How to add support for a new device

The Yocto build environment for Boot to Qt supports several Yocto BSP layers that provide support for large number of embedded devices. Support for a new hardware can be easily added by including the required Yocto BSP layer to your Boot to Qt for embedded Linux environment. For more information, see Customizing Your Build for Specific Hardware in the Yocto Project documentation.

Additionally, you may need to include recipes or configurations that adapt the Boot to Qt to the new hardware. This can be done in a new meta layer. For more information, see Creating new integration meta layer.

Once the integration to Boot to Qt is done, you can create a new manifest that allows users easily initialize the full build environment themselves. For more information, see Creating new layer manifest.

When you want to provide access to the customized Boot to Qt image that supports your target device, you can do it by building a QBSP file. For more information, see How to create a Boot to Qt image.

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