Overview of customizing Boot to Qt

The Boot to Qt Software Stack is designed for versatile customization possibilities:

You can use the Yocto tools to build custom Boot to Qt images for a target device that is already supported by Boot to Qt. By building a custom image, you can have control over which packages are included in the build and how the software stack is configured. For more information, see How to create a Boot to Qt image and topics under How to customize a Boot to Qt image.

If you are developing software for a target device that is not yet supported in your Boot to Qt for embedded Linux environment, you can add the support by including the required Yocto BSP layer, that is, a new integration meta layer. For more information, see Creating New Integration Meta Layer.

Qt Board Support Package (QBSP) provides needed components for using Qt on an embedded device. QBSPs are installed using Qt Online Installer, either from online content or from a separately downloaded .qbsp file. The .qbsp files provides a way to deliver and install additional content that are not part of the official releases.

Note: Before you do any customization for Boot to Qt, you must set up your environment. For more information, see Setting Up Environment for Building Boot to Qt.

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