QInputSequence Class

class Qt3DInput::QInputSequence

QInputSequence represents a set of QAbstractActionInput's that must be triggerd one after the other. More...

Header: #include <QInputSequence>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS 3dinput)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3dinput)
qmake: QT += 3dinput
In QML: InputSequence
Inherits: Qt3DInput::QAbstractActionInput
Status: Deprecated


Public Functions

QInputSequence(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)
void addSequence(Qt3DInput::QAbstractActionInput *input)
int buttonInterval() const
void removeSequence(Qt3DInput::QAbstractActionInput *input)
QList<Qt3DInput::QAbstractActionInput *> sequences() const
int timeout() const

Public Slots

void setButtonInterval(int buttonInterval)
void setTimeout(int timeout)


void buttonIntervalChanged(int buttonInterval)
void timeoutChanged(int timeout)

Detailed Description

Property Documentation

buttonInterval : int

The maximum time in between consecutive QAbstractActionInput's in the input sequence. The time is in milliseconds.

Access functions:

int buttonInterval() const
void setButtonInterval(int buttonInterval)

Notifier signal:

void buttonIntervalChanged(int buttonInterval)

timeout : int

The time in which all QAbstractActionInput's in the input sequence must triggered within. The time is in milliseconds.

Access functions:

int timeout() const
void setTimeout(int timeout)

Notifier signal:

void timeoutChanged(int timeout)

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] QInputSequence::QInputSequence(Qt3DCore::QNode *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new QInputSequence with parent parent.

void QInputSequence::addSequence(Qt3DInput::QAbstractActionInput *input)

Append the QAbstractActionInput input to the end of this QInputSequence's sequence vector.

See also removeSequence.

int QInputSequence::buttonInterval() const

Returns the maximum time in between consecutive QAbstractActionInput's in the input sequence. The time is in milliseconds

Note: Getter function for property buttonInterval.

See also setButtonInterval().

void QInputSequence::removeSequence(Qt3DInput::QAbstractActionInput *input)

Remove the QAbstractActionInput input from this QInputSequence's sequence vector.

See also addSequence.

QList<Qt3DInput::QAbstractActionInput *> QInputSequence::sequences() const

Returns the QInputSequence's sequence vector.

int QInputSequence::timeout() const

Returns the time in which all QAbstractActionInput's in the input sequence must triggered within. The time is in milliseconds

Note: Getter function for property timeout.

See also setTimeout().

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