Finance Manager Tutorial - Part 1

In this tutorial, we will create a finance manager app using QtQuick and PySide6. The app will allow you to add your expenses and visualize them using a pie charts based on the category of spending. The application is designed in a way that it is compatible with Desktop and Android platforms.

Finance Manager GIF

Finance Manager Android

To download the complete source code for this tutorial, visit Finance Manager Example - Part 1.


Before we begin, firstly make sure you have Python 3.9+ and PySide6 installed within you Python environment. You can install it using pip:

pip install PySide6

Project Design

The finance manager app is a simple app demonstrating the use of PySide6 to integrate QtQuick with Python, allowing for a seamless combination of QML for the user interface and Python for the backend logic. It will have the following components:

  1. Expense List: This list will display all the entered expenses, showing the expense name, amount, category and date. The expenses are organized by their month and year.

  2. PieChart: This chart will visualize the expenses based on their categories, giving users a clear overview of their spending habits.

  3. Add Expense: A dialog enabling the user to add new expenses.

The overall project structure will be as follows:

├── Finance/
│   ├── Main.qml
│   ├── FinanceView.qml
│   ├── FinanceDelegate.qml
│   ├── FinancePieChart.qml
│   ├── AddDialog.qml
│   └── qmldir

Let’s get started!

Component Overview

In the first part of this tutorial, we will start by creating the Expense List using some pre-defined expenses. For this, we will create a new Python file that defines a class FinanceModel that will be used to manage the expenses from Python and expose it to QML.
FinanceModel class definition
 1# Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
 2# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
 4from datetime import datetime
 5from dataclasses import dataclass
 6from enum import IntEnum
 7from collections import defaultdict
 9from PySide6.QtCore import (QAbstractListModel, QEnum, Qt, QModelIndex, Slot,
10                            QByteArray)
11from PySide6.QtQml import QmlElement
13QML_IMPORT_NAME = "Finance"
18class FinanceModel(QAbstractListModel):
20    @QEnum
21    class FinanceRole(IntEnum):
22        ItemNameRole = Qt.ItemDataRole.DisplayRole
23        CategoryRole = Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole
24        CostRole = Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole + 1
25        DateRole = Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole + 2
26        MonthRole = Qt.ItemDataRole.UserRole + 3
28    @dataclass
29    class Finance:
30        item_name: str
31        category: str
32        cost: float
33        date: str
35        @property
36        def month(self):
37            return datetime.strptime(, "%d-%m-%Y").strftime("%B %Y")
39    def __init__(self, parent=None) -> None:
40        super().__init__(parent)
41        self.m_finances = []
42        self.m_finances.append(self.Finance("Mobile Prepaid", "Electronics", 20.00, "15-02-2024"))
43        self.m_finances.append(self.Finance("Groceries-Feb-Week1", "Groceries", 60.75,
44                                            "16-01-2024"))
45        self.m_finances.append(self.Finance("Bus Ticket", "Transport", 5.50, "17-01-2024"))
46        self.m_finances.append(self.Finance("Book", "Education", 25.00, "18-01-2024"))
48    def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
49        return len(self.m_finances)
51    def data(self, index: QModelIndex, role: int):
52        row = index.row()
53        if row < self.rowCount():
54            finance = self.m_finances[row]
55            if role == FinanceModel.FinanceRole.ItemNameRole:
56                return finance.item_name
57            if role == FinanceModel.FinanceRole.CategoryRole:
58                return finance.category
59            if role == FinanceModel.FinanceRole.CostRole:
60                return finance.cost
61            if role == FinanceModel.FinanceRole.DateRole:
62                return
63            if role == FinanceModel.FinanceRole.MonthRole:
64                return finance.month
65        return None
67    @Slot(result=dict)
68    def getCategoryData(self):
69        category_data = defaultdict(float)
70        for finance in self.m_finances:
71            category_data[finance.category] += finance.cost
72        return dict(category_data)
74    def roleNames(self):
75        roles = super().roleNames()
76        roles[FinanceModel.FinanceRole.ItemNameRole] = QByteArray(b"item_name")
77        roles[FinanceModel.FinanceRole.CategoryRole] = QByteArray(b"category")
78        roles[FinanceModel.FinanceRole.CostRole] = QByteArray(b"cost")
79        roles[FinanceModel.FinanceRole.DateRole] = QByteArray(b"date")
80        roles[FinanceModel.FinanceRole.MonthRole] = QByteArray(b"month")
81        return roles
83    @Slot(int, result='QVariantMap')
84    def get(self, row: int):
85        finance = self.m_finances[row]
86        return {"item_name": finance.item_name, "category": finance.category,
87                "cost": finance.cost, "date":}
89    @Slot(str, str, float, str)
90    def append(self, item_name: str, category: str, cost: float, date: str):
91        finance = self.Finance(item_name, category, cost, date)
92        self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0)  # Insert at the front
93        self.m_finances.insert(0, finance)  # Insert at the front of the list
94        self.endInsertRows()

Here’s a brief overview of the FinanceModel class, its components and methods:

  1. QML type registration

    • The FinanceModel class is registered as a QML type using the @QmlElement decorator. This decorator is used to define a Python class as a QML type, allowing it to be used in QML files.

    • The QML_IMPORT_NAME variable is used to define the name of the module that will be imported in QML to access the FinanceModel class.

  2. Members

    • FinanceRole Enum: Defines custom roles for the model data, such as ItemNameRole, CategoryRole, CostRole, DateRole and MonthRole.

    • Finance Dataclass: Represents an individual expense with the attributes item_name, category, cost, date and month.

    • init Method: Initializes the model with some pre-defined expenses.

    • rowCount Method: Returns the number of items in the model.

    • data Method: Returns the data for a given role and index in the model.

    • getCategoryData Method: Returns a dictionary the total cost for each category in the model. This method has the @Slot decorator to make it accessible from QML.

    • roleNames Method: Maps role names to their QByteArray values.

    • get Method: A @Slot method to get the expense data at a given index.

    • append Method: A @Slot method to append a new expense to the model.

For using as a data model in the ListView component in QML, the methods rowCount, data, and roleNames are required.

Now that we have defined the FinanceModel class, let’s create the QML components to display the expenses. First, we create Finance/Main.qml file that will be the main QML file for our app.

  1// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
  2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
  4import QtQuick
  5import QtQuick.Controls
  6import QtQuick.Layouts
  7import QtQuick.Controls.Material
  8import Finance
 10ApplicationWindow {
 11    id: window
 12    Material.theme: Material.Dark
 13    Material.accent: Material.Gray
 14    width: Screen.width * 0.3
 15    height: Screen.height * 0.5
 16    visible: true
 17    title: qsTr("Finance Manager")
 19    // Add a toolbar for the application, only visible on mobile
 20    header: ToolBar {
 21        Material.primary: "#5c8540"
 22        visible: Qt.platform.os == "android"
 23        RowLayout {
 24            anchors.fill: parent
 25            Label {
 26                text: qsTr("Finance Manager")
 27                font.pixelSize: 20
 28                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
 29            }
 30        }
 31    }
 33    ColumnLayout {
 34        anchors.fill: parent
 36        TabBar {
 37            id: tabBar
 38            Layout.fillWidth: true
 40            TabButton {
 41                text: qsTr("Expenses")
 42                font.pixelSize: Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
 43                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.04 :
 44                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.02
 45                onClicked: stackView.currentIndex = 0
 46            }
 48            TabButton {
 49                text: qsTr("Charts")
 50                font.pixelSize: Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
 51                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.04 :
 52                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.02
 53                onClicked: stackView.currentIndex = 1
 54            }
 55        }
 57        StackLayout {
 58            id: stackView
 59            Layout.fillWidth: true
 60            Layout.fillHeight: true
 62            Item {
 63                id: expensesView
 64                Layout.fillWidth: true
 65                Layout.fillHeight: true
 67                FinanceView {
 68                    id: financeView
 69                    anchors.fill: parent
 70                    financeModel: finance_model
 71                }
 72            }
 74            Item {
 75                id: chartsView
 76                Layout.fillWidth: true
 77                Layout.fillHeight: true
 79                FinancePieChart {
 80                    id: financePieChart
 81                    anchors.fill: parent
 82                    Component.onCompleted: {
 83                        var categoryData = finance_model.getCategoryData()
 84                        updateChart(categoryData)
 85                    }
 86                }
 87            }
 88        }
 89    }
 91    // Model to store the finance data. Created from Python.
 92    FinanceModel {
 93        id: finance_model
 94    }
 96    // Add a dialog to add new entries
 97    AddDialog {
 98        id: addDialog
 99        onFinished: function(item_name, category, cost, date) {
100            finance_model.append(item_name, category, cost, date)
101            var categoryData = finance_model.getCategoryData()
102            financePieChart.updateChart(categoryData)
103        }
104    }
106    // Add a button to open the dialog
107    ToolButton {
108        id: roundButton
109        text: qsTr("+")
110        highlighted: true
111        Material.elevation: 6
112        width: Qt.platform.os === "android" ?
113            Math.min(parent.width * 0.2, Screen.width * 0.15) :
114            Math.min(parent.width * 0.060, Screen.width * 0.05)
115        height: width  // Keep the button circular
116        anchors.margins: 10
117        anchors.right: parent.right
118        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
119        background: Rectangle {
120            color: "#5c8540"
121            radius: roundButton.width / 2
122        }
123        font.pixelSize: width * 0.4
124        onClicked: {
125            addDialog.createEntry()
126        }
127    }

In the Main.qml we import the created Finance QML module file and the file has the following components:

  1. ApplicationWindow:

    • The main window of the application.

    • Sets the theme to Material.Dark and accent color to Material.Gray.

    • Adjusts the window size to the screen dimensions.

    • Contains the title “Finance Manager”.

  2. ToolBar:

    • A toolbar that is only visible on mobile platforms (Android and iOS). Note that PySide6 supports only Android, but you can use the same code with Qt C++ for iOS.

    • Contains a Label with the text “Finance Manager”.

  3. ColumnLayout:

    • A layout that arranges its children in a column.

    • Fills the entire window.

  4. TabBar:

    • Contains two TabButton components for switching between Expense and Charts views.

  5. StackLayout:

    • A layout that stacks its children on top of each other.

    • Contains two Itemcomponents for the “Expenses” and “Charts” views.

  6. FinanceView:

    • A custom component to display the list of expenses.

    • Binds to the finance_model.

    • This component is defined in the FinanceView.qml file.

  7. FinancePieChart:

    • A custom component to display a pie chart of expenses by category.

    • Updates the chart with data from finance_model.getCategoryData() when the component is completed.

    • This component is defined in the FinancePieChart.qml file.

  8. FinanceModel:

    • The data model created from Python to store finance data. This is imported by import the QML module Finance in the Main.qml file.

  9. AddDialog:

    • A dialog for adding new expense entries.

    • Appends new entries to finance_model and updates the pie chart.

  10. RoundButton:

    • A circular button to open the AddDialog.qml.

    • Positioned at the bottom-right corner of the window.

    • Contains a “+” symbol and has a highlighted appearance.

Now that we have the basic structure of the main QML file, let’s create the FinanceView.qml file:

 1// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
 2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
 4import QtQuick
 5import QtQuick.Controls
 6import QtQuick.Controls.Material
 8ListView {
 9    id: listView
10    anchors.fill: parent
11    height: parent.height
12    property var financeModel
14    delegate: FinanceDelegate {
15        id: delegate
16        width: listView.width
17    }
19    model: financeModel
21 "month"  // Group items by the "month" property
22    section.criteria: ViewSection.FullString
23    section.delegate: Component {
24        id: sectionHeading
25        Rectangle {
26            width: listView.width
27            height:  Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
28                Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.05 :
29                Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.03
30            color: "#5c8540"
32            required property string section
34            Text {
35                text: parent.section
36                font.bold: true
37                // depending on the screen density, adjust the font size
38                font.pixelSize: Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
39                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.03 :
40                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.02
41                color: Material.primaryTextColor
42            }
43        }
44    }
46    ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { }

FinanceView.qml contains the following components:

  1. ListView:

    • The main container for displaying a list of items.

    • Fills the entire parent container using anchors.fill: parent.

    • Uses the financeModel property as its data model.

  2. property var financeModel:

    • A property to hold the data model for the list.

    • This model is expected to be passed from the parent component. In this case, it is passed from the Main.qml file.

  3. delegate:

    • Defines how each item in the ListView should be displayed.

    • Uses a custom component FinanceDelegate to render each item. This component is defined in the FinanceDelegate.qml file.

    • Sets the width of each delegate to match the width of the ListView.

  4. model:

    • Binds the ListView to the financeModel property.

    • The ListView will display items based on the data in financeModel.

  5. section:

    • The section property is used to group the items in the list view based on the month of the expense.

  6. ScrollBar.vertical:

    • Adds a vertical scrollbar to the ListView.

    • Ensures that users can scroll through the list if the content exceeds the visible area.

These components together create a scrollable list view for displaying financial data, with each item rendered using the FinanceDelegate component.

Next, let’s create the FinanceDelegate.qml file:

 1// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
 2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
 4import QtQuick
 5import QtQuick.Layouts
 6import QtQuick.Controls
 7import QtQuick.Controls.Material
 9ItemDelegate {
10    id: delegate
11    checkable: true
12    width: parent.width
13    height: Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
14        Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.15 :
15        Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.1
17    contentItem:
18    RowLayout {
19        Label {
20            id: dateLabel
21            font.pixelSize: Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
22                Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.03 :
23                Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.02
24            text: date
25            elide: Text.ElideRight
26            Layout.fillWidth: true
27            Layout.preferredWidth: 1
28            color: Material.primaryTextColor
29        }
31        ColumnLayout {
32            spacing: 5
33            Layout.fillWidth: true
34            Layout.preferredWidth: 1
36            Label {
37                text: item_name
38                color: "#5c8540"
39                font.bold: true
40                elide: Text.ElideRight
41                font.pixelSize:  Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
42                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.03 :
43                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.02
44                Layout.fillWidth: true
45            }
47            Label {
48                text: category
49                elide: Text.ElideRight
50                Layout.fillWidth: true
51                font.pixelSize:  Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
52                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.03 :
53                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.02
54            }
55        }
57        Item {
58        Layout.fillWidth: true  // This item will take up the remaining space
59        }
61        ColumnLayout {
62            spacing: 5
63            Layout.fillWidth: true
64            Layout.preferredWidth: 1
66            Label {
67                text: "you spent:"
68                color: "#5c8540"
69                elide: Text.ElideRight
70                Layout.fillWidth: true
71                font.pixelSize:  Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
72                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.03 :
73                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.02
74            }
76            Label {
77                text: cost + "€"
78                elide: Text.ElideRight
79                Layout.fillWidth: true
80                font.pixelSize:  Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
81                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.03 :
82                    Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.02
83            }
84        }
85    }

FinanceDelegate.qml contains the following components:

  1. ItemDelegate:

    • The root element of the delegate.

    • Represents a single item in the ListView.

  2. RowLayout:

    • A layout that arranges its children horizontally.

    • Contains multiple elements to display different parts of the financial data.

  3. Label (dateLabel):

    • Displays the date of the expense.

  4. ColumnLayout:

    • A layout that arranges its children vertically.

    • Contains labels for the item name and category.

  5. Label (item_name):

    • Displays the name of the item.

  6. Label (category):

    • Displays the category of the transaction.

  7. Item:

    • A spacer item to take up the remaining space in the RowLayout so that the last label is aligned to the right.

  8. ColumnLayout (cost section):

    • A layout that arranges its children vertically.

    • Contains labels for the cost description and the actual cost.

  9. Label (“you spent:”):

    • Displays the static text “you spent:”

  10. Label (cost):

    • Displays the cost of the transaction.

These components together create a detailed and structured visual representation of each financial transaction in the ListView, displaying the date, item name, category, and cost in a readable format.

Then we create the FinancePieChart.qml file:

 1// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
 2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
 4pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound
 5import QtQuick
 6import QtGraphs
 7import QtQuick.Controls.Material
 9Item {
10    width: Screen.width
11    height: Screen.height
13    GraphsView {
14        id: chart
15        anchors.fill: parent
16        antialiasing: true
18        theme: GraphsTheme {
19            colorScheme: Qt.Dark
20            theme: GraphsTheme.Theme.QtGreenNeon
21        }
23        PieSeries {
24            id: pieSeries
25        }
26    }
28    Text {
29        id: chartTitle
30        text: "Total Expenses Breakdown by Category"
31        color: "#5c8540"
32        font.pixelSize: Qt.platform.os == "android" ?
33            Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.04 :
34            Math.min(window.width, window.height) * 0.03
35        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
37        anchors.topMargin: 20
38    }
40    function updateChart(data) {
41        pieSeries.clear()
42        for (var category in data) {
43            var slice = pieSeries.append(category, data[category])
44            slice.label = category + ": " + data[category] + "€"
45            slice.labelVisible = true
46        }
47    }

FinancePieChart.qml contains the following components:

  1. Item:

    • The root element of the QML file.

    • Sets the width and height to match the screen dimensions.

  2. GraphsView:

    • A container for displaying charts. This was introduced with Qt 6.8 with Qt Graphs module.

  3. PieSeries:

    • A series type for creating pie charts. This is also a part of the Qt Graphs module.

  4. Text

    • A title for the pie chart.

  5. updateChart(data):

    • A JavaScript function to update the pie chart with new data.

    • Clears existing slices in the PieSeries.

    • Iterates over the provided data to create new slices.

    • Each slice is labeled with the category name and value in euros.

These components together create a responsive pie chart that can be dynamically updated with new data.

Finally, we create the AddDialog.qml file:

  1// Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
  2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
  4import QtQuick
  5import QtQuick.Controls
  6import QtQuick.Layouts
  8Dialog {
  9    id: dialog
 11    signal finished(string itemName, string category, real cost, string date)
 13    contentItem: ColumnLayout {
 14        id: form
 15        spacing: 10
 16        property alias itemName: itemName
 17        property alias category: category
 18        property alias cost: cost
 19        property alias date: date
 21        GridLayout {
 22            columns: 2
 23            columnSpacing: 20
 24            rowSpacing: 10
 25            Layout.fillWidth: true
 27            Label {
 28                text: qsTr("Item Name:")
 29                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBaseline
 30            }
 32            TextField {
 33                id: itemName
 34                focus: true
 35                Layout.fillWidth: true
 36                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBaseline
 37            }
 39            Label {
 40                text: qsTr("Category:")
 41                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBaseline
 42            }
 44            TextField {
 45                id: category
 46                focus: true
 47                Layout.fillWidth: true
 48                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBaseline
 49            }
 51            Label {
 52                text: qsTr("Cost:")
 53                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBaseline
 54            }
 56            TextField {
 57                id: cost
 58                focus: true
 59                Layout.fillWidth: true
 60                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBaseline
 61                placeholderText: qsTr("€")
 62                inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhFormattedNumbersOnly
 63            }
 65            Label {
 66                text: qsTr("Date:")
 67                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBaseline
 68            }
 70            TextField {
 71                id: date
 72                Layout.fillWidth: true
 73                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignBaseline
 74                // placeholderText: qsTr("dd-mm-yyyy")
 75                validator: RegularExpressionValidator { regularExpression: /^[0-3]?\d-[01]?\d-\d{4}$/ }
 76                // code to add the - automatically
 77                onTextChanged: {
 78                    if (date.text.length === 2 || date.text.length === 5) {
 79                        date.text += "-"
 80                    }
 81                }
 82                Component.onCompleted: {
 83                var today = new Date();
 84                var day = String(today.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
 85                var month = String(today.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); // Months are zero-based
 86                var year = today.getFullYear();
 87                date.placeholderText = day + "-" + month + "-" + year;
 88                }
 89            }
 90        }
 91    }
 93    function createEntry() {
 94        form.itemName.clear()
 95        form.category.clear()
 96        form.cost.clear()
 98        dialog.title = qsTr("Add Finance Item")
100    }
102    x: parent.width / 2 - width / 2
103    y: parent.height / 2 - height / 2
105    focus: true
106    modal: true
107    title: qsTr("Add Finance Item")
108    standardButtons: Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel
110    Component.onCompleted: {
111        dialog.visible = false
112        Qt.inputMethod.visibleChanged.connect(adjustDialogPosition)
113    }
115    function adjustDialogPosition() {
116        if (Qt.inputMethod.visible) {
117            // If the keyboard is visible, move the dialog up
118            dialog.y = parent.height / 4 - height / 2
119        } else {
120            // If the keyboard is not visible, center the dialog
121            dialog.y = parent.height / 2 - height / 2
122        }
123    }
125    onAccepted: {
126        finished(form.itemName.text, form.category.text, parseFloat(form.cost.text),
127    }

AddDialog.qml contains the following components:

  1. Dialog:

    • Root element for the dialog.: Identifier for the dialog.

    • signal finished(...): Custom signal emitted when the dialog is accepted. In this case, it is emitted when the user adds a new expense.

  2. ColumnLayout:

    • Container for the dialog fields.

  3. TextField:

    • Input fields for the item name, category, cost and date.

  4. Function createEntry():

    • Clears the form fields.

    • Sets the dialog title.

    • Opens the dialog.

  5. Dialog Properties:

    • title: qsTr("Add Finance Item"): Sets the dialog title.

    • standardButtons: Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel: Adds standard OK and Cancel buttons.

    • Component.onCompleted: Hides the dialog when the component is first completed.

    • onAccepted: Calls the finished function with the form data when the dialog is accepted.

  6. Function adjustDialogPosition:

    • Adjusts the dialog position to move slightly up when the virtual keyboard is shown. This is only applicable for mobile platforms.

Main Python file

Now that we have created the main QML file and the necessary components, we can run the application to see the expense list view in action. Create a new Python file and add the following code:
# Copyright (C) 2024 The Qt Company Ltd.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause

import sys
from pathlib import Path
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PySide6.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine

from financemodel import FinanceModel  # noqa: F401

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    QApplication.setApplicationName("Finance Manager")
    engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()

    engine.loadFromModule("Finance", "Main")

    if not engine.rootObjects():

    exit_code = app.exec()
    del engine

In the file, we create a QApplication instance, load the Main.qml file. The Python import statement from financemodel import FinanceModel registers the FinanceModel class as a QML type, allowing it to be used in QML files.

Running the Application

To run the application, execute the file using Python:


Deploying the Application

To deploy the application on Desktop, you can use the pyside6-deploy: the deployment tool for Qt for Python tool. Run the following command from the project directory:

pyside6-deploy --name FinanceManager

This will create a standalone executable for the application in the project directory.

For deploying to Android, you can use the pyside6-android-deploy: the Android deployment tool for Qt for Python tool. Run the following command from the project directory:

pyside6-android-deploy --name FinanceManager --wheel-pyside=<path_to_pyside6_wheel>

This will create an APK file that can be installed on an Android device in the project directory.


In this part of the tutorial, we have created a basic finance manager app, including the expense list view categorized by month and year, the pie chart, and the add expense dialog. We have also defined the FinanceModel class in Python to manage the financial data and expose it to QML. In the next part of the tutorial, we will continue to build on this foundation by moving the expense data into a database based on the sqlalchemy Python package.