WindowControl QML Type

Provides an interface to the window control. More...

Import Statement: import QtInterfaceFramework.VehicleFunctions 1.0
In C++: QIfWindowControl




Detailed Description

The QIfWindowControl provides an interface to control the physical windows of the vehicle.

All properties are exposed through zone objects. The zones are retrieved using the zoneAt method.

The QIfWindowControl expects a single backend to be available. It is recommended to use it with discoveryMode set to zoneAt.

Property Documentation

asynchronousBackendLoading : bool [since 6.8]

This property was introduced in Qt 6.8.

backendUpdatesEnabled : bool [since 6.8]

This property was introduced in Qt 6.8.

blindMode : QtIfVehicleFunctions::BlindMode

Holds the current mode of the window blind.

Available values are:

BlindOpenThe blind will be opened.
BlindClosedThe blind will be closed.
AutoBlindThe blind is opened or closed automatically.

blindState : QtIfVehicleFunctions::WindowState [read-only]

Holds the current state of the window blind.

Available values are:

FullyOpenThe object is fully open.
OpenThe object is open, but not fully open yet.
ClosedThe object is closed.

configurationId : string [since 6.5]

This property was introduced in Qt 6.5.

discoveryMode : enumeration

discoveryResult : enumeration [read-only]

heater : bool [read-only]

Indicates whether the window heater is currently running.

heaterMode : QtIfVehicleFunctions::HeaterMode

Holds the current mode of the window heater.

Available values are:

HeaterOnThe window heater is turned on.
HeaterOffThe window heater is turned off.
AutoHeaterThe window heater is turning off and on automatically.

isInitialized : bool [read-only]

isValid : bool [read-only]

preferredBackends : list<string> [since 6.5]

This property was introduced in Qt 6.5.

serviceObject : ServiceObject

state : QtIfVehicleFunctions::WindowState [read-only]

Holds the current state of the window.

Available values are:

FullyOpenThe object is fully open.
OpenThe object is open, but not fully open yet.
ClosedThe object is closed.

Method Documentation


Closes the window, if not already in the QIfWindowControl::Closed state.


Opens the window, if not already in the QIfWindowControl::FullyOpen state.

enumeration startAutoDiscovery()

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