BlendEquationArguments QML Type

Encapsulates blending information: specifies how the incoming values (what's going to be drawn) are going to affect the existing values (what is already drawn). More...

Import Statement: import Qt3D.Render 2.8
In C++: QBlendEquationArguments


Status: Deprecated


Detailed Description

OpenGL pre-3.0: Set the same blend state for all draw buffers OpenGL 3.0-pre4.0: Set the same blend state for all draw buffers, but can disable blending for particular buffers OpenGL 4.0+: Can set blend state individually for each draw buffer.

Property Documentation

bufferIndex : int

Specifies the index of the Draw Buffer that this BlendEquationArguments applies to. If negative, this will apply to all Draw Buffers.

destinationAlpha : enumeration

destinationRgb : enumeration

sourceAlpha : enumeration

sourceRgb : enumeration

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