With Qt Extension for VS Code, you can develop widget-based and Qt Quick applications for the desktop and web.
You can install Qt extension packs and individual extensions depending on what kind of applications you develop.
C++ development
With the Qt C++ extension pack, you can:
- Use Qt in your CMake project by selecting a generated Qt kit
- Get syntax highlighting and code completion for Qt-specific file formats
- Design Qt widgets-based UIs with Qt Widgets Designer
- Build Qt projects with CMake
- Debug Qt's C++ types
- Read Qt Documentation
Qt Quick development
With the Qt Qml extension, you can:
- Get QML syntax highlighting and code completion with QML Language Server
- Verify the syntax of QML code with qmllint
Web development
With the Qt for WebAssembly extension pack, you can:
- Use Qt in your CMake project by selecting a generated Qt kit
- Get syntax highlighting and code completion for Qt-specific file formats
- Build Qt projects with CMake
- Debug Qt for WebAssembly code
- Read Qt documentation
Usage data collection
Qt Extension for VS Code collects anonymous data about how you use it to help Qt to improve it:
- Operating system on your computer
- Qt Extension for VS Code version
- Visual Studio Code version
- Date and time when you activate extensions, as well as the total number or activations
- Date and time when you run Qt Extension for VS Code commands, as well as the total number of times you run each command
- Values of some settings you specify for Qt Extension for VS Code
- Exceptions
- Date and time when you download QML Language Server, as well as the total number of downloads
- Name of CMake kit toolchain and the Qt version that you use to build projects
Qt Extension for VS Code never collects the following data:
- Source code
- File paths
- Folder structure of your projects
- Values of settings you specify for VS Code or other plugins than Qt Extension for VS Code
- Build output
See also Installation.
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