QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel Class
Provides a model for discovering media devices. More...
Header: | #include <QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel> |
qmake: | QT += ifmedia |
In QML: | MediaDeviceDiscoveryModel |
Inherits: | QIfAbstractFeatureListModel |
Public Types
enum | Roles { NameRole, TypeRole, ServiceObjectRole } |
- count : const int
Public Functions
QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel(QObject *parent = nullptr) | |
QIfMediaDevice * | at(int i) const |
QIfMediaDevice * | get(int i) const |
Reimplemented Public Functions
virtual QVariant | data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override |
virtual QHash<int, QByteArray> | roleNames() const override |
virtual int | rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override |
void | countChanged() |
void | deviceAdded(QIfMediaDevice *device) |
void | deviceRemoved(QIfMediaDevice *device) |
Reimplemented Protected Functions
virtual void | clearServiceObject() override |
virtual void | connectToServiceObject(QIfServiceObject *serviceObject) override |
Detailed Description
The QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel provides a way to query for available media devices and to get notified when new media devices get added or are removed.
All devices listed here need to be a subclass of QIfMediaDevice.
The QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel expects a single backend to be available. It is recommended to use it with discoveryMode set to QIfAbstractFeature::AutoDiscovery.
Uses qtifmedia
as configurationId for QIfConfiguration based settings.
Member Type Documentation
enum QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::Roles
Constant | Value | Description |
QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::NameRole | Qt::DisplayRole | The name of the media device. E.g. The name of the connected USB-Thumbdrive/SDCard or a connected Ipod. |
QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::TypeRole | Qt::UserRole | The type of the media device. See SupportedMediaDevices for a detailed listing. |
QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::ServiceObjectRole | Qt::UserRole + 1 | A pointer to the media device itself. This pointer can be used as the ServiceObject for other Features. E.g. The QIfFilterAndBrowseModel. |
Property Documentation
count : const int
Holds the current number of rows in this model.
Access functions:
virtual int | rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override |
Notifier signal:
void | countChanged() |
Member Function Documentation
QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel(QObject *parent = nullptr)
Constructs a QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel.
The parent argument is passed on to the QIfAbstractFeatureListModel base class.
QIfMediaDevice *QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::at(int i) const
Returns the media device at index i.
Note: The returned device is owned by the model and can be deleted at any time.
[override virtual protected]
void QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::clearServiceObject()
Reimplements: QIfAbstractFeatureListModel::clearServiceObject().
[override virtual protected]
void QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::connectToServiceObject(QIfServiceObject *serviceObject)
Reimplements: QIfAbstractFeatureListModel::connectToServiceObject(QIfServiceObject *serviceObject).
[override virtual]
QVariant QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
Reimplements: QAbstractItemModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const.
void QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::deviceAdded(QIfMediaDevice *device)
This signal is emitted whenever a new media device got added. The new media device is passed as device.
void QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::deviceRemoved(QIfMediaDevice *device)
This signal is emitted whenever a media device got removed. The device which got removed is passed as device. Afterwards the device will be deleted.
QIfMediaDevice *QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::get(int i) const
Returns the media device at index i.
Note: The returned device is owned by the model and can be deleted at any time.
Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.
[override virtual]
QHash<int, QByteArray> QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel::roleNames() const
Reimplements: QAbstractItemModel::roleNames() const.
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