- discoveryResult : enumeration
- frequency : int
- isInitialized : bool
- isValid : bool
- maximumFrequency : int
- minimumFrequency : int
- preferredBackends : list<string>
(since 6.5)
- scanRunning : bool
- serviceObject : ServiceObject
- station : AmFmTunerStation
- stepSize : int
- seekDown()
- seekUp()
- enumeration startAutoDiscovery()
- startScan()
- stepDown()
- stepUp()
- stopScan()
- tune(AmFmTunerStation station)
Detailed Description
The AmFmTuner provides the methods to control a AM/FM tuner.
Uses qtifmedia
as configurationId for InterfaceFrameworkConfiguration based settings.
Property Documentation
asynchronousBackendLoading : bool |
This property was introduced in Qt 6.8.
backendUpdatesEnabled : bool |
This property was introduced in Qt 6.8.
band : enumeration |
The current band of the tuner.
Available values are:
Constant | Description |
AMBand | The AM Band is based on the Amplitude Modulation technique and can range from 520 to 1610 kHz (1710 kHz). The step size is usually between 9 or 10 kHz. |
FMBand | The FM Band is based on the Frequency Modulation technique and can range from 87.5 to 108.0 MHz. The step size is usually 100 kHz. |
configurationId : string |
This property was introduced in Qt 6.5.
discoveryMode : enumeration |
discoveryResult : enumeration |
frequency : int |
The current frequency of the tuner.
isInitialized : bool |
isValid : bool |
maximumFrequency : int |
The maximum frequency of the current band.
minimumFrequency : int |
The minimum frequency of the current band.
scanRunning : bool |
while a scan is in progress, false
See also startScan(), stopScan(), scanStarted(), and scanStopped().
serviceObject : ServiceObject |
station : AmFmTunerStation |
The currently tuned station.
stepSize : int |
Signal Documentation
scanStarted() |
A new scan has started and is now running.
Note: The corresponding handler is onScanStarted
See also startScan, stopScan, scanRunning, and scanStopped.
scanStopped() |
The currently active scan has stopped.
Note: The corresponding handler is onScanStopped
See also startScan, stopScan, scanRunning, and scanStarted.
Method Documentation
seekDown() |
Seeks the next available Station in downwards direction and tunes it.
If the beginning of the band where hit without finding a station, the search will be continued from the end of the band.
seekUp() |
Seeks the next available Station in upwards direction and tunes it.
If the end of the band where hit without finding a station, the search will be continued from the beginning of the band.
enumeration startAutoDiscovery() |
startScan() |
Starts a scan through all available stations.
The scan will seek to the next available station and will stay there for some seconds until it seeks to the next station.
See also stopScan, scanRunning, scanStarted, and scanStopped.
stepDown() |
Decreases the frequency by the current bands step size.
stepUp() |
Increases the frequency by the current bands step size.
stopScan() |
Stops the currently active scan. If no scan is active, this method does nothing.
See also startScan, scanRunning, scanStarted, and scanStopped.
tune(AmFmTunerStation station) |
Tunes to the provided station.
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