QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface Class
The QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface defines the interface for backends to the QIfMediaIndexerControl feature class. More...
Header: | #include <QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface> |
qmake: | QT += ifmedia |
Inherits: | QIfFeatureInterface |
Public Functions
QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface(QObject *parent = nullptr) | |
virtual void | pause() = 0 |
virtual void | resume() = 0 |
void | progressChanged(qreal progress) |
void | stateChanged(QIfMediaIndexerControl::State state) |
Detailed Description
The QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface is the interface used by QIfMediaIndexerControl
The interface is discovered by a QIfMediaIndexerControl object, which connects to it and sets it up.
<example of a fully featured backend>
Member Function Documentation
QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface::QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface(QObject *parent = nullptr)
Constructs a backend interface.
The parent is sent to the QObject constructor.
[pure virtual]
void QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface::pause()
Pauses the currently ongoing indexing. If currently no indexing is ongoing this call should not perform any actions.
See also resume().
void QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface::progressChanged(qreal progress)
This signal is emitted when indexing is currently ongoing and the progress of the operation changed. The progress argument passes the current progress between 0 and 1.
[pure virtual]
void QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface::resume()
Resumes the previously paused indexing. If there is nothing to resume this call should not perform any actions.
See also pause().
void QIfMediaIndexerControlBackendInterface::stateChanged(QIfMediaIndexerControl::State state)
This signal is emitted whenever the indexing state changed. The state argument holds the new state of the indexer.
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