<qul/errorcode.h> - Qt Quick Ultralite error codes
List of error codes reported by Qt Quick Ultralite. More...
Header: | #include <qul/errorcode.h> |
enum | QulError { QulError_Core, QulError_Allocator_MemoryAllocationFailed, QulError_AlphaMap_PixelDataOffsetOutOfLimits, QulError_Animation_AnimationAlreadySet, QulError_Animation_AnimationListIsEmpty, …, QulError_LinkedListNode_InvalidIndex } |
(since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.2) const char * | errorCodeToString(QulError code) |
Detailed Description
This header file contains a list of all error codes reported by Qt Quick Ultralite Core and Platform. It also contains a function to convert error code into string representation.
Note: Some of the error codes are only available in debug build. The error description mentions if it is available only in debug build. To enable all error checks, Qt Quick Ultralite Core and Platform needs to be rebuilt in debug build config.
See also Error handling.
Type Documentation
enum QulError
This enum type specifies the error codes that Qt Quick Ultralite Core and Platform reports. First error code in a range begins with range start + 1
. Qt Quick Ultralite Core reserves error code range 1-99999, while Qt Quick Ultralite Platform reserves range 100001-199999. Values from 200001 onwards are reserved for custom errors.
The param1
, param2
, and param3
in Description
are integer variables that are reported to the error handler.
Note: The following table of error codes is only for Qt Quick Ultralite developers' error analysis. They should not be used to control application logic.
Constant | Value | Description |
QulError_Core | 0 | Range start for Qt Quick Ultralite Core error codes. |
QulError_Allocator_MemoryAllocationFailed | 1 | Memory allocation failed with size of param1 bytes. |
QulError_AlphaMap_PixelDataOffsetOutOfLimits | 2 | Pixel data at offset X param1 , Y param2 is not within the alpha map data. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Animation_AnimationAlreadySet | 3 | Parent object already contains an animation object. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Animation_AnimationListIsEmpty | 4 | Animation list is empty. |
QulError_Animation_FirstDependencyMismatch | 5 | First dependency does not match the property data. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Animation_IsFirstDependency | 6 | First dependency already set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Animation_ProgressOutOfRange | 7 | Interpolation of animation property failed because the progress value is out of the allowed range. |
QulError_Animation_PropertyToValueIsNull | 8 | Applied to-value for the property is NULL . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Animation_BezierSplineMemoryAllocationFailed | 9 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 and number of elements as param2 . |
QulError_Animation_BezierSplineInvalidCurvePoints | 10 | Invalid Bezier curve points. Number of the values is available as param1 . |
QulError_Application_ApplicationInstanceAlreadyExists | 11 | Instance for the application has been already created. |
QulError_Application_ApplicationInstanceNotFound | 12 | Instance for the application not found when destructing it. |
QulError_Application_GlobalStaticObjectsUninitialized | 13 | Startup script does not initialize global static objects. |
QulError_Application_ItemHasNoScreen | 14 | Screen has not been set for the item. |
QulError_Application_LayoutRecursionDetected | 15 | Application layout is causing recursive updates. |
QulError_Application_MemoryAllocationFailed | 16 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_Application_PartialBufferPixelCountIsZero | 17 | Partial buffer pixel count is zero. Return valid pixel count from Qul::Platform::PlatformContext::partialBufferPixelCount. |
QulError_Application_PartialDirtyRegionHeightIsZero | 18 | Partial dirty region height is zero. Qul::Platform::PlatformContext::partialBufferPixelCount must be at least as big as width of the layer. |
QulError_Application_RenderNodeNotFoundFromRootItem | 19 | Render node was not found from the root item when setting it for the application. |
QulError_Application_TransformationRenderBufferSizeMismatch | 20 | Transformation render buffer size does not match previous allocations for the given type. Type is given as param1 , expected size as param2 and actual size as param3 . |
QulError_ArcItem_MemoryAllocationFailed | 21 | Memory allocation for a path element of ArcItem has failed. |
QulError_Array_SizeExceeded | 22 | The array capacity was exceeded. The element count is available as param1 and the capacity as param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Array_Empty | 23 | Tried to remove element from empty array. |
QulError_Array_InvalidIndex | 24 | The array index param1 was out of bounds. The element count is available as param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Array_EmptyFixedLengthArray | 25 | A fixed length array with zero elements can not be created. |
QulError_BlendHelper_UnsupportedBitsPerPixel | 26 | Bits per pixel param1 is not supported with pixel format param2 . |
QulError_BlendHelper_UnsupportedPixelFormat | 27 | Unsupported pixel format for CPU based rendering. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_BlendTransformed_UnsupportedPixelFormat | 28 | Unsupported pixel format for CPU based rendering. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_DependencyBase_InvalidInsertionTarget | 29 | Given node is invalid as an insertion target. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_DeviceLink_UnsupportedMessageType | 30 | Unsupported message type in device information exchange protocol. The value of the message type is available as param1 . This message is deprecated since Qt Quick Ultralite v2.8.0. |
QulError_DirtyList_BindingLoop | 31 | A binding loop was detected. |
QulError_BindingBase_BindingLoop | 32 | A binding loop was detected. |
QulError_BinaryResourceInit_InvalidResourceData | 33 | BinaryResourceData for a BinaryResource is missing. |
QulError_BinaryResourceInit_PreloadAllocationFailed | 34 | Memory allocation failed for preloadable binary resource with size of param1 KB and allocation type param2 . |
QulError_DirtyList_LinkedListError | 35 | Linked list contains unexpected node. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_DrawHelper_AlphaChannelNotSupportedInFormatConversion | 36 | Alpha channel is not supported in the pixel format conversion. Deprecated from Qt Quick Ultralite v2.5.0. |
QulError_DrawHelper_BitsPerPixelMismatch | 37 | Texture bits per pixel param1 does not match layout bits per pixel param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_DrawHelper_DestinationBitOffsetIsNotZero | 38 | Destination bit offset param1 is not zero. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_DrawHelper_IncorrectScaleFactor | 39 | Incorrect scale factor. Value of delta X is available as param1 and value of fixed scale as param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_DrawHelper_IntermediateBufferSizeTooSmall | 40 | Intermediate buffer size param1 is too small. Value of the count variable is available as param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_DrawHelper_SourceBitOffsetIsNotZero | 41 | Source bit offset param1 is not zero. This error code is only available in debug builds |
QulError_DrawHelper_UnsupportedBlendType | 42 | Blend type param1 is not supported. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_EventQueue_UnsupportedOverrunPolicy | 43 | Unsupported overrun policy. Value of the overrun policy is available as param1 . |
QulError_ExtraDataPointer_DataAlreadySet | 44 | Data has been already set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_ExtraDataPointer_MemoryAllocationFailed | 45 | Extra data pointer memory allocation failed. |
QulError_EncodedLogicalPos_InvalidFormatIndex | 46 | Unused. |
QulError_EncodedLogicalPos_InvalidFormatType | 47 | Unused. |
QulError_SourcePos_InvalidFormatIndex | 48 | Invalid format index. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_SourcePos_InvalidFormatType | 49 | Invalid format type. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_FastFloat_Generic | 50 | Generic fast_float error. |
QulError_FastFloat_LeadingZeroOfZero | 51 | Tried to get leading zeros of a zero. |
QulError_FlagPointer_Invalid | 52 | FlagPointer is invalid. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_FlagPointer_TypeInvalid | 53 | The FlagPointer points to a type different than expected. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_FontEngine_InvalidX | 54 | X param1 is not within numeric limits param2 . |
QulError_FontEngine_InvalidY | 55 | Y param1 is not within numeric limits param2 . |
QulError_FontEngine_UnsupportedVectorOutlines | 56 | Font engine does not support vector outlines. |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_BytesPerLineMismatch | 57 | Bytes per line param1 for alpha map does not match with bytes per line param2 for glyph map. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_ControlElementsNotSet | 58 | Vector outline control elements has not been set. |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_FailedToCopyFontFileToRam | 59 | Failed to copy the font file to RAM on startup. param1 is the size of the font file and param2 is the runtime allocation type. |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_InvalidControlElementCount | 60 | Vector outline control element count param1 is greater than max param2 . |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_InvalidSegmentTypeCount | 61 | Vector outline segment count param1 is greater than max param2 . |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_NativeGlyphMapDataNotSet | 62 | Native glyph map data has not been set. |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_UnsupportedFontWeight | 63 | Unsupported font weight param1 . |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_UnsupportedMarginSize | 64 | Width including padding minus glyph map width is greater than 0xFF. Width including padding is available as param1 and glyph map width as param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_UnsupportedSegmentType | 65 | Unsupported vector segment type. |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_SegmentTypesNotSet | 66 | Vector outline segment types has not been set. |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_SparkStateNotSet | 67 | Spark state has not been set. |
QulError_FontEngineSpark_VectorOutlineNotSet | 68 | Vector outline has not been set. |
QulError_FreeTypeRasterizer_UnsupportedPixelFormat | 100030 | Unsupported pixel format. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_FreeTypeRasterizer_UnsupportedBrushPattern | 100031 | Unsupported brush pattern. The value of the pattern is available as param1 . |
QulError_Glyph_InvalidIteratorState | 71 | The iterator is in invalid state. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_ParagraphInfo_ParagraphChangedCalled | 69 | Paragraph changed callback not seen but was expected at this context. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Glyph_TextEndReached | 70 | Attempted to read next glyph when text is already at the end. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Glyph_ParagraphChangedCallbackAlreadySet | 72 | Paragraph changed callback has been already set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Glyph_ParagraphSizeIsZero | 73 | Paragraph size is zero. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Glyph_TextIsEmpty | 74 | Text has not been set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Glyph_TextShaperNotSet | 75 | Text shaper has not been set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Glyph_UnexpectedNullParagraph | 76 | Paragraph pointer is not set. |
QulError_Glyph_UnexpectedNullFontEngine | 77 | Unexpected null font engine. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Glyph_InvalidVisualIndex | 78 | Invalid visual glyph index. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Glyph_InvalidLineFontMetrics | 79 | Invalid line font metrics. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Glyph_NotImageFormat | 80 | Glyph is not an inline image. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Gradient_NoGradientStops | 81 | At least one gradient stop has to be provided. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_DrawingEngineNotSet | 82 | Drawing engine has not been set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_DestRectSizeIsNotSameAsSourceRectSize | 83 | Destination rectangle with width param1 and height param2 is different than source rectangle size. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_InvalidClipRectBottom | 84 | Clip rectangle bottom param1 is equal or bigger than buffer height param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_InvalidClipRectLeft | 85 | Clip rectangle left param1 is less than 0. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_InvalidClipRectRight | 86 | Clip rectangle right param1 is equal or bigger than buffer width param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_InvalidClipRectTop | 87 | Clip rectangle top param1 is less than 0. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_TextureMemoryAllocationFailed | 88 | Memory allocation failed for a texture with size of param1 KB. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_UnsupportedBitsPerPixel | 89 | Unsupported bits per pixel param1 . |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_UnsupportedRectSize | 90 | Unsupported rectangle size for scaling. Width is available as param1 and height as param2 . |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_UnsupportedTransformationMatrix | 91 | Unsupported transformation matrix for scaling. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_UnsupportedTransformationType | 92 | Unsupported transformation type for scaling. Value of the type is available as param1 . |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_VectorPathDataNotSet | 93 | Unused. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_UnexpectedNull | 94 | Unused. |
QulError_GraphicsDevice_InvalidImageIndex | 95 | . Unused. |
QulError_Image_CouldNotAlignMemory | 96 | Could not align memory for the image. The required alignment and size are available as param1 and param2 . |
QulError_Image_InvalidAlignment | 97 | Invalid alignment for the image. |
QulError_Image_InvalidTextureIndex | 98 | Invalid texture index. Texture index is available as param1 and number of textures as param2 . |
QulError_Image_MemoryAllocationFailed | 99 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_Image_UnsupportedPixelFormat | 100 | Unsupported pixel format for an image. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_Image_PropertyNotFound | 101 | SharedImage property was not found when a value was unassigned from it. |
QulError_Image_RefCountIsZero | 102 | Image reference count is zero and it is dereferenced. |
QulError_Image_RefCountLimitReached | 103 | The shared image references have reached the maximum possible amount. |
QulError_ImageAsset_InvalidSectionId | 111 | Invalid header or footer ID in the resource storage section. Expected param1 , found param2 . Check that flash memory is programmed properly. |
QulError_ImageAsset_RasterBufferAllocationFailed | 112 | Memory allocation failed for the raster buffer. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_ImageAsset_TextureAllocationFailed | 113 | Memory allocation failed for the texture. |
QulError_ImageAsset_TexturePreloadAllocationFailed | 114 | Memory allocation failed for preloadable texture with size of param1 KB and allocation type param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_ImageCache_MemoryAllocationFailed | 115 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_ImageCache_RuntimeAllocationTypeIndexOutOfRange | 116 | Runtime allocation type index param1 is less than zero or equal/greater than number of allocation types param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_ImageCache_TextureDoesNotFitInCache | 117 | Texture with size of param1 KB does not fit into the cache with size param2 KB. |
QulError_ImageCache_TextureLoadFailed | 118 | Failed to load texture from image cache. |
QulError_ImageLayer_SourceHasToBeASingleImage | 125 | ImageLayer.source contains more than one image. ImageFiles.MCU.Experimental.resourceSplitImageOptimization has to be disabled for the image in ImageLayer. |
QulError_ImageProvider_InvalidImageProvider | 126 | Invalid image provider. |
QulError_Image_FileNotOpen | 104 | The file to load the resource from could not be opened. This could happen because the given file path is invalid or the filesystem not ready. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Image_FormatNotSupported | 105 | The contents of the file is in a format that is not supported. |
QulError_Image_ShortRead | 106 | When trying to read data from a file there was no or not enough data available for reading. The offset and size of the read operation are available as param1 and param2 . |
QulError_Image_LoaderValidationFailed | 107 | When trying to read asset data from a file, the data was detected to be invalid. |
QulError_Image_AllocatorInstanceCreationFailed | 108 | Failed to retrieve the allocator instance. |
QulError_Image_ReferenceCountingNotEnabled | 109 | An operation performed on the SharedImage required reference counting to be enabled, but it was not. Enable the reference counting by setting a cleanup function first. |
QulError_Image_DerefHookOverwritten | 110 | A dereference hook function can not be set when there already is one set. This would overwrite the existing function, leading to issues handling objects. |
QulError_ImageDecoder_CouldNotAlignMemory | 119 | Could not align memory for the image. The required alignment and size are available as param1 and param2 . |
QulError_ImageDecoder_DecodingFailed | 120 | The image data could not be decoded. The exit status of the decoder is available as param1 . |
QulError_ImageDecoder_InvalidPixelformat | 121 | The image decoder is not able to provide the requested pixel format. |
QulError_ImageDecoder_InvalidRead | 122 | Reading data from the image data is out of bounds. |
QulError_ImageDecoder_LoaderValidationFailed | 123 | The basic checks of the image properties have failed. |
QulError_ImageDecoder_MemoryAllocationFailed | 124 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_IntMath_UintLogZeroValue | 127 | Tried to calculate logarithm of zero. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_ItemBase_ChildObjectAlreadyHasParentObject | 128 | Tried to append child object which already has a parent object. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_ItemBase_LinkedListError | 129 | Linked list contains unexpected node. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_ItemBase_InvalidAnchors | 130 | One of the anchor lines is missing. From-anchor validity is available as param1 , to-anchor validity as param2 and mid-anchor validity as param3 . |
QulError_ItemBase_NotSiblingOrParent | 131 | Target item is neither sibling nor parent of the item. |
QulError_ItemIterator_ChildObjectNotSet | 132 | Child object has not been set for the item iterator. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Keyframe_ToAndFromFramesAreSame | 133 | To-frame is same as from-frame. |
QulError_Layout_InvalidValue | 134 | Invalid argument or intermediate value is used while arranging layout. |
QulError_Layout_MemoryAllocationFailed | 135 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_LinkedList_InvalidHead | 136 | Linked list head is invalid. |
QulError_LinkedListNode_AlreadyListMember | 137 | Node is already in a linked list. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_LinkedListNode_InvalidPreviousNode | 138 | Linked list previous node is invalid. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_LinkedListNode_InvalidNextNode | 139 | Linked list next node is invalid. |
QulError_LodePNG_UnsupportedOutputPixelFormat | 143 | Unsupported output pixel format for LodePNG decoding. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_Map_MemoryAllocationFailed | 146 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_Map_NoTileFetcherProvided | 147 | Application didn't register a map tile fetcher implementation. |
QulError_Map_FetchingTileFailed | 148 | Application registered map tile fetchers failed to return the requested map tile image. The coordinate Z/X/Y of the map tile image is represented as param1 , param2 ,and param3 . |
QulError_LodePNG_InvalidHeader | 144 | Failed to load a PNG file due to invalid header data. The error description can be found in the LodePNG documentation with the error code as param1 . |
QulError_LodePNG_DecodeFailed | 145 | Failed to decode a PNG file. The error description can be found in the LodePNG documentation with the error code as param1 . |
QulError_MemoryUtility_AllocationFailed | 149 | Memory allocation of param1 bytes with alignment param2 for allocation type param3 failed. |
QulError_MonotypeUnicode_UnsupportedBidirectionalCharacterType | 150 | Unsupported bidirectional character type. The value of the type is available as param1 . |
QulError_Node_NoTransform | 151 | The node does not have a transform. |
QulError_Node_InvalidItemPointer | 152 | Returned item pointer is not equal with parent item pointer. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Optional_ValueNotSet | 153 | Tried to read optional value that has not been set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Path_MemoryAllocationFailed | 154 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 and number of elements as param2 . |
QulError_Path_UnexpectedPathElementType | 155 | Unexpected path element type. |
QulError_Path_UnexpectedSvgPathCommandType | 156 | Unexpected SVG path command type param1 . Type value has to be interpreted as 8-bit ASCII character. |
QulError_ParagraphIterator_HasNoNextElement | 157 | Paragraph iterator has no next element. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_ParagraphIterator_InvalidIterator | 158 | Invalid iterator. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_ParagraphIterator_InvalidPosition | 159 | Invalid position. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Property_MemoryAllocationFailed | 160 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Property_UnexpectedBinding | 161 | Property has unexpected binding. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_PropertyBase_DependencyNodesNotMarkedDirty | 162 | Dependency nodes of the property are not marked as dirty. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_PropertyBase_FirstDependencyAlreadySet | 163 | First dependency has been already set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_PropertyBase_NoBinding | 164 | Property does not have a binding. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_PropertyBinding_AliasNotSet | 165 | Property alias has not been set. |
QulError_PropertyBinding_PropertyNotSet | 166 | Property has not been set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_QulAssumeWasIncorrect | 167 | False assumption expression was given to QUL_ASSUME. |
QulError_QulUnreachableWasReached | 168 | Execution reached code that was marked with QUL_UNREACHABLE. |
QulError_QulRccLookup_MemoryAllocationFailed | 169 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_QulRccLookup_UnexpectedUrlLength | 170 | Unexpected URL length param1 with buffer size param2 . |
QulError_QulRccLookup_UnexpectedUrlPrefix | 171 | Unexpected URL prefix. Number of available characters is available as param1 and maximum length as param2 . |
QulError_Qul_ResourceInitializationFailed | 172 | Resource initialization failed, with error code param1 corresponding to Qul::ResourceInitializationError enum. |
QulError_QtSafeRenderer_Exception | 173 | An exception occurred in the Qt Safe Renderer. The value of the exception type is available as param1 . The exception type value has to be interpreted as Qt Safe Renderer ExceptionType. |
QulError_QtSafeRenderer_MemoryAllocationFailed | 174 | Memory allocation failed for the Qt Safe Renderer. |
QulError_Rasterizer_LineWidthIsZero | 175 | Width of the rasterized line is zero. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Rasterizer_SpanXGreaterThanClipRectRight | 176 | Span X param1 + length param2 - 1 is greater than clip rectangle right param3 . |
QulError_Rasterizer_SpanXLessThanClipRectLeft | 177 | Span X param1 is less than clip rectangle left param2 . |
QulError_Rasterizer_SpanYGreaterThanClipRectBottom | 178 | Span Y param1 is greater than clip rectangle bottom param2 . |
QulError_Rasterizer_SpanYLessThanClipRectTop | 179 | Span Y param1 is less than clip rectangle top param2 . |
QulError_Region_InvalidBottom | 180 | Bottom of the region is invalid. |
QulError_Region_InvalidRow | 181 | Row of the region is invalid. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Region_InvalidTop | 182 | Top of the region is invalid. |
QulError_Region_NodeIsRowHead | 183 | Node is the row head. |
QulError_Region_NodeIsRowTail | 184 | Node is the row tail. |
QulError_Region_UnexpectedNextNode | 185 | Unexpected next node in the list. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Region_UnexpectedPrevNode | 186 | Unexpected previous node in the list. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Region_RowTailNotSet | 187 | Row tail has not been set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_RenderTree_NodeIsOpaque | 188 | Rendering region of the node is opaque. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_RenderTree_NodeSplitFailed | 189 | Render node split failed. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_RenderTree_UnexpectedNodeType | 190 | Unexpected type for the parent node. The value of the type is available as param1 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_RenderTree_UnexpectedNullRasterBuffer | 191 | Unexpected null pointer. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_RenderTree_UnexpectedTextNodeSubType | 192 | Unexpected TextNode sub type. The flags of the TextNode is available as param1 . |
QulError_Rle_InsufficientBufferSize | 193 | The image does not fit to RLE buffers. |
QulError_Rle_InvalidBufferCount | 194 | Invalid buffer count param1 . |
QulError_Rle_InvalidPitch | 195 | Invalid pitch. The value of bytes per line is available as param1 and bytes per pixel as param2 . |
QulError_Rle_UnsupportedPixelFormat | 196 | Unsupported pixel format. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_Rle_UnsupportedRleFormat | 197 | Unsupported RLE format. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_Shape_DrawingEngineNotSet | 198 | Drawing engine has not been set. |
QulError_Shape_ShapeNotSet | 199 | Shape has not been set. |
QulError_Shape_UnsupportedLineCapStyle | 200 | Unsupported line cap style param1 . |
QulError_Shape_UnsupportedLineJoinStyle | 201 | Unsupported line join style param1 . |
QulError_Size_DivisionByZero | 202 | Tried to divide size by zero. |
QulError_SparkTextShaper_BidirectionalInfoNotSet | 203 | Info about text bidirectionality has not been set. |
QulError_SparkTextShaper_NotInitialized | 204 | The text shaping engine has not been initialized. |
QulError_SparkTextShaper_InvalidGlyphPosition | 205 | Glyph info position param1 is less than zero or greater than text info length param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_SparkTextShaper_InvalidParagraphSize | 206 | Paragraph size param1 is greater than text size param2 . |
QulError_SparkTextShaper_InvalidStartPosition | 207 | Start position param1 is greater than text length param2 . |
QulError_SparkTextShaper_ShaperInstanceAlreadyExists | 208 | Instance for the shaper has been already created. |
QulError_SparkTextShaper_TextBaseLevelNotSet | 209 | Text base level has not been set. |
QulError_SparkTextShaper_UnexpectedShapingResult | 210 | Unexpected value returned from the shaping engine. |
QulError_SparkTextShaper_InvalidState | 211 | The shaper is not in valid state. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Models_MemoryAllocationFailed | 212 | Model memory allocation failed. |
QulError_CharBuffer_OutOfMemoryBins | 213 | No memory bins available for char buffer. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_CharBuffer_InvalidState | 214 | The buffer is not in valid state. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_CharBuffer_IndexOutOfRange | 215 | Index is not at valid position in the current paragraph. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_CharBuffer_InvalidParagraphForContext | 216 | Paragraph with content that is not intended for this context. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_StaticTextItem_OffsetNotSet | 217 | Offset has not been set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_SwipeView_ContentItemIsNotFlickable | 218 | Content item for the swipe view is not flickable. |
QulError_TextBoundaryFinder_UnsupportedBoundaryType | 219 | Unsupported boundary type param1 . |
QulError_TextCache_AllocatorInstanceCreationFailed | 220 | Failed to create fixed block allocator instance of size param1 . |
QulError_TextCache_BitsPerPixelMismatch | 221 | Bits per pixel param2 for alpha map does not match with bits per pixel param1 of the rendering target. |
QulError_TextCache_IncorrectOffsetAlignment | 222 | Bit offset does not match between source and destination. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextCache_PreAllocationFailed | 223 | Failed to allocate preallocated buffer of size param1 for text cache. |
QulError_TextCache_UnexpectedAlphaMap | 224 | Unexpected alpha map in a vector based text element. |
QulError_TextCache_UnexpectedPathSegmentType | 225 | Unexpected vector path segment type in a vector based text element. |
QulError_TextCache_UnsupportedAlphaMapFormat | 226 | Unsupported bit per pixel param1 for text alpha map rendering. |
QulError_TextCache_InvalidMemoryAlignment | 227 | Invalid memory alignment. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextElideHandler_FontEngineNotSet | 228 | The font engine has not been set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextElideHandler_InvalidElideMode | 229 | Invalid text elide mode. The value of the mode is available as param1 . |
QulError_TextElideHandler_InvalidItemWidth | 230 | Invalid item width. |
QulError_TextElideHandler_InvalidState | 231 | Invalid internal state. |
QulError_ParagraphInfo_TextIsNotAtStartPosition | 232 | Text iterator is not at the start of the paragraph. |
QulError_TextEngine_PositionsAlreadySet | 233 | Paragraph info positions has been already set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextEngine_InvalidGlyphInfoIndex | 234 | Invalid glyph info index. The value of the index is available as param1 and glyph count as param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextEngine_UnicodeEngineNotSet | 235 | The Unicode Engine pointer is expected to contain value. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextEngine_InvalidCallContext | 236 | The function was called for invalid context. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextLayout_InvalidIndexingType | 237 | Invalid indexing type. The value of the type is available as param1 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextLayout_InvalidLineOffset | 238 | Invalid line offset. The value of the offset is available as param1 . |
QulError_TextLayout_UnexpectedNullParagraph | 239 | Unexpected null paragraph. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextLayout_InvalidImageRegistrationState | 240 | Invalid state when registering inline images. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextLayout_InvalidImageIndex | 241 | . This error code is only available in debug builds. Invalid image index. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextLayout_UnexpectedNull | 242 | Unexpected null pointer. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextLayout_VectorPathDataNotSet | 243 | Path data for the vector has not been set. |
QulError_TextMetrics_InvalidBottomRightX | 244 | Invalid bottom right X. The value of the X is available as param1 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextMetrics_InvalidBottomRightY | 245 | Invalid bottom right Y. The value of the Y is available as param1 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextShaper_GlyphIteratorNotIncremental | 246 | Glyph iterator is not incremental. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextShaper_MasterIteratorAlreadySet | 247 | Master iterator has been already set. |
QulError_TextShaper_MasterIteratorNotSet | 248 | Master iterator has not been set. |
QulError_TextLine_NotLineStart | 249 | The iterator is not at line start. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_TextLine_LineAlreadyProcessed | 250 | The text line is already processed. |
QulError_TextLine_NotValid | 251 | The text line is not valid. |
QulError_Timer_AlreadyRunning | 252 | Added timer is already running. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Timer_DuplicateElement | 253 | Timer is already in the list. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Timer_MemoryAllocationFailed | 254 | Timer memory allocation failed. |
QulError_Timer_NextActiveTimerAlreadySet | 255 | Next active timer has been already set. |
QulError_TimerItem_NextActiveTimerAlreadySet | 256 | Next active timer has been already set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Transforms_TargetItemNotSet | 257 | Target item has not been set for the transformation. |
QulError_UnicodeString_ColorNameDoesNotContainAString | 258 | Color name does not contain a string. |
QulError_UnicodeString_InvalidCharacter | 259 | Character is not valid UTF-8. |
QulError_UnicodeString_InvalidPosition | 260 | Position param1 is less than zero or greater than string length param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_UnicodeString_InvalidStringFormat | 261 | Unicode string format is invalid. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_UnicodeString_InvalidFormattedNumberString | 262 | Number string is in invalid format. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_UnicodeString_MemoryAllocationFailed | 263 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_UnicodeString_UnsupportedStringFormat | 264 | Unsupported string format. |
QulError_UnicodeString_StringHasNoNextElement | 265 | Next character requested at the end of the string. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_UnicodeString_InvalidIterator | 266 | Invalid iterator. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_UnicodeString_StringViewHasNoNextElement | 267 | String view has no next element. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_VkbPinyin_InvalidDictionaryData | 268 | Invalid Pinyin dictionary data. |
QulError_VkbPinyin_MemoryAllocationFailed | 269 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_Loader_In_Delegate | 271 | Using Loader inside delegate currently is not supported. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Loader_Item_AllocatorNotSet | 272 | The item allocator is not set. |
QulError_FileCache_InvalidResourceCache | 273 | The requested resource cache index is not valid. The invalid cache index is available as param1 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_FileCache_CallbackAlreadySet | 274 | The callback for removed textures in the resource cache is already set. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_FileCache_MemoryAllocationFailed | 275 | Memory allocation failed. |
QulError_MonoType_Generic | 270 | Generic MonoType error. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Core_End | 276 | Range end for Qt Quick Ultralite Core error codes. |
QulError_Platform | 100000 | Range start for Qt Quick Ultralite Platform error codes. |
QulError_Adc_SdkError | 100001 | Error returned from the SDK's ADC driver. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as SDK defined error type. |
QulError_Bezier_EmptyCurve | 100002 | No segments in a curve. |
QulError_Bezier_InvalidArgument | 100003 | An invalid argument was used. |
QulError_Bezier_TooManySegments | 100004 | Too many segments in a curve. Number of the segments is available as param1 . |
QulError_Brush_UnsupportedPattern | 100005 | The operation does not support pattern param1 . |
QulError_BufferData_AlreadyAllocated | 100006 | Tried to allocate already allocated buffer. |
QulError_BufferData_InvalidDeallocation | 100007 | Tried to deallocate unallocated buffer. |
QulError_BufferData_MemoryAllocationFailed | 100008 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_CircularBuffer_MemoryAllocationFailed | 100009 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_CircularBuffer_PopEmpty | 100010 | Tried to remove entry from empty buffer. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Cygfxbackend_MemoryAllocationFailed | 100011 | Memory allocation failed. Allocation size in bytes is available as param1 . |
QulError_Dave2d_SdkError | 100012 | Error returned from the SDK's D/AVE 2D driver. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as SDK defined error type. |
QulError_DeviceLink_ShouldNotBeCalled | 100013 | A function of the device link component is called when it is disabled. All calls to the device link should check if the pointer returned from DeviceLink::instance() is not NULL . |
QulError_DeviceLink_NotImplemented | 100014 | The device link interface has not been implemented for this platform. |
QulError_Display_InitializationFailed | 100015 | Display could not be initialized. |
QulError_DisplayDriver_SdkError | 100016 | Error returned from the SDK's display driver. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as SDK defined error type. |
QulError_Dma2d_SdkError | 100017 | Error returned from the SDK's DMA2D driver. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as SDK defined error type. |
QulError_DrawingDevice_InvalidCoordinate | 100018 | Given coordinate does not match the device. The value of X is available as param1 and Y as param2 . |
QulError_DrawingDevice_InvalidPitch | 100019 | Invalid pitch. The value of bytes per line is available as param1 . |
QulError_DrawingDevice_InvalidSize | 100020 | Invalid size. The value of width is available as param1 and height as param2 . |
QulError_DrawingEngine_InvalidBuffer | 100021 | An invalid buffer used for drawing. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_DrawingEngine_InvalidScreen | 100022 | Requested screen does not exist. |
QulError_DrawingEngine_MissingFallback | 100023 | Missing implementation for fallback drawing engine. |
QulError_DrawingEngine_SurfaceAllocationFailed | 100024 | Failed to allocate off screen surface. |
QulError_DrawingEngine_UnsupportedBlendMode | 100025 | Unsupported blend mode. The value of the blend mode is available as param1 . |
QulError_DrawingEngine_UnsupportedPixelFormat | 100026 | Unsupported pixel format. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_DrawingEngine_UnsupportedFeature_LinearGradientPattern | 100027 | The platform drawing engine doesn't support brushes with the pattern LinearGradientPattern . |
QulError_FixedSizeBlockHeap_FreeIndexOutOfRange | 100028 | Freed memory does not belong to the FixedSizeBlockHeap. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_FixedSizeBlockHeap_SizeIndexOutOfRange | 100029 | The provided address does not belong to FixedSizeBlockHeap. |
QulError_GenericMatrix_IndexOutOfRange | 100032 | Row or column outside matrix bounds. |
QulError_GraphicsDriver_UnsupportedAlignment | 100033 | Unsupported image alignment. Alignment must be param1 bytes. Alignment is configured with ImageFiles.MCU.Experimental.resourceAlignment . |
QulError_GraphicsDriver_UnsupportedColorDepth | 100034 | Unsupported color depth. The value of the color depth is available as param1 . |
QulError_GraphicsDriver_UnsupportedFramebufferAlignment | 100035 | Unsupported framebuffer alignment. Alignment must be param1 bytes. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_GraphicsDriver_UnsupportedPixelFormat | 100036 | Unsupported pixel format. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_LayerEngine_EmptyColorTable | 100037 | The color table of an indexed color is empty. |
QulError_LayerEngine_InvalidLayerIndex | 100038 | Invalid layer index. The value of the index is available as param1 . |
QulError_LayerEngine_InvalidRenderingHints | 100039 | Invalid platform default rendering hints. The value of the rendering hints is available as param1 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_LayerEngine_MemoryAllocationFailed | 100040 | Layer engine memory allocation failed. |
QulError_LayerEngine_MissingSpriteLayer | 100041 | Sprite layer has not been set. |
QulError_LayerEngine_MixedColorDepthNotSupportedInSpriteLayer | 100042 | All image layers and item layers inside a SpriteLayer must have the same color depth. The value of the sprite format is available as param1 and layer format as param2 . |
QulError_LayerEngine_RuntimeColorDepthChangeNotSupported | 100043 | Platform doesn't support runtime layer color depth changes. |
QulError_LayerEngine_SpriteNotWithinSpriteLayer | 100044 | Sprite coordinates are not within sprite layer. The value of the X is available as param1 and Y as param2 . |
QulError_LayerEngine_UnsupportedAlignment | 100045 | Unsupported image alignment. Alignment must be param1 bytes. Alignment is configured with ImageFiles.MCU.Experimental.resourceAlignment . |
QulError_LayerEngine_UnsupportedColorDepth | 100046 | Unsupported color depth. The value of the color depth is available as param1 . |
QulError_LayerEngine_UnsupportedPerScanlinePadding | 100047 | Unsupported per-scanline padding. |
QulError_LayerEngine_UnsupportedPitch | 100048 | Unsupported image pitch. Width alignment must be param bytes. Alignment is configured with ImageFiles.MCU.Experimental.resourceAlignment. |
QulError_LayerEngine_UnsupportedPixelFormat | 100049 | Unsupported pixel format. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_VirtualKeyboard_LayoutsNotFound | 100050 | No layouts found. At least one valid locale directory (can be empty) is expected in addition to the fallback directory. |
QulError_VirtualKeyboard_AlternativeKeysValueHasNoNextElement | 100051 | Internal error. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Lcdifv2Layer_DisplayControllerInitializationFailed | 100052 | Lcdifv2 engine failed to initialize display controller. |
QulError_Lcdifv2Layer_LayerAllocationFailed | 100053 | Lcdifv2 layer memory allocation failed. |
QulError_Lcdifv2Layer_LayerCountExceeded | 100054 | Lcdifv2 layers count exceeded. |
QulError_Lcdifv2Layer_LayerNotSet | 100055 | Lcdifv2 layer has not been set. |
QulError_Lcdifv2Layer_UnsupportedPixelFormat | 100056 | Unsupported pixel format for Lcdifv2. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_Linux_InvalidDrmState | 100057 | The DRM state was invalid. |
QulError_LruCache_SizeExceeded | 100058 | The cache size was exceeded. |
QulError_MemoryAllocator_InvalidArgument | 100059 | An invalid argument was used. |
QulError_MessageQueue_MessageTooLong | 100060 | The message size of the requested queue is larger than what the system's queue is able to hold. |
QulError_MessageQueue_RequestFailed | 100061 | The system failed to provide a new queue. |
QulError_PathData_InvalidSize | 100062 | Ill formed path data. The value of the size is available as param1 . |
QulError_PathData_SegmentOutOfRange | 100063 | Tried to access segment at index param1 of a path that has param2 segments. |
QulError_PathData_SizeOverflow | 100064 | Integer overflow in path size. The value of the size is available as param1 . |
QulError_PathData_UnknownSegmentType | 100065 | The path contains an unknown segment of type param1 . |
QulError_PathDataIterator_NextSegmentDoesNotExist | 100066 | Failed to access next segment in the path. |
QulError_PathDataIterator_UnexpectedSegmentType | 100067 | Unexpected segment type for the operation. The value of the type is available as param1 . |
QulError_PathDataSegment_SegmentIndexOutOfRange | 100068 | The segment index is invalid. The value of the index is available as param1 and segment count as param2 . |
QulError_PathDataSegment_UnexpectedControlElementCount | 100069 | Unexpected control element count. Element index is available as param1 , total element count as param2 and the type of the path as param3 . |
QulError_PathDataStroker_InvalidArc | 100070 | Unable to stroke the arc from given data. |
QulError_PathDataStroker_MemoryAllocationFailed | 100071 | Path data memory allocation failed. |
QulError_PathDataStroker_UnknownCapStyle | 100072 | Unknown cap style. The value of the style is available as param1 . |
QulError_PathDataStroker_UnknownJoinStyle | 100073 | Unknown join style. The value of the style is available as param1 . |
QulError_PerformanceLogging_InvalidStackRange | 100074 | Invalid stack range. The current, first and last stack pointers are available as param1 , param2 and param3 . |
QulError_Platform_ExecImplementationMissing | 100075 | The implementation for Qul::Platform::PlatformContext::exec is missing. |
QulError_Platform_MemoryAllocationFailed | 100076 | Platform memory allocation failed. |
QulError_PreloadAllocator_UnsupportedOperation | 100077 | Unsupported operation on the PreloadAllocator. |
QulError_Qspi_SdkError | 100078 | Error returned from the SDK's QSPI driver. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as SDK defined error type. |
QulError_Ram_InitializationFailed | 100079 | Initialization of the RAM failed. |
QulError_ResourceStorageSection_LoadFailed | 100080 | Loading of the resource storage section failed. |
QulError_Rh850_CdiError | 100081 | Renesas RH850 CDI error. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as uint32_t. |
QulError_Rh850_Drw2dError | 100082 | Renesas RH850 DRW2D error. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as r_drw2d_Error_t. |
QulError_Rh850_WmError | 100083 | Renesas RH850 WM error. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as r_wm_Error_t. This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Rng_SdkError | 100084 | Error returned from the SDK's Random Number Generator driver. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as SDK defined error type. |
QulError_Screen_UnsupportedDisplayColorFormat | 100085 | Unsupported display color format. The value of the format is available as param1 . |
QulError_Texture_InvalidCoordinate | 100086 | Pixel coordinate out of bounds. The value of X is available as param1 and Y as param2 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Texture_UnsupportedPixelFormat | 100087 | Unsupported pixel format. The value of the format is available as param1 . This error code is only available in debug builds. |
QulError_Timer_SdkError | 100088 | Error returned from the SDK's timer driver. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as SDK defined error type. |
QulError_TouchDriver_InitializationFailed | 100089 | Initialization of the touch driver failed. |
QulError_Vglite_InitializationFailed | 100090 | VGLite could not be initialized. |
QulError_Vglite_DrawingBufferNotSet | 100091 | Drawing buffer for VGLite has not been set. |
QulError_Vglite_MemoryAllocationFailed | 100092 | VGLite memory allocation failed. |
QulError_Vglite_SdkError | 100093 | Error returned from the SDK's VGLite driver. The value of the return code is available as param1 . The return code value has to be interpreted as SDK defined error type. |
QulError_WindowInterface_MemoryAllocationFailed | 100094 | Window interface memory allocation failed. |
QulError_Platform_End | 100095 | Range end for Qt Quick Ultralite Platform error codes. |
QulError_Custom | 200000 | Range start for custom error codes. |
QulError_QmlList_NullList | 141 | No storage list(Qul::StaticList | Qul::DynamicList) is set for the ListProperty. |
QulError_QmlList_UnsupportedOperation | 142 | Unsupported operation by the qmllist in use that can be: Static, Dynamic, Value, Object. |
QulError_LinkedListNode_InvalidIndex | 140 | The Index is not in a valid LinkedList range |
Function Documentation
[since Qt Quick Ultralite 2.2]
const char *errorCodeToString(QulError code)
Returns a pointer to C-string representation of the error code.
On debug build, the function returns a string representation for error range start values and error codes in the Core
and Platform
range. On release build, it returns a string representation for error range start values and empty string for the rest of error code values.
Note: Returns an empty string for error codes in the Custom
This function was introduced in Qt Quick Ultralite 2.2.
See also Qul::PlatformInterface::error and Error handling.
Available under certain Qt licenses.
Find out more.