QtMobility Reference Documentation

QML LandmarkBoxFilter Element

The LandmarkBoxFilter element specifies a box (rectangle) filter for landmark model. More...

This element was introduced in Mobility 1.2.


Detailed Description

This element is part of the QtMobility.location 1.1 module.

The LandmarkBoxFilter element specifies a box (rectangle) filter for landmark model. Logical combinations of this and other landmark filters can be formed using LandmarkIntersectionFilter and LandmarkUnionFilter.

The following example creates a filter which filters for landmarks located within the given box (rectangle between top left and bottom right coordinates).

 PositionSource {
     id: myPositionSource

 Map {
     id: map
     zoomLevel: 15
     size.width: parent.width
     size.height: parent.height
     center: myPositionSource.position.coordinate

 LandmarkBoxFilter {
     id: boxFilter
     topLeft: map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(0,0))
     bottomRight: map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(map.size.width, map.size.height))

See also LandmarkModel and QLandmarkBoxFilter.

Property Documentation

bottomRight : Coordinate

Bottom right coordinate of the box to filter (landmarks within the boundaries).

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.

topLeft : Coordinate

Top left coordinate of the box to filter (landmarks within the boundaries).

This property group was introduced in Mobility 1.2.


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