Qt for Android Manifest File Configuration
The Android Manifest is an XML file necessary for any Android app. It contains app configuration for different settings and features that the app uses, as well as details on the app itself, such as, package name, app name, version, etc. Permissions and hardware features can also be set from the manifest.
Qt for Android maintains a version of AndroidManifest.xml
with default configuration that include features, permissions and other configuration used by the build system which are needed for building and running Qt apps on Android.
Qt Project to Manifest Configuration
Qt defines some meta-data that is passed from the build systems and to androiddeployqt which populates the manifest with the correct values without explicitly setting these in the manifest file. Such meta-data is assigned a value in the form "-- %%INSERT_VALUE%% --"
, for example:
<manifest ... android:versionCode="-- %%INSERT_VERSION_CODE%% --" ... </manifest>
This would be populated with the version code that is set in, for example, CMake
Qt Default Configuration
Qt sets the following manifest configuration by default:
Section | Option | Description |
<manifest> | package | Sets the package name. The default value is org.qtproject.example.app_name .Warning: This field is deprecated and moved to |
android:installLocation | Sets the app's installation location, whether internal or external storage. The default value is auto . | |
android:versionCode | Sets the internal version code. Populated from ANDROID_VERSION_CODE (qmake) and QT_ANDROID_VERSION_CODE (CMake). The default value is 1 . | |
android:versionName | Sets the public version name. Populated from ANDROID_VERSION_NAME (qmake) and QT_ANDROID_VERSION_NAME (CMake). The default value is 1.0 . | |
<supports-screens> | Sets the screen sizes that the app supports, default values are anyDensity , largeScreens , normalScreens , and smallScreens . | |
<application> | android:name | The application class name. Default value is org.qtproject.qt.android.bindings.QtApplication . |
android:label | The application name label. Default value is the Qt project's target name. | |
android:hardwareAccelerated | Sets hardware acceleration preference. The default value is true . | |
android:requestLegacyExternalStorage | Whether to use Android scoped storage. The default value is true . | |
android:allowBackup | Whether to allow the application to participate in the backup and restore infrastructure. If this is set to false , no backup or restore of the application will ever be performed. The default value is true . | |
android:fullBackupOnly | Whether or not to use Auto Backup on devices where it is available. The default value is false . | |
<activity> | android:name | The activity class name. The default value is org.qtproject.qt.android.bindings.QtActivity . |
android:configChanges | Lists configuration changes that the activity handles. Default value is orientation , uiMode , screenLayout , screenSize , smallestScreenSize , layoutDirection , locale , fontScale , keyboard , keyboardHidden , navigation , mcc , mnc , density . | |
android:launchMode | The method used to launch the activity. The default value is singleTop . | |
android:screenOrientation | The orientation of the activity's display on the device. The default value is unspecified . | |
<intent-filter> | Specifies the types of intents that the activity can respond to. Default value is<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/> | |
android:exported | Sets whether the activity can be launched by components of other applications. The default value is true . | |
android:theme | Sets the theme name used for this activity. The default value is @style/NormalTheme .Note: Qt 6.8 doesn't have the public Safe Area Margins API which help manage Edge-to-edge mode properly, thus this theme disables that mode by setting the flag |
Qt Specific Meta-data
In addition to the default manifest configuration that Qt sets, Qt defines some meta-data that is valid for Qt apps only. Such meta-data is usually under the <activity>
section in the form:
<meta-data android:name="meta-data-name" android:value="meta-data-value" />
The following is a list of such meta-data defined by Qt:
Meta-data Name | Description |
android.app.lib_name | The filename of the native C++ library that is used by the activity. Note: This attribute is mandatory and shouldn't be removed. Default value is the Qt project's target name. |
android.app.extract_android_style | The method used to extract the native Android Style information. For more information, see Style Extraction. The default value is minimal . |
android.app.background_running | Sets whether the app keeps running tasks in the background. Setting this to true is the equivalent of setting the environment variable QT_BLOCK_EVENT_LOOPS_WHEN_SUSPENDED to 0 . The default value is false .Warning: Setting this to |
android.app.arguments | Sets a list of arguments to pass to the app "arg1 arg2" . Populated from ANDROID_APPLICATION_ARGUMENTS (qmake) and QT_ANDROID_APPLICATION_ARGUMENTS (CMake). Default value is not set. |
android.app.splash_screen_drawable_portrait | Sets a drawable for a splash screen specific to portrait mode. For example: android:resource="@drawable/splash_portrait" . Default value is not set. |
android.app.splash_screen_drawable_landscape | Sets a drawable for a splash screen specific to landscape mode. For example: android:resource="@drawable/splash_landscape" . Default value is not set. |
android.app.splash_screen_drawable | Sets a drawable for a splash screen at the start of the app. Note: Orientation specific splash screens are checked first, if not set, this is used instead. For example: |
android.app.splash_screen_sticky | Sets whether the splash screen stays visible until explicitly hidden by the app. For more information, see QAndroidApplication::hideSplashScreen(). |
android.app.trace_location | Specifies a location on device where the application can save tracing files. For example: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/<app_package_name>/files/. This is needed when using Common Trace Format (CTF) tracing backend. Note: The application needs storage permission for the location. Default: not set. |
Application Specific Meta-data
Some meta-data attributes are application-wide, and should be placed under the <application>
Meta-data Name | Description |
android.app.system_libs_prefix | Specifies a custom system library path to use for library loading lookup. This is necessary when using Qt libraries installed outside an app's default native (JNI) library directory. The default value is /system/lib/ . |
Meta-data in Services
Some meta-data attributes can also be used in Services. The main ones are:
Qt Permissions and Features
Different Qt modules might require some Android permissions or features to function properly, for example, Camera permission in QtMultimedia. The androiddeployqt Tool takes care of including such requirements into the Android manifest during the build. Qt defines the following lines into the manifest, which they get replaced by the actual values:
<manifest ... <!-- %%INSERT_PERMISSIONS --> <!-- %%INSERT_FEATURES --> ... </manifest>
Note: If those lines are removed from the project manifest, Qt won't be able to include the correct permissions. So some functionalities might not work properly.
Customizing Permissions
Since Qt 6.8.1, it is possible to override the default permissions set by Qt modules. This is useful if you need to define the same permissions as used by a Qt module, but with additional or different attributes.
To achieve this, you can manually define these permissions in the Android manifest file, along with the <!-- %%INSERT_PERMISSIONS -->
placeholder. Manually defined permissions take precedence over the same permissions added by Qt modules, avoiding duplication.
Style Extraction
Qt uses different methods to determine how Qt Widgets and Qt Quick Controls should be styled:
: when using Qt Widgets or Qt Quick Controls 1.Note: This method uses some Android non-SDK interfaces, that are being restricted and removed by Google starting from Android 9.0 (API 28). For that reason, this is not recommended for Android 9.0 or greater.
: when using Qt Quick Controls 2 and no Qt Widgets or Qt Quick Controls 1. This is faster than using the default or full options.none
: no style extraction.
Qt Manifest before 6.2 Release
Versions of Qt earlier than 6.2 used to have an additional set of meta-data defined by Qt. These attributes used to manage dependencies and some were used by the discontinued Ministro
service. With Qt 6.2, they should be removed. Here is a list of these attributes:
- android.app.qt_sources_resource_id
- android.app.repository
- android.app.bundled_libs_resource_id
- android.app.bundle_local_qt_libs
- android.app.use_local_qt_libs
- android.app.libs_prefix
- android.app.load_local_libs_resource_id
- android.app.load_local_jars
- android.app.static_init_classes
- android.app.qt_libs_resource_id
- android.app.ministro_not_found_msg
- android.app.ministro_needed_msg
- android.app.fatal_error_msg
For more information on the Android Manifest, see Android App Manifest.
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