AudioTrackItem QML Type
The AudioTrackItem represents a playable audio track. More...
Import Statement: | import QtInterfaceFramework.Media 1.0 |
In C++: | QIfAudioTrackItem |
Inherits: |
- album : string
- artist : string
- coverArt : string
- data : object
- duration : int
- genre : string
- id : string
- name : string
- rating : int
- title : string
- trackNumber : int
- type : string
- year : int
Detailed Description
Note: This item is not creatable from QML.
Property Documentation
album : string |
Holds the album name of the audio track.
artist : string |
Holds the artist of the audio track.
coverArt : string |
Holds the cover art of the audio track.
This can be a url to a local image file or a link to a qml image provider
data : object |
duration : int |
Holds the duration of the audio track in ms.
genre : string |
Holds the genre of the audio track.
id : string |
name : string |
rating : int |
Holds the rating of the audio track.
This is usually a value between 0 and 5.
title : string |
Holds the title of the audio track.
trackNumber : int |
Holds the number this track has in the album.
type : string |
year : int |
Holds the release year of the audio track.
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