WebEngineNavigationRequest QML Type

Represents a request for navigating to a web page as part of WebEngineView::navigationRequested(). More...

Import Statement: import QtWebEngine
Since: QtWebEngine 1.0
In C++: QWebEngineNavigationRequest


Detailed Description

To accept or reject a request, call accept() or reject().

Property Documentation

action : enumeration

Whether to accept or ignore the navigation request.

WebEngineNavigationRequest.AcceptRequestAccepts a navigation request.
WebEngineNavigationRequest.IgnoreRequestIgnores a navigation request.

hasFormData : bool [read-only, since 6.8]

Whether the navigation request contains form data

This property was introduced in Qt 6.8.

isMainFrame : bool [read-only]

Whether the navigation issue is requested for a top level page.

The method used to navigate to a web page.

WebEngineNavigationRequest.LinkClickedNavigationClicking a link.
WebEngineNavigationRequest.TypedNavigationEntering an URL on the address bar.
WebEngineNavigationRequest.FormSubmittedNavigationSubmitting a form.
WebEngineNavigationRequest.BackForwardNavigationUsing navigation history to go to the previous or next page.
WebEngineNavigationRequest.ReloadNavigationReloading the page.
WebEngineNavigationRequest.RedirectNavigationPage content or server triggered a redirection or page refresh.
WebEngineNavigationRequest.OtherNavigationUsing some other method to go to a page.

url : url [read-only]

The URL of the web page to go to.

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