Create Qt projects
To create a project, select or create a preset for a particular project type:
- Go to Command Palette, and then select Qt: Create New Project.
- In New Project, enter a name for the project.
- In Terminal, select a preset or Manually select features to create your own preset.
- Select a CMake kit for the project.
Project presets
Select one of the following project presets:
[Default] @projects/cpp/console
creates a basic console application without a GUI.[Default] @projects/cpp/qtquick
creates a simple Qt Quick application with one QML file (.qml).[Default] @projects/cpp/qwidget
creates a simple Qt Widgets application with one form (.ui).[Manually select features]
creates a new preset with the default values you select.
Create a project preset
Select Manually select features to create a project preset with the following settings.
Setting | Possible values |
Project type | The type of the project to create:
Qt version | The Qt version you installed to develop applications with:
Use form? | Whether to create a UI form for the project: Y (Yes) or N (No). |
Use translation? | Whether to add Qt translation source files (TS) to the project: Y (Yes) or N (No). |
Target language | A language and territory (locale). |
Save for later use? | Whether to save the settings as a preset: Y (Yes) or N (No). |
Enter the preset name | Enter a name for the preset. The preset list shows it at the top the next time you create a new project. |
See also Tutorial: Qt Widgets application and Add files to projects.
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