QtMobility Reference Documentation

QMediaPlayerControl Class Reference

The QMediaPlayerControl class provides access to the media playing functionality of a QMediaService. More...

 #include <QMediaPlayerControl>

Inherits: QMediaControl.

This class was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

Public Functions

~QMediaPlayerControl ()
virtual QMediaTimeRange availablePlaybackRanges () const = 0
virtual int bufferStatus () const = 0
virtual qint64 duration () const = 0
virtual bool isAudioAvailable () const = 0
virtual bool isMuted () const = 0
virtual bool isSeekable () const = 0
virtual bool isVideoAvailable () const = 0
virtual QMediaContent media () const = 0
virtual QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus mediaStatus () const = 0
virtual const QIODevice * mediaStream () const = 0
virtual void pause () = 0
virtual void play () = 0
virtual qreal playbackRate () const = 0
virtual qint64 position () const = 0
virtual void setMedia ( const QMediaContent & media, QIODevice * stream ) = 0
virtual void setMuted ( bool mute ) = 0
virtual void setPlaybackRate ( qreal rate ) = 0
virtual void setPosition ( qint64 position ) = 0
virtual void setVolume ( int volume ) = 0
virtual QMediaPlayer::State state () const = 0
virtual void stop () = 0
virtual int volume () const = 0
  • 29 public functions inherited from QObject


void audioAvailableChanged ( bool audio )
void availablePlaybackRangesChanged ( const QMediaTimeRange & ranges )
void bufferStatusChanged ( int progress )
void durationChanged ( qint64 duration )
void error ( int error, const QString & errorString )
void mediaChanged ( const QMediaContent & content )
void mediaStatusChanged ( QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status )
void mutedChanged ( bool mute )
void playbackRateChanged ( qreal rate )
void positionChanged ( qint64 position )
void seekableChanged ( bool seekable )
void stateChanged ( QMediaPlayer::State state )
void videoAvailableChanged ( bool video )
void volumeChanged ( int volume )

Protected Functions

QMediaPlayerControl ( QObject * parent = 0 )
  • 7 protected functions inherited from QObject



Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 property inherited from QObject
  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject
  • 1 public variable inherited from QObject
  • 4 static public members inherited from QObject
  • 2 protected variables inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

The QMediaPlayerControl class provides access to the media playing functionality of a QMediaService.

If a QMediaService can play media is will implement QMediaPlayerControl. This control provides a means to set the media to play, start, pause and stop playback, seek, and control the volume. It also provides feedback on the duration of the media, the current position, and buffering progress.

The functionality provided by this control is exposed to application code through the QMediaPlayer class.

The interface name of QMediaPlayerControl is com.nokia.Qt.QMediaPlayerControl/1.0 as defined in QMediaPlayerControl_iid.

See also QMediaService::requestControl() and QMediaPlayer.

Member Function Documentation

QMediaPlayerControl::QMediaPlayerControl ( QObject * parent = 0 ) [protected]

Constructs a new media player control with the given parent.

QMediaPlayerControl::~QMediaPlayerControl ()

Destroys a media player control.

void QMediaPlayerControl::audioAvailableChanged ( bool audio ) [signal]

Signals that there has been a change in the availability of audio output.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also isAudioAvailable().

QMediaTimeRange QMediaPlayerControl::availablePlaybackRanges () const [pure virtual]

Returns a range of times in milliseconds that can be played back.

Usually for local files this is a continuous interval equal to [0..duration()] or an empty time range if seeking is not supported, but for network sources it refers to the buffered parts of the media.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

void QMediaPlayerControl::availablePlaybackRangesChanged ( const QMediaTimeRange & ranges ) [signal]

Signals that the available media playback ranges have changed.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also QMediaPlayerControl::availablePlaybackRanges().

int QMediaPlayerControl::bufferStatus () const [pure virtual]

Returns the buffering progress of the current media. Progress is measured in the percentage of the buffer filled.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

void QMediaPlayerControl::bufferStatusChanged ( int progress ) [signal]

Signals that buffering progress has changed.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also bufferStatus().

qint64 QMediaPlayerControl::duration () const [pure virtual]

Returns the duration of the current media in milliseconds.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

void QMediaPlayerControl::durationChanged ( qint64 duration ) [signal]

Signals that the duration of the current media has changed.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also duration().

void QMediaPlayerControl::error ( int error, const QString & errorString ) [signal]

Signals that an error has occurred. The errorString provides a more detailed explanation.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

bool QMediaPlayerControl::isAudioAvailable () const [pure virtual]

Identifies if there is audio output available for the current media.

Returns true if audio output is available and false otherwise.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

bool QMediaPlayerControl::isMuted () const [pure virtual]

Returns the mute state of a player control.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

bool QMediaPlayerControl::isSeekable () const [pure virtual]

Identifies if the current media is seekable.

Returns true if it possible to seek within the current media, and false otherwise.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

bool QMediaPlayerControl::isVideoAvailable () const [pure virtual]

Identifies if there is video output available for the current media.

Returns true if video output is available and false otherwise.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

QMediaContent QMediaPlayerControl::media () const [pure virtual]

Returns the current media source.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setMedia().

void QMediaPlayerControl::mediaChanged ( const QMediaContent & content ) [signal]

Signals that the current media content has changed.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus QMediaPlayerControl::mediaStatus () const [pure virtual]

Returns the status of the current media.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

void QMediaPlayerControl::mediaStatusChanged ( QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status ) [signal]

Signals that the status of the current media has changed.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also mediaStatus().

const QIODevice * QMediaPlayerControl::mediaStream () const [pure virtual]

Returns the current media stream. This is only a valid if a stream was passed to setMedia().

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setMedia().

void QMediaPlayerControl::mutedChanged ( bool mute ) [signal]

Signals a change in the mute status of a player control.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also isMuted().

void QMediaPlayerControl::pause () [pure virtual]

Pauses playback of the current media.

If sucessful the player control will immediately enter the paused state.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also state(), play(), and stop().

void QMediaPlayerControl::play () [pure virtual]

Starts playback of the current media.

If successful the player control will immediately enter the playing state.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also state().

qreal QMediaPlayerControl::playbackRate () const [pure virtual]

Returns the rate of playback.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setPlaybackRate().

void QMediaPlayerControl::playbackRateChanged ( qreal rate ) [signal]

Signal emitted when playback rate changes to rate.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

qint64 QMediaPlayerControl::position () const [pure virtual]

Returns the current playback position in milliseconds.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setPosition().

void QMediaPlayerControl::positionChanged ( qint64 position ) [signal]

Signals the playback position has changed.

This is only emitted in when there has been a discontinous change in the playback postion, such as a seek or the position being reset.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also position().

void QMediaPlayerControl::seekableChanged ( bool seekable ) [signal]

Signals that the seekable state of a player control has changed.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also isSeekable().

void QMediaPlayerControl::setMedia ( const QMediaContent & media, QIODevice * stream ) [pure virtual]

Sets the current media source. If a stream is supplied; data will be read from that instead of attempting to resolve the media source. The media source may still be used to supply media information such as mime type.

Setting the media to a null QMediaContent will cause the control to discard all information relating to the current media source and to cease all I/O operations related to that media.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also media().

void QMediaPlayerControl::setMuted ( bool mute ) [pure virtual]

Sets the mute state of a player control.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also isMuted().

void QMediaPlayerControl::setPlaybackRate ( qreal rate ) [pure virtual]

Sets the rate of playback.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also playbackRate().

void QMediaPlayerControl::setPosition ( qint64 position ) [pure virtual]

Sets the playback position of the current media. This will initiate a seek and it may take some time for playback to reach the position set.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also position().

void QMediaPlayerControl::setVolume ( int volume ) [pure virtual]

Sets the audio volume of a player control.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also volume().

QMediaPlayer::State QMediaPlayerControl::state () const [pure virtual]

Returns the state of a player control.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

void QMediaPlayerControl::stateChanged ( QMediaPlayer::State state ) [signal]

Signals that the state of a player control has changed.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also state().

void QMediaPlayerControl::stop () [pure virtual]

Stops playback of the current media.

If successful the player control will immediately enter the stopped state.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

void QMediaPlayerControl::videoAvailableChanged ( bool video ) [signal]

Signals that there has been a change in the availability of video output.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also isVideoAvailable().

int QMediaPlayerControl::volume () const [pure virtual]

Returns the audio volume of a player control.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also setVolume().

void QMediaPlayerControl::volumeChanged ( int volume ) [signal]

Signals the audio volume of a player control has changed.

This function was introduced in Qt Mobility 1.0.

See also volume().

Macro Documentation



Defines the interface name of the QMediaPlayerControl class.


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