Qt Interface Framework Media C++ Classes
C++ classes for the Qt Interface Framework Media API. More...
Provides a interface to control the AM/FM tuner | |
Defines the interface for backends to the QIfAmFmTuner feature class | |
QIfTunerStation represents a tuner station | |
Represents a playable audio track | |
The base class for all media devices | |
Provides a model for discovering media devices | |
Defines the interface for backends to the QIfMediaDeviceDiscoveryModel feature class | |
Provides an interface to control the media indexer | |
Defines the interface for backends to the QIfMediaIndexerControl feature class | |
Provides an interface to control a media player | |
Defines the interface for backends to the QIfMediaPlayer feature class | |
Represents a USB device connected to the system | |
Provides a play queue for the QIfMediaPlayer | |
The base class of a row in the QIfPlayQueue model | |
Represents a tuner station |
Detailed Description
The Qt Interface Framework Media QML API provides media searching, browsing and playback management functions for in-vehicle infotainment systems.
To link against the Qt Interface Framework Media module, use the following directive:
Using CMake:
find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS IfMedia REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::IfMedia)
Using qmake:
QT += ifmedia
To use Qt Interface Framework Media C++ classes in your application, use the following include statement:
#include <QtIfMedia>
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