PointHandler QML Type

Handler for reacting to a single touchpoint. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick




  • canceled(eventPoint point)
  • grabChanged(PointerDevice::GrabTransition transition, eventPoint point)

Detailed Description

PointHandler can be used to show feedback about a touchpoint or the mouse position, or to otherwise react to pointer events.

When a press event occurs, each instance of PointHandler chooses a single point which is not yet "taken" at that moment: if the press occurs within the bounds of the PointerHandler::parent, and no sibling PointHandler within the same PointerHandler::parent has yet acquired a passive grab on that point, and if the other constraints such as acceptedButtons, acceptedDevices etc. are satisfied, it's eligible, and the PointHandler then acquires a passive grab. In this way, the PointerHandler::parent acts like an exclusive group: there can be multiple instances of PointHandler, and the set of pressed touchpoints will be distributed among them. Each PointHandler which has chosen a point to track has its active property true. It then continues to track its chosen point until release: the properties of the point will be kept up-to-date. Any Item can bind to these properties, and thereby follow the point's movements.

By being only a passive grabber, it has the ability to keep independent oversight of all movements. The passive grab cannot be stolen or overridden even when other gestures are detected and exclusive grabs occur.

If your goal is orthogonal surveillance of eventpoints, an older alternative was QObject::installEventFilter(), but that has never been a built-in QtQuick feature: it requires some C++ code, such as a QQuickItem subclass. PointHandler is more efficient than that, because only pointer events will be delivered to it, during the course of normal event delivery in QQuickWindow; whereas an event filter needs to filter all QEvents of all types, and thus sets itself up as a potential event delivery bottleneck.

One possible use case is to add this handler to a transparent Item which is on top of the rest of the scene (by having a high z value), so that when a point is freshly pressed, it will be delivered to that Item and its handlers first, providing the opportunity to take the passive grab as early as possible. Such an item (like a pane of glass over the whole UI) can be a convenient parent for other Items which visualize the kind of reactive feedback which must always be on top; and likewise it can be the parent for popups, popovers, dialogs and so on. If it will be used in that way, it can be helpful for your main.cpp to use QQmlContext::setContextProperty() to make the "glass pane" accessible by ID to the entire UI, so that other Items and PointHandlers can be reparented to it.

import QtQuick

Window {
    width: 480
    height: 320
    visible: true

    Item {
        id: glassPane
        z: 10000
        anchors.fill: parent

        PointHandler {
            id: handler
            acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.TouchScreen | PointerDevice.TouchPad
            target: Rectangle {
                parent: glassPane
                color: "red"
                visible: handler.active
                x: handler.point.position.x - width / 2
                y: handler.point.position.y - height / 2
                width: 20; height: width; radius: width / 2

Like all input handlers, a PointHandler has a target property, which may be used as a convenient place to put a point-tracking Item; but PointHandler will not automatically manipulate the target item in any way. You need to use bindings to make it react to the point.

Note: On macOS, PointHandler does not react to multiple fingers on the trackpad by default, although it does react to a pressed point (mouse position). That is because macOS can provide either native gesture recognition, or raw touchpoints, but not both. We prefer to use the native gesture event in PinchHandler, so we do not want to disable it by enabling touch. However MultiPointTouchArea does enable touch, thus disabling native gesture recognition within the entire window; so it's an alternative if you only want to react to all the touchpoints but do not require the smooth native-gesture experience.

See also MultiPointTouchArea, HoverHandler, and Pointer Handlers Example.

Property Documentation

acceptedButtons : flags

The mouse buttons that can activate this PointHandler.

By default, this property is set to Qt.LeftButton. It can be set to an OR combination of mouse buttons, and will ignore events in which other buttons are pressed or held.

import QtQuick

Item {
    width: 480; height: 320

    Rectangle {
        color: handler.active ? "tomato" : "wheat"
        x: handler.point.position.x - width / 2
        y: handler.point.position.y - height / 2
        width: 20; height: width; radius: width / 2

    PointHandler {
        id: handler
        acceptedButtons: Qt.MiddleButton | Qt.RightButton

Note: On a touchscreen, there are no buttons, so this property does not prevent PointHandler from reacting to touchpoints.

acceptedDevices : flags

The types of pointing devices that can activate this PointHandler.

By default, this property is set to PointerDevice.AllDevices. If you set it to an OR combination of device types, it will ignore events from non-matching devices:

PointHandler {
    id: handler
    acceptedDevices: PointerDevice.TouchScreen | PointerDevice.TouchPad
    target: Rectangle {
        parent: glassPane
        color: "red"
        visible: handler.active
        x: handler.point.position.x - width / 2
        y: handler.point.position.y - height / 2
        width: 20; height: width; radius: width / 2

acceptedModifiers : flags

If this property is set, PointHandler requires the given keyboard modifiers to be pressed in order to react to PointerEvents, and otherwise ignores them.

If this property is set to Qt.KeyboardModifierMask (the default value), then PointHandler ignores the modifier keys.

For example, an Item could have two handlers, one of which is enabled only if the required keyboard modifier is pressed:

import QtQuick

Item {
    id: feedbackPane
    width: 480; height: 320

    PointHandler {
        id: control
        acceptedModifiers: Qt.ControlModifier
        cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor
        target: Rectangle {
            parent: feedbackPane
            color: control.active ? "indianred" : "khaki"
            x: control.point.position.x - width / 2
            y: control.point.position.y - height / 2
            width: 20; height: width; radius: width / 2

    PointHandler {
        id: shift
        acceptedModifiers: Qt.ShiftModifier | Qt.MetaModifier
        cursorShape: Qt.CrossCursor
        target: Rectangle {
            parent: feedbackPane
            color: shift.active ? "darkslateblue" : "lightseagreen"
            x: shift.point.position.x - width / 2
            y: shift.point.position.y - height / 2
            width: 30; height: width; radius: width / 2

If you set acceptedModifiers to an OR combination of modifier keys, it means all of those modifiers must be pressed to activate the handler.

The available modifiers are as follows:

NoModifierNo modifier key is allowed.
ShiftModifierA Shift key on the keyboard must be pressed.
ControlModifierA Ctrl key on the keyboard must be pressed.
AltModifierAn Alt key on the keyboard must be pressed.
MetaModifierA Meta key on the keyboard must be pressed.
KeypadModifierA keypad button must be pressed.
GroupSwitchModifierX11 only (unless activated on Windows by a command line argument). A Mode_switch key on the keyboard must be pressed.
KeyboardModifierMaskThe handler does not care which modifiers are pressed.

See also Qt::KeyboardModifier.

acceptedPointerTypes : flags

The types of pointing instruments (finger, stylus, eraser, etc.) that can activate this PointHandler.

By default, this property is set to PointerDevice.AllPointerTypes. If you set it to an OR combination of device types, it will ignore events from non-matching devices:

import QtQuick

Canvas {
    id: canvas
    width: 800
    height: 600
    antialiasing: true
    renderTarget: Canvas.FramebufferObject
    property var points: []
    onPaint: {
        if (points.length < 2)
        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        ctx.strokeStyle = stylusHandler.active ? "blue" : "white"
        ctx.lineCap = "round"
        ctx.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y)
        for (var i = 1; i < points.length; i++)
            ctx.lineTo(points[i].x, points[i].y)
        ctx.lineWidth = 3
        points = points.slice(points.length - 2, 1)

    PointHandler {
        id: stylusHandler
        acceptedPointerTypes: PointerDevice.Pen
        onPointChanged: {

    PointHandler {
        id: eraserHandler
        acceptedPointerTypes: PointerDevice.Eraser
        onPointChanged: {

    Rectangle {
        width: 10; height: 10
        color: stylusHandler.active ? "green" : eraserHandler.active ? "red" : "beige"

The Pointer Handlers Example includes a more complex example for drawing on a Canvas with a graphics tablet.

[read-only] active : bool

This holds true whenever the constraints are satisfied and this PointHandler is reacting. This means that it is keeping its properties up-to-date according to the movements of the eventPoints that satisfy the constraints.

cursorShape : Qt::CursorShape

This property holds the cursor shape that will appear whenever the mouse is hovering over the parent item while active is true.

The available cursor shapes are:

  • Qt.ArrowCursor
  • Qt.UpArrowCursor
  • Qt.CrossCursor
  • Qt.WaitCursor
  • Qt.IBeamCursor
  • Qt.SizeVerCursor
  • Qt.SizeHorCursor
  • Qt.SizeBDiagCursor
  • Qt.SizeFDiagCursor
  • Qt.SizeAllCursor
  • Qt.BlankCursor
  • Qt.SplitVCursor
  • Qt.SplitHCursor
  • Qt.PointingHandCursor
  • Qt.ForbiddenCursor
  • Qt.WhatsThisCursor
  • Qt.BusyCursor
  • Qt.OpenHandCursor
  • Qt.ClosedHandCursor
  • Qt.DragCopyCursor
  • Qt.DragMoveCursor
  • Qt.DragLinkCursor

The default value is not set, which allows the cursor of parent item to appear. This property can be reset to the same initial condition by setting it to undefined.

Note: When this property has not been set, or has been set to undefined, if you read the value it will return Qt.ArrowCursor.

See also Qt::CursorShape, QQuickItem::cursor(), and HoverHandler::cursorShape.

enabled : bool

If a PointerHandler is disabled, it will reject all events and no signals will be emitted.

grabPermissions : flags

This property specifies the permissions when this handler's logic decides to take over the exclusive grab, or when it is asked to approve grab takeover or cancellation by another handler.

PointerHandler.TakeOverForbiddenThis handler neither takes from nor gives grab permission to any type of Item or Handler.
PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromHandlersOfSameTypeThis handler can take the exclusive grab from another handler of the same class.
PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromHandlersOfDifferentTypeThis handler can take the exclusive grab from any kind of handler.
PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromItemsThis handler can take the exclusive grab from any type of Item.
PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromAnythingThis handler can take the exclusive grab from any type of Item or Handler.
PointerHandler.ApprovesTakeOverByHandlersOfSameTypeThis handler gives permission for another handler of the same class to take the grab.
PointerHandler.ApprovesTakeOverByHandlersOfDifferentTypeThis handler gives permission for any kind of handler to take the grab.
PointerHandler.ApprovesTakeOverByItemsThis handler gives permission for any kind of Item to take the grab.
PointerHandler.ApprovesCancellationThis handler will allow its grab to be set to null.
PointerHandler.ApprovesTakeOverByAnythingThis handler gives permission for any type of Item or Handler to take the grab.

The default is PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromItems | PointerHandler.CanTakeOverFromHandlersOfDifferentType | PointerHandler.ApprovesTakeOverByAnything which allows most takeover scenarios but avoids e.g. two PinchHandlers fighting over the same touchpoints.

margin : real

The margin beyond the bounds of the parent item within which an eventPoint can activate this handler.

The default value is 0.

import QtQuick

Item {
    width: 480; height: 320

    Rectangle {
        anchors.fill: handlingContainer
        anchors.margins: -handler.margin
        color: "beige"

    Rectangle {
        id: handlingContainer
        width: 200; height: 200
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        border.color: "green"
        color: handler.active ? "lightsteelblue" : "khaki"

        Text {
            text: "X"
            x: handler.point.position.x - width / 2
            y: handler.point.position.y - height / 2
            visible: handler.active

        PointHandler {
            id: handler
            margin: 30


parent : Item

The Item which is the scope of the handler; the Item in which it was declared. The handler will handle events on behalf of this Item, which means a pointer event is relevant if at least one of its eventPoints occurs within the Item's interior. Initially target() is the same, but it can be reassigned.

Note: When a handler is declared in a QtQuick3D.Model object, the parent is not an Item, therefore this property is null.

See also target and QObject::parent().

[read-only] point : handlerPoint

The eventPoint currently being handled. When no point is currently being handled, this object is reset to default values (all coordinates are 0).

target : real

A property that can conveniently hold an Item to be manipulated or to show feedback. Unlike other Pointer Handlers, PointHandler does not do anything with the target on its own: you usually need to create reactive bindings to properties such as SinglePointHandler::point and PointHandler::active. If you declare an Item instance here, you need to explicitly set its parent, because PointHandler is not an Item.

By default, it is the same as the parent, the Item within which the handler is declared.

Signal Documentation

canceled(eventPoint point)

If this handler has already grabbed the given point, this signal is emitted when the grab is stolen by a different Pointer Handler or Item.

Note: The corresponding handler is onCanceled.

grabChanged(PointerDevice::GrabTransition transition, eventPoint point)

This signal is emitted when the grab has changed in some way which is relevant to this handler.

The transition (verb) tells what happened. The point (object) is the point that was grabbed or ungrabbed.

Note: The corresponding handler is onGrabChanged.

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