Special compiler versions for cross-compiling

If a GNU compiler is used for cross-compiling, it often has a special name, like arm-linux-gcc instead of gcc.

The installer of Coco creates compiler wrappers for every GNU compiler found on the system. A cross-compiler may reside in a non-standard directory, where it might not be found by the Coco installer.

If a compiler configuration is missing, the following can be done:

  1. Copy coveragescanner to the file cs<compiler>.

    For example, on Microsoft® Windows, this would be something like:

    C:\Program Files\squishcoco>copy coveragescanner.exe csarm-linux-gcc.exe
  2. Copy the profile gcc.cspro or g++.cspro to <compiler>.cspro.

    For example:

    C:\Program Files\squishcoco>copy gcc.cspro arm-linux-gcc.cspro

The new GNU cross-compiler cs<compiler> can now be used. It instruments the code and then calls <compiler> for compilation.

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