Qt for Android Environment Variables

Enabling or disabling workarounds

Qt for Android uses some environment variables to enable/disable certain workarounds:

Commonly used variables

QT_ANDROID_NO_EXIT_CALLIn some cases, an Android app might not be able to safely clean all threads while calling exit() and it might crash. This is because there are C++ threads running and destroying these without joining them terminates an application. These threads cannot be joined because it's not possible to know if they are running. This flag avoids calling exit() and lets the Android system handle this, at the cost of not attempting to run global destructors.
QT_ANDROID_ENABLE_WORKAROUND_TO_DISABLE_PREDICTIVE_TEXTAllows the hiding of predictive text suggestions, mainly from password fields. Certain devices don’t handle this properly. For more information, see Predictive Text.
QT_ANDROID_ENABLE_RIGHT_MOUSE_FROM_LONG_PRESSInterprets a long touch press as a right mouse click event.
QT_ANDROID_DISABLE_ACCESSIBILITYDisable Accessibility. This prevents the processing of accessibility events.

Less commonly used variables

QT_ANDROID_FONT_LOCATIONSets a custom path for system fonts.
QT_ANDROID_MAX_ASSETS_CACHE_SIZECache size for assets under the assets folder.

Note: Though related, these are not the same as CMake commands or variables used by Qt For Android, see Qt for Android CMake Configuration

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