QIfMediaPlayer Class

Provides an interface to control a media player. More...

Header: #include <QIfMediaPlayer>
qmake: QT += ifmedia
In QML: MediaPlayer
Inherits: QIfAbstractFeature

Public Types

enum PlayMode { Normal, RepeatTrack, RepeatAll, Shuffle }
enum PlayState { Playing, Paused, Stopped }


Public Functions

QIfMediaPlayer(QObject *parent = nullptr)
QVariant currentTrack() const
qint64 duration() const
bool isMuted() const
QIfMediaPlayer::PlayMode playMode() const
QIfPlayQueue *playQueue() const
QIfMediaPlayer::PlayState playState() const
qint64 position() const
int volume() const

Public Slots

void next()
void pause()
void play()
void previous()
void seek(qint64 offset)
void setMuted(bool muted)
void setPlayMode(QIfMediaPlayer::PlayMode playMode)
void setPosition(qint64 position)
void setVolume(int volume)
void stop()


void currentTrackChanged(const QVariant &currentTrack)
void durationChanged(qint64 duration)
void mutedChanged(bool muted)
void playModeChanged(QIfMediaPlayer::PlayMode playMode)
void playStateChanged(QIfMediaPlayer::PlayState playState)
void positionChanged(qint64 position)
void volumeChanged(int volume)

Reimplemented Protected Functions

virtual void clearServiceObject() override
virtual void connectToServiceObject(QIfServiceObject *serviceObject) override

Detailed Description

The QIfMediaPlayer provides methods to control a media player. This media player can be local or even a remote device you are connected to e.g. over bluetooth.

By default the autoDiscovery is turned to Automatic for this feature and most likely will connect to a local media player instance.

Uses qtifmedia as configurationId for QIfConfiguration based settings.

Member Type Documentation

enum QIfMediaPlayer::PlayMode

QIfMediaPlayer::Normal0Each item in the queue is played in sequential order. Usually the playback stops when the end of the queue is reached.
QIfMediaPlayer::RepeatTrack1Always repeat the current item. It should still be possible to change the current item using next() and previous(), but this depends on the implementation of the backend.
QIfMediaPlayer::RepeatAll2When the end of the queue is reached, the first item starts to play.
QIfMediaPlayer::Shuffle3The item in the queue are played in an random order.

enum QIfMediaPlayer::PlayState

QIfMediaPlayer::Playing0The media player is currently playing an item.
QIfMediaPlayer::Paused1The playback is paused and can be continued at the same position.
QIfMediaPlayer::Stopped2The playback hasn't been started yet. Starting it, will always start from the beginning.

Property Documentation

[read-only] currentTrack : const QVariant

Holds the current track represented as QVariant.

Note: This will be replaced by soon.

Access functions:

QVariant currentTrack() const

Notifier signal:

void currentTrackChanged(const QVariant &currentTrack)

[read-only] duration : const qint64

Holds the total duration of the current song in seconds.

Access functions:

qint64 duration() const

Notifier signal:

void durationChanged(qint64 duration)

muted : bool

This property holds whether the audio output is muted.

Access functions:

bool isMuted() const
void setMuted(bool muted)

Notifier signal:

void mutedChanged(bool muted)

See also volume.

playMode : QIfMediaPlayer::PlayMode

Holds the current playback mode of the media player.

Access functions:

QIfMediaPlayer::PlayMode playMode() const
void setPlayMode(QIfMediaPlayer::PlayMode playMode)

Notifier signal:

void playModeChanged(QIfMediaPlayer::PlayMode playMode)

[read-only] playQueue : QIfPlayQueue* const

Holds the play queue of this media player.

Access functions:

QIfPlayQueue *playQueue() const

See also QIfPlayQueue.

[read-only] playState : const QIfMediaPlayer::PlayState

Holds the current playback state of the media player.

Access functions:

QIfMediaPlayer::PlayState playState() const

Notifier signal:

void playStateChanged(QIfMediaPlayer::PlayState playState)

position : qint64

Holds the position of the current song of the media player in seconds.

Access functions:

qint64 position() const
void setPosition(qint64 position)

Notifier signal:

void positionChanged(qint64 position)

volume : int

Holds the sound volume level (0..100)

Access functions:

int volume() const
void setVolume(int volume)

Notifier signal:

void volumeChanged(int volume)

See also muted.

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] QIfMediaPlayer::QIfMediaPlayer(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a QIfMediaPlayer.

The parent argument is passed on to the QIfAbstractFeature base class.

[override virtual protected] void QIfMediaPlayer::clearServiceObject()

Reimplements: QIfAbstractFeature::clearServiceObject().

[override virtual protected] void QIfMediaPlayer::connectToServiceObject(QIfServiceObject *serviceObject)

Reimplements: QIfAbstractFeature::connectToServiceObject(QIfServiceObject *serviceObject).

[slot] void QIfMediaPlayer::next()

Skips to the next track in the playQueue.

See also playMode.

[slot] void QIfMediaPlayer::pause()

Pauses the currently ongoing playback.

See also play() and stop().

[slot] void QIfMediaPlayer::play()

Starts to play the current track. If the playQueue is empty it's up to the backend to decide what to do.

See also pause() and stop().

[slot] void QIfMediaPlayer::previous()

Skips to the previous track in the playQueue.

See also playMode.

[slot] void QIfMediaPlayer::seek(qint64 offset)

Seeks into the current track using offset.

The offset can be positive or negative to either seek forward or backward. A successful seek will result in a change of the position property.

[slot] void QIfMediaPlayer::stop()

Stops the currently ongoing playback.

See also play() and pause().

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