cocolic – license activation

cocolic is a command line alternative to cocolicwizard. Use it to activate and configure the Coco license on a computer without a graphical interface.


cocolic <arguments>


  • --fetch-license-key=<code>: Use an activation code to retrieve the license key for a node-locked license. The activation code is provided by froglogic.

    For this, cocolic needs a network connection to froglogic. It can also be configured to connect via a proxy server (see below).

  • --license-key=<key>: Set the key for a node-locked license. The license key is generated by froglogic from the output of cocolic --machine-identifier.
  • --machine-identifier: Display the machine identifier on the standard output.
  • --license-server=<server>:<port>: Set the address and the port of the license sever for a floating license. The port can be omitted; then the default port of 49344 is used.
  • --check: Check the license validity. The program prints a message about the status of the license to stderr. It then exits with a return value of 0 if the license is valid, or 1 if it is invalid.
  • --http-proxy=<server>:<port>: Use a HTTP proxy sever to retrieve the license key.
  • --socks5-proxy=<server>:<port>: Use a SOCKS5 proxy sever to retrieve the license key.
  • --proxy-user=<name>: Set the user name for the proxy server.
  • --proxy-password=<password>: Set the password for the proxy server.
  • --no-proxy: Disable the use of a proxy server.
  • --disable-node-locked: Disable the node locked license. This option is meaningful if a node-locked license and a license server use are present on the same machine. Coco will then use the license server, but the node-locked license is still present and can be enabled later.
  • --enable-node-locked: Re-enable a previously disabled node locked license. Do nothing if the license is already enabled.
  • @<path>: Read command line options from the file at <path and insert them at the position of this option. The option file is a text file with one option per line. Leading and trailing blanks and empty lines are ignored.

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