Coco Test Engine Licensing
In this section we explain when (under what circumstances) Coco's various tools need a floating license, and what use-cases are "free" (do not require a floating license).
- Running
, orcocotestengine
does require a Coco floating license for the duration of the process execution. - If there are no licenses available, these tools will block and wait for a license. So for example, you might need to exit
in order to runcmreport
. - Running a Coco instrumented program (C++, C#, or QML) to generate execution reports does not require a floating license.
requires a floating license to run, and it is used to execute instrumented TCL programs, so that means running an instrumented TCL program does require a floating license.- Test Data Discovery requires an executable that is instrumented by
but does not require a license to run it. - A target program (or unit test program) does not need to be instrumented by Coco to run in Test or Learn mode.
- Running unit tests or target programs that use Coco Test Engine macros (in any mode) do not require a Coco floating license.
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