Getting started
Qt Quick Ultralite brings the key graphical user interface features of Qt to resource-constrained embedded systems powered by microcontrollers (MCU). It provides a rich QML API set for building fluid GUIs, and an efficient graphics engine to render Qt Quick-based graphical user interfaces (GUI). Here you can learn more about what Qt for MCUs is and how you can get started with it. |
- Getting Started: Qt for MCUs (Qt Academy)
In this Qt Academy online course, you'll get an overview of what Qt for MCUs is, and why to use it.
- Qt Quick Ultralite overview
Provides an overview of Qt Quick Ultralite.
- Qt Quick Ultralite vs Qt
Summarizes the key differences between Qt Quick Ultralite and Qt.
- What's new in Qt for MCUs
Describes the new features and fixed issues of the latest release.
- Supported platforms
Lists the reference (Tier 1) and verified (Tier 2) target platforms and the available Qt for MCUs features on these platforms. In addition, provides a summary of the supported runtime environments, operating systems, and development hosts.
- Getting started on a target platform
The following topics provide step-by-step instructions on how to get started on a specifc target platform:
- Flashing applications
Provides instructions on how to to flash your application onto the target hardware.
Available under certain Qt licenses.
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