AbstractAxis QML Type
A base type used for specialized axis types. More...
Import Statement: | import QtGraphs |
In C++: | QAbstractAxis |
Inherited By: |
- List of all members, including inherited members
- AbstractAxis is part of Qt Graphs QML Types for 2D.
- gridVisible : bool
- labelDelegate : Component
- labelsAngle : real
- labelsVisible : bool
- lineVisible : bool
- subGridVisible : bool
- titleColor : color
- titleFont : font
- titleText : string
- titleVisible : bool
- visible : bool
- gridVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- labelsAngleChanged(string angle)
- labelsVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- lineVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- minorGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- rangeChanged(string min, string max)
- titleColorChanged(color color)
- titleFontChanged(Font font)
- titleTextChanged(string text)
- titleVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- visibleChanged(bool visible)
Detailed Description
Each series can be bound to only one horizontal and vertical axis.
The properties and visibility of various axis elements, such as axis line, title, labels, and grid lines, can be individually controlled.
Property Documentation
gridVisible : bool |
The visibility of the grid lines. By default, the value is true
labelDelegate : Component |
A custom QML Component used as a label for the axis. This component should either be a Text component or contain "property string text", so that this property will be assigned the value of the label.
labelsAngle : real |
The angle of the axis labels in degrees.
labelsVisible : bool |
The visibility of axis labels. By default, the value is true
lineVisible : bool |
The visibility of the axis line. By default, the value is true
subGridVisible : bool |
The visibility of the subgrid lines. Applies only to axes that support subgrid lines. By default, the value is true
titleColor : color |
The color used to draw the title text.
titleFont : font |
The font of the title of the axis.
titleText : string |
The title of the axis. Empty by default. Axis titles support HTML formatting.
titleVisible : bool |
The visibility of the axis title. By default, the value is true
visible : bool |
The visibility of the axis. By default, the value is true
Signal Documentation
gridVisibleChanged(bool visible) |
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the grid lines of the axis changes to visible.
Note: The corresponding handler is onGridVisibleChanged
labelsAngleChanged(string angle) |
This signal is emitted when the angle of the axis labels changes to angle.
Note: The corresponding handler is onLabelsAngleChanged
labelsVisibleChanged(bool visible) |
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the labels of the axis changes to visible.
Note: The corresponding handler is onLabelsVisibleChanged
lineVisibleChanged(bool visible) |
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis line changes to visible.
Note: The corresponding handler is onLineVisibleChanged
minorGridVisibleChanged(bool visible) |
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the minor grid lines of the axis changes to visible.
Note: The corresponding handler is onMinorGridVisibleChanged
This signal is emitted when the axis range changes. min and max are the min and max of the new range.
Note: The corresponding handler is onRangeChanged
titleColorChanged(color color) |
This signal is emitted when the color used to draw the axis title changes to color.
Note: The corresponding handler is onTitleColorChanged
titleFontChanged(Font font) |
This signal is emitted when the font of the axis title changes to font.
Note: The corresponding handler is onTitleFontChanged
titleTextChanged(string text) |
This signal is emitted when the text of the axis title changes to text.
Note: The corresponding handler is onTitleTextChanged
titleVisibleChanged(bool visible) |
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the title text of the axis changes to visible.
Note: The corresponding handler is onTitleVisibleChanged
visibleChanged(bool visible) |
This signal is emitted when the visibility of the axis changes to visible.
Note: The corresponding handler is onVisibleChanged
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