QHttpHeaders Class
QHttpHeaders is a class for holding HTTP headers. More...
Header: | #include <QHttpHeaders> |
CMake: | find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Network) target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Network) |
qmake: | QT += network |
Since: | Qt 6.7 |
Public Types
enum class | WellKnownHeader { AIM, Accept, AcceptAdditions, AcceptCH, AcceptDatetime, …, ProtocolQuery } |
Public Functions
QHttpHeaders() | |
QHttpHeaders(const QHttpHeaders &other) | |
QHttpHeaders(QHttpHeaders &&other) | |
~QHttpHeaders() | |
bool | append(QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView value) |
bool | append(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView value) |
void | clear() |
QByteArray | combinedValue(QAnyStringView name) const |
QByteArray | combinedValue(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name) const |
bool | contains(QAnyStringView name) const |
bool | contains(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name) const |
bool | insert(qsizetype i, QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView value) |
bool | insert(qsizetype i, QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView value) |
bool | isEmpty() const |
QLatin1StringView | nameAt(qsizetype i) const |
void | removeAll(QAnyStringView name) |
void | removeAll(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name) |
void | removeAt(qsizetype i) |
bool | replace(qsizetype i, QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView newValue) |
bool | replace(qsizetype i, QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView newValue) |
(since 6.8) bool | replaceOrAppend(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView newValue) |
bool | replaceOrAppend(QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView newValue) |
void | reserve(qsizetype size) |
qsizetype | size() const |
void | swap(QHttpHeaders &other) |
QList<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>> | toListOfPairs() const |
QMultiHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> | toMultiHash() const |
QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> | toMultiMap() const |
QByteArrayView | value(QAnyStringView name, QByteArrayView defaultValue = {}) const |
QByteArrayView | value(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QByteArrayView defaultValue = {}) const |
QByteArrayView | valueAt(qsizetype i) const |
QList<QByteArray> | values(QAnyStringView name) const |
QList<QByteArray> | values(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name) const |
QHttpHeaders & | operator=(QHttpHeaders &&other) |
QHttpHeaders & | operator=(const QHttpHeaders &other) |
Static Public Members
QHttpHeaders | fromListOfPairs(const QList<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>> &headers) |
QHttpHeaders | fromMultiHash(const QMultiHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> &headers) |
QHttpHeaders | fromMultiMap(const QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> &headers) |
QByteArrayView | wellKnownHeaderName(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name) |
Related Non-Members
QDebug | operator<<(QDebug debug, const QHttpHeaders &headers) |
Detailed Description
The class is an interface type for Qt networking APIs that use or consume such headers.
Allowed field name and value characters
An HTTP header consists of name and value. When setting these, QHttpHeaders validates name and value to only contain characters allowed by the HTTP RFCs. For detailed information see RFC 9110 Chapters 5.1 and 5.5.
In all, this means:
must consist of visible ASCII characters, and must not be emptyvalue
may consist of arbitrary bytes, as long as header and use case specific encoding rules are adhered to.value
may be empty
The setters of this class automatically remove any leading or trailing whitespaces from value, as they must be ignored during the value processing.
Combining values
Most HTTP header values can be combined with a single comma ','
plus an optional whitespace, and the semantic meaning is preserved. As an example, these two should be semantically similar:
// Values as separate header entries myheadername: myheadervalue1 myheadername: myheadervalue2 // Combined value myheadername: myheadervalue1, myheadervalue2
However, there is a notable exception to this rule: Set-Cookie. Due to this and the possibility of custom use cases, QHttpHeaders does not automatically combine the values.
Most QHttpHeaders functions provide both QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader and QAnyStringView overloads. From a memory-usage and computation point of view it is recommended to use the QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader overloads.
Member Type Documentation
enum class QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader
List of well known headers as per IANA registry.
Constant | Value |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AIM | 0 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Accept | 1 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptAdditions | 2 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptCH | 3 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptDatetime | 4 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptEncoding | 5 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptFeatures | 6 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptLanguage | 7 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptPatch | 8 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptPost | 9 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptRanges | 10 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptSignature | 11 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AccessControlAllowCredentials | 12 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AccessControlAllowHeaders | 13 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AccessControlAllowMethods | 14 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AccessControlAllowOrigin | 15 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AccessControlExposeHeaders | 16 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AccessControlMaxAge | 17 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AccessControlRequestHeaders | 18 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AccessControlRequestMethod | 19 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Age | 20 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Allow | 21 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ALPN | 22 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AltSvc | 23 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AltUsed | 24 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Alternates | 25 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ApplyToRedirectRef | 26 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AuthenticationControl | 27 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AuthenticationInfo | 28 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Authorization | 29 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CacheControl | 30 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CacheStatus | 31 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CalManagedID | 32 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CalDAVTimezones | 33 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CapsuleProtocol | 34 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CDNCacheControl | 35 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CDNLoop | 36 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CertNotAfter | 37 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CertNotBefore | 38 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ClearSiteData | 39 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ClientCert | 40 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ClientCertChain | 41 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Close | 42 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Connection | 43 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentDigest | 44 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentDisposition | 45 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentEncoding | 46 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentID | 47 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentLanguage | 48 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentLength | 49 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentLocation | 50 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentRange | 51 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentSecurityPolicy | 52 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly | 53 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ContentType | 54 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Cookie | 55 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy | 56 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReportOnly | 57 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CrossOriginOpenerPolicy | 58 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CrossOriginOpenerPolicyReportOnly | 59 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CrossOriginResourcePolicy | 60 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::DASL | 61 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Date | 62 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::DAV | 63 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::DeltaBase | 64 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Depth | 65 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Destination | 66 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::DifferentialID | 67 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::DPoP | 68 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::DPoPNonce | 69 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::EarlyData | 70 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ETag | 71 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Expect | 72 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ExpectCT | 73 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Expires | 74 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Forwarded | 75 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::From | 76 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Hobareg | 77 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Host | 78 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::If | 79 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::IfMatch | 80 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::IfModifiedSince | 81 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::IfNoneMatch | 82 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::IfRange | 83 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::IfScheduleTagMatch | 84 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::IfUnmodifiedSince | 85 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::IM | 86 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::IncludeReferredTokenBindingID | 87 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::KeepAlive | 88 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Label | 89 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::LastEventID | 90 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::LastModified | 91 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Link | 92 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Location | 93 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::LockToken | 94 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::MaxForwards | 95 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::MementoDatetime | 96 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Meter | 97 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::MIMEVersion | 98 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Negotiate | 99 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::NEL | 100 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ODataEntityId | 101 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ODataIsolation | 102 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ODataMaxVersion | 103 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ODataVersion | 104 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::OptionalWWWAuthenticate | 105 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::OrderingType | 106 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Origin | 107 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::OriginAgentCluster | 108 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::OSCORE | 109 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::OSLCCoreVersion | 110 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Overwrite | 111 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::PingFrom | 112 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::PingTo | 113 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Position | 114 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Prefer | 115 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::PreferenceApplied | 116 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Priority | 117 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ProxyAuthenticate | 118 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ProxyAuthenticationInfo | 119 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ProxyAuthorization | 120 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ProxyStatus | 121 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::PublicKeyPins | 122 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::PublicKeyPinsReportOnly | 123 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Range | 124 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::RedirectRef | 125 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Referer | 126 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Refresh | 127 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ReplayNonce | 128 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ReprDigest | 129 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::RetryAfter | 130 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ScheduleReply | 131 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ScheduleTag | 132 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SecPurpose | 133 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SecTokenBinding | 134 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SecWebSocketAccept | 135 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SecWebSocketExtensions | 136 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SecWebSocketKey | 137 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SecWebSocketProtocol | 138 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SecWebSocketVersion | 139 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Server | 140 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ServerTiming | 141 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SetCookie | 142 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Signature | 143 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SignatureInput | 144 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SLUG | 145 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SoapAction | 146 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::StatusURI | 147 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::StrictTransportSecurity | 148 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Sunset | 149 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SurrogateCapability | 150 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::SurrogateControl | 151 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::TCN | 152 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::TE | 153 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Timeout | 154 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Topic | 155 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Traceparent | 156 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Tracestate | 157 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Trailer | 158 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::TransferEncoding | 159 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::TTL | 160 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Upgrade | 161 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Urgency | 162 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::UserAgent | 163 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::VariantVary | 164 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Vary | 165 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Via | 166 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::WantContentDigest | 167 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::WantReprDigest | 168 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::WWWAuthenticate | 169 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::XContentTypeOptions | 170 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::XFrameOptions | 171 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::AcceptCharset | 172 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::CPEPInfo | 173 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::Pragma | 174 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ProtocolInfo | 175 |
QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader::ProtocolQuery | 176 |
Member Function Documentation
Creates a new QHttpHeaders object.
QHttpHeaders::QHttpHeaders(const QHttpHeaders &other)
Creates a copy of other.
QHttpHeaders::QHttpHeaders(QHttpHeaders &&other)
Move-constructs the object from other, which will be left empty.
Disposes of the headers object.
bool QHttpHeaders::append(QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView value)
Appends a header entry with name and value and returns true
if successful.
See also append(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader, QAnyStringView) and Allowed field name and value characters.
bool QHttpHeaders::append(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView value)
This function overloads append(QAnyStringView, QAnyStringView).
void QHttpHeaders::clear()
Clears all header entries.
See also size().
QByteArray QHttpHeaders::combinedValue(QAnyStringView name) const
Returns the values of header name in a comma-combined string. Returns a null
QByteArray if the header with name doesn't exist.
Note: Accessing the value(s) of 'Set-Cookie' header this way may not work as intended. It is a notable exception in the HTTP RFC in that its values cannot be combined this way. Prefer values() instead.
See also values(QAnyStringView).
QByteArray QHttpHeaders::combinedValue(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name) const
This function overloads combinedValue(QAnyStringView).
bool QHttpHeaders::contains(QAnyStringView name) const
Returns whether the headers contain header with name.
See also contains(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader).
bool QHttpHeaders::contains(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name) const
This function overloads has(QAnyStringView).
QHttpHeaders QHttpHeaders::fromListOfPairs(const QList<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>> &headers)
Creates a new QHttpHeaders object that is populated with headers.
See also Allowed field name and value characters.
QHttpHeaders QHttpHeaders::fromMultiHash(const QMultiHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> &headers)
Creates a new QHttpHeaders object that is populated with headers.
See also Allowed field name and value characters.
QHttpHeaders QHttpHeaders::fromMultiMap(const QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> &headers)
Creates a new QHttpHeaders object that is populated with headers.
See also Allowed field name and value characters.
bool QHttpHeaders::insert(qsizetype i, QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView value)
Inserts a header entry at index i, with name and value. The index must be valid (see size()). Returns whether the insert succeeded.
See also append(), insert(qsizetype, QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader, QAnyStringView), size(), and Allowed field name and value characters.
bool QHttpHeaders::insert(qsizetype i, QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView value)
This function overloads insert(qsizetype, QAnyStringView, QAnyStringView).
bool QHttpHeaders::isEmpty() const
Returns true
if the headers have size 0; otherwise returns false
See also size().
QLatin1StringView QHttpHeaders::nameAt(qsizetype i) const
Returns the header name at index i. The index i must be valid (see size()).
Header names are case-insensitive, and the returned names are lower-cased.
See also size() and valueAt().
void QHttpHeaders::removeAll(QAnyStringView name)
Removes the header name.
See also removeAt() and removeAll(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader).
void QHttpHeaders::removeAll(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name)
This function overloads removeAll(QAnyStringView).
void QHttpHeaders::removeAt(qsizetype i)
Removes the header at index i. The index i must be valid (see size()).
See also removeAll(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader), removeAll(QAnyStringView), and size().
bool QHttpHeaders::replace(qsizetype i, QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView newValue)
Replaces the header entry at index i, with name and newValue. The index must be valid (see size()). Returns whether the replace succeeded.
See also append(), replace(qsizetype, QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader, QAnyStringView), size(), and Allowed field name and value characters.
bool QHttpHeaders::replace(qsizetype i, QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView newValue)
This function overloads replace(qsizetype, QAnyStringView, QAnyStringView).
[since 6.8]
bool QHttpHeaders::replaceOrAppend(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QAnyStringView newValue)
If QHttpHeaders already contains name, replaces its value with newValue and removes possible additional name entries. If name didn't exist, appends a new entry. Returns true
if successful.
This function is a convenience method for setting a unique name : newValue header. For most headers the relative order does not matter, which allows reusing an existing entry if one exists.
This function was introduced in Qt 6.8.
See also replaceOrAppend(QAnyStringView, QAnyStringView).
bool QHttpHeaders::replaceOrAppend(QAnyStringView name, QAnyStringView newValue)
This function overloads replaceOrAppend(WellKnownHeader, QAnyStringView).
void QHttpHeaders::reserve(qsizetype size)
Attempts to allocate memory for at least size header entries.
If you know in advance how how many header entries there will be, you may call this function to prevent reallocations and memory fragmentation.
qsizetype QHttpHeaders::size() const
Returns the number of header entries.
void QHttpHeaders::swap(QHttpHeaders &other)
Swaps this QHttpHeaders with other. This operation is very fast and never fails.
QList<std::pair<QByteArray, QByteArray>> QHttpHeaders::toListOfPairs() const
Returns the header entries as a list of (name, value) pairs. Header names are case-insensitive, and the returned names are lower-cased.
QMultiHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> QHttpHeaders::toMultiHash() const
Returns the header entries as a hash from name to value(s). Header names are case-insensitive, and the returned names are lower-cased.
QMultiMap<QByteArray, QByteArray> QHttpHeaders::toMultiMap() const
Returns the header entries as a map from name to value(s). Header names are case-insensitive, and the returned names are lower-cased.
QByteArrayView QHttpHeaders::value(QAnyStringView name, QByteArrayView defaultValue = {}) const
Returns the value of the (first) header name, or defaultValue if it doesn't exist.
See also value(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader, QByteArrayView).
QByteArrayView QHttpHeaders::value(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name, QByteArrayView defaultValue = {}) const
This function overloads value(QAnyStringView, QByteArrayView).
QByteArrayView QHttpHeaders::valueAt(qsizetype i) const
Returns the header value at index i. The index i must be valid (see size()).
See also size(), value(), values(), combinedValue(), and nameAt().
QList<QByteArray> QHttpHeaders::values(QAnyStringView name) const
Returns the values of header name in a list. Returns an empty list if header with name doesn't exist.
See also values(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader).
QList<QByteArray> QHttpHeaders::values(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name) const
This function overloads values(QAnyStringView).
[static noexcept]
QByteArrayView QHttpHeaders::wellKnownHeaderName(QHttpHeaders::WellKnownHeader name)
Returns a header name corresponding to the provided name as a view.
QHttpHeaders &QHttpHeaders::operator=(QHttpHeaders &&other)
Move-assigns other and returns a reference to this object.
other will be left empty.
QHttpHeaders &QHttpHeaders::operator=(const QHttpHeaders &other)
Assigns the contents of other and returns a reference to this object.
Related Non-Members
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QHttpHeaders &headers)
Writes headers into debug stream.
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