MediaIndexerControl QML Type

Provides an interface to control the media indexer. More...

Import Statement: import QtInterfaceFramework.Media 1.0
In C++: QIfMediaIndexerControl




Detailed Description

The MediaIndexerControl controls the media indexer. It provides a way to temporarily pause the indexing and resume it, as well as to inquire about the current state and progress of the indexing operation.

The MediaIndexerControl expects a single backend to be available. It is recommended to use it with discoveryMode set to AbstractFeature.AutoDiscovery.

Uses qtifmedia as configurationId for InterfaceFrameworkConfiguration based settings.

Property Documentation

asynchronousBackendLoading : bool [since 6.8]

This property was introduced in Qt 6.8.

backendUpdatesEnabled : bool [since 6.8]

This property was introduced in Qt 6.8.

configurationId : string [since 6.5]

This property was introduced in Qt 6.5.

discoveryMode : enumeration

discoveryResult : enumeration [read-only]

isInitialized : bool [read-only]

isValid : bool [read-only]

preferredBackends : list<string> [since 6.5]

This property was introduced in Qt 6.5.

progress : real [read-only]

Holds the progress of the indexing operation.

The value is between 0 and 1.

serviceObject : ServiceObject

state : enumeration [read-only]

Holds the current state of the indexer.

It can be one of the following values:

IdleThe indexer is currently idle and is waiting for new files to be indexed.
ActiveThe indexer is currently busy with indexing.
PausedThe indexer is paused, due to a call to pause().
ErrorAn error has occurred during the indexing operation.

Method Documentation


Pauses the currently ongoing indexing operation.

See also resume() and state.


Resumes from the Paused state and resumes the indexing operation.

See also pause() and state.

enumeration startAutoDiscovery()

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